
Chapter 1: Intro


Naruto: 14

Sasuke: 15

Kyuubi: 17

Itachi: 17

"I'm serious, Sasuke. Don't take too much off." Naruto cried out as he stared at his boyfriend's reflection in the mirror. Sasuke rolled his eyes with a smirk as he picked up the scissors off of the sink. "I wont." His deep voice bounced off the walls in the small bathroom sending chills up the blonde's back. "You don't need all that hair anyway. You look like a chick."

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror. His hair reached down to his shoulders, framing his soft features. 'I do kind of look like a girl.' He thought with a sigh. "Fine." He huffed. "Do what you want." He gulped hard when he felt the cool metal brush across his neck.

Snip. Snip. Snip.

All he could hear was the distinct sound of hair being cut. He loved his hair too much. Once he the snipping stopped he opened his eyes slowly and gazed into the mirror. "Wha... What the hell?" He screamed, whipping around to Sasuke. "Are you kidding me?"

Sasuke smirked and ran his fingers through the ruffled blonde spikes he had created, pushing the loose hair away. "It looks good." Naruto smacked his hand away and turned back around to look in the mirror. "I told you not to take too much off." He shook his head rapidly to fluff out the spikes. "God, I look like an idiot." He mumbled.

"Well, then it isn't much of a transition, is it?" The raven poked Naruto in the side, only to receive a fierce punch in the chest. "Shut up! And get out. I want to take shower." He pushed his boyfriend to the door in the bathroom. Before he closed the door, Sasuke looked back and watched as Naruto removed his shirt.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, almost in a whisper, referring to the bruises that littered the others back. Naruto saw the worried look on Sasuke's face and smiled. "I'm fine, Sasuke. It looks worse than it feels." The raven nodded with a forced smile and closed the door behind him, leaving Naruto alone.

'What the hell are we doing?' Naruto asked himself as he stared into his own deep blue eyes. It had been three days, and already, he was tired of hiding.

5 days ago

Naruto sobbed and sobbed on his bedroom floor, his back burst with sparks of pain when his body shook. He didn't understand how someone could react so violently to such a simple thing. He loved Sasuke... that's all. Why did it have to be like this? They just wanted to be together.

"Naruto?" They blonde shook slightly and shoved his face into the carpet. He didn't want to be seen like this. "Hey." His older brother, Kyuubi, made his way over to the shaken boy. "Are you alright?"

'Damn.' The redhead thought. 'Dad, really messed him up.' He bent down and lifted the smaller male onto the bed. He pushed his brother gently so that he was laying on his side and lifted his shirt up. The boy's back was already turning black and blue. "Did Sasuke leave?" Naruto mumbled, almost too silent for Kyuubi to hear.

"Yeah. His parents made him leave."

"I'm never going to see him again... am I?" His silent tears fell into sobs and his body began to shake again. "We made a big mistake. We shouldn't have told you guys we were together. It was a stupid idea. My stupid idea... of course."

Kyuubi didn't like seeing his little brother like this. The fact that Naruto was even crying made him want to beat the hell out of their dad for even thinking of laying a hand on his little brother. "It wasn't a stupid idea. You guys did what a lot of kids in your situation wouldn't even dream of doing. It is obvious that you two love each other, and I don't mean shitty high school love either. What you and Sasuke have is as real as it gets. You and Sasuke will be together again. No matter what." He chuckled. "I know you. You'll do whatever it takes for you and Sasuke to be happy."


Sasuke stared at the complimentary newspaper they had received when they checked into the motel. He wondered how many people would be able to recognize the two of them, even with Naruto's new hair and his own lack of lip and eyebrow rings. 'They think we're dead.' He thought solemnly. The head line made that clear.

Missing Teens Presumed Dead After Discovery of Stolen Car

It was crazy to see Naruto's and his picture in the obituary. Their funerals were held on the same day, different locations of course. 'I wonder if they still paid for the burials even though they don't have bodies.' He laughed to himself.

"What's so funny?"

The raven looked up and smiled at his little ray of sunshine. "This." He held up the paper. "They really think we're dead. I guess our plan worked." Naruto smiled and flopped onto the bed next to Sasuke. "Do you think we should change our names?" He asked looking over their pictures. "Well... I don't think we'll need to. No one knows us around here and no one really cares enough to remember the faces of two 'dead' teenagers they see in the paper. Plus, we both look different."

"No! I look different. You chopped off all my hair. All you did was take your lip and eyebrow rings out!"

"Ugh! Shut up! You're so loud. It doesn't matter. We'll be forgotten anyway. Just forget about it." Sasuke poked Naruto's cheek. The blonde just rolled his eyes and tossed the paper onto the floor and let his head fall onto the plush surface of the comforter. "I like it here." He pulled his stuffed fox that he had brought along closer to his chest. "Do we have to leave?" He asked through a yawn.


Kyuubi stared stood in the doorway of his younger brother's room. It was weird. His mother had cleaned it after the funeral a few days ago. Normally they young blonde would have it torn up again. It was so quiet. How could this happen? What could have been going through their minds when they did it.

"I know you. You'll do whatever it takes for you and Sasuke to be happy."

'Maybe he took that too literally.' He thought to himself. He sat down on the bed and looked around the room. When Naruto and Sasuke had first gone missing, he automatically assumed that they just ran away together. He had come into the room to see if there was a note that he had left, but he found nothing. The only thing he noticed was that there were things missing from the room. Some clothes, the picture of himself and Naruto, and his stuffed fox that he always had with him.

Kyuubi smiled at the thought of his brother wanting a little piece of him when he died. He wished his parents could understand that what Naruto and Sasuke had was special. None of this would have happened if they just listened.

"Kyuubi." He heard a faint voice enter the room. "Dinner is ready." He didn't turn to face his mother. He just continued to stare around the room. "Alright. I'll be down in a minute." When he was sure that his mother was gone, he stood up and headed for the door. He stopped for a second to look at the picture of Naruto and Sasuke. They were so happy. A bit of a smile graced his lips. "You guys are such idiots."

YAY! A new story. Sorry the intro is so short.

OMG! I have soooo many good ideas for this! You have no idea! :D

Thanks for reading!