So, I think this is an awesome movie! I watch it every Halloween.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Little Vampire. :(

So there we were. In Scotland. Where my family and I had just moved to for who knew how long. Yay. I was so excited. As my sister would say, you can almost taste the sarcasm.

Now, you're probably wondering 'Who wouldn't want to live in Scotland?' Well, that would be me. Alyssa Thompson. I hated everything that had to do with Scotland.

Great attitude, huh? Well, I bet you would have felt like that f you moved halfway around the world and basically had to start your whole life over.

Overdramatic, much? Yup, that's me. Little Miss Pessimist.

Obviously I never fit in. Maybe it was because of my attitude; maybe it was because of the bright colors I highlight my hair with that made me stand out from the crowd. Or maybe it was the fact that I almost always was listening to my iPod and never really talked to anyone. The possibilities are endless.

Point is, I've only ever had two friends. I'm used to being called a freak, a loner, even antisocial. But to many people I was just that girl on the track team.

Anyway, I'm the oldest of three, Tony, who was nine, Kayla, who was thirteen, and I was fifteen at the time.

So, yeah this is the story of the weirdest couple of days in my life and how they also changed my life.

Yeah, so this is the prologue thingy, I know it's short but it felt necessary. I don't know why… Reviews?