'I hate you so much' she shouted at me, a hint of a smile playing with her lips.
'Hate you too' I smiled at her. She glared at me and broke into a smile. She groaned and turned to stomp away into Carlys apartment. The door slammed behind her and I chuckled to myself.

This was our daily routine. Sam would start a fight about the stupidest things, I'd pretend to react, let her beat me up and then we would tell each other we hated the other, even though we both knew it wasn't true. But for the last couple of weeks, she hasn't been around that much. That's right, I said let her beat me up. Truth is, I've been able to beat her up for a while now. All that fencing and working out at the gym with Gibby really paid off (Though it hasn't been kind to Gibby) I work at the gym now much to my mother's dislike, (she thinks if I get enough money I'd get on a train and leave her). I let Sam beat me up because I like seeing how happy it makes her when I'm in pain. Wow, that sounded weird. But ever since a couple of weeks ago, she started acting...differently.
I opened the door to my apartment and went straight to my room. My mom was at a one month first aid course, not that she needed to go. I opened my laptop and decided to fix some things on the icarly website.

I woke up due to the light shining through my window. I sat up and realised that I fell asleep at my desk. I got up and realised I had icarly rehearsal in an hour. I grabbed a pair of clothes and quickly changed and went over to Carlys. I opened the door to find Spencer on a ladder working on his latest sculpture.
'Hey Spence' I called so he would hear.
'Hey Freddo!' Spencer called leaning so he could see me causing him to fall of the ladder and on to the floor. I ran over to help him up,
'Whoa, you okay?' I asked. He answered by nodding breathlessly.
'Okay...Where's Carls?' I wondered
'CARLAY! FREDDIES HERE!' He shouted, rubbing his shoulder. 'Just go up, Freddie' He gestured behind his to the stairs. I walked up the stairs taking them two at a time, up to the icarly studio.

'Hey Carls' I greeted her when I walked in, slamming the door shut after me, 'So where's Sam?' I asked trying not to make it seem like I cared by walking over to the tech cart and pretending to do something on the laptop.
'She's not coming so I thought we could just think of ideas and write them down and maybe email them to her?' she asked.
'Yeah sure,' I shrugged, 'why isn't she coming?' I asked
'She said her mom wanted her for something about a bikini?' She said more like asking herself; 'I can't really remember' she shrugged and continued writing stuff on her pad.
This is the 5th rehearsal she's missed in two weeks. Maybe I should go and look for her after rehearsal. I pulled out my phone and text her,

To: Sam
From: Freddie

Where are you? Carly says you're helping your mom?

I pressed send before going over to join Carly on the bean bag chairs.

It was the end of rehearsal (Well, I can't really call it rehearsal seeing as Sam wasn't there so we couldn't do much) and Sam still hadn't text me back. I was getting worried.

I put my phone away after texting Carls saying I wouldn't be at rehearsal because my mom wanted me to help her choose a bikini. I hated lying to her. I took a deep breath before opening my front door. I was overwhelmed with the smell of alcohol that hit me as soon as I stepped in.
'SAM?' I heard my mother's drunken voice coming from the kitchen, 'IS THAT YOU?' she shouted
I quietly made my way in the kitchen.
'Yeah it's me, mom' I said quietly but just loud enough for her to hear it
'Where have you been?' She shouted at me, slapping me across the cheek sending me to the floor,
'At Carlys house' I whimpered holding my cheek, 'That's a lie! Don't think I can't tell when you're lying!' She shouted kicking me in the ribs repeatedly. I let out a sharp cry of pain as she kicked me in the back of the head.
'Please stop' I whimpered. She ignored me and pulled me up by my hair. I let out a sharp cry of pair as she punched me in my stomach. She grabbed my hair and threw me against the wall. I hit my head as I fell to the floor.
'Get out of my sight' she hissed at me. I tried to get up but I just fell against the floor again. She stormed over to me kicked me in the shin once more, 'DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO GET OUT OF MY SIGHT?' she screamed at me
'I can't...'I whimpered, '...get up' I managed to say as I was struggling to stand up.
'Well, let me help you' She said sarcastically. She grabbed my hair and dragged me to my room. She kicked my door open and threw me in. 'Your an ungrateful, selfish little cow' She shouted at me before slamming the door. l stayed laying on the floor of my bedroom, not being able to drag myself to the bed. I drifted off to sleep but was soon wakened by the loud murmuring of my mother in the other room. Who was she talking to? I asked myself. I listened to her talking.
'Hey, Baby' my mother purred. Oh no. Not Pete. I can't deal with him right now. I listened to the conversation. 'She's being ungrateful again' my mother sighed at him; 'can you go and teach her a lesson?' I didn't hear anything after that until I heard someone's footsteps heading toward my door. I immediately panicked. I tried to stand up but I couldn't. My door swung open revealing Pete, my mother's boyfriend. When he was over here she would let him do anything he wanted to me. Sometimes when she was out, she would send him to 'babysit' me. He walked toward me and crouched down to my level.
'Your mother says you're being ungrateful again?' He asked, patronising me, 'She says I should teach you a lesson' he said. He leant down to my ear and whispered; 'we can have another special time' I shivered,
'I don't-' I managed to get out, 'want-' I tried to get up but my ribs were hurting too much that whenever I tried I would just fall back down again.
'You don't want me?' asked Pete, 'well, that's rude' he feigned being hurt, 'unfortunately for you, that's not your decision' he said. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me down on the bed. I yelled out in pain from my ribs. He started to rip off my clothes. I screamed and tried to fight him off, but I couldn't move with my probably broken ribs. It would be useless anyway. He started to rip of his clothes. I couldn't breathe as he put all his weight on me. I shut my eyes and waited for it to be over. Finally, I felt his weight lift off me. I opened my eyes and he was gone. I dragged myself into the bathroom not bringing myself to look in the mirror yet. I sat leaning against the bathtub thinking about what I had left. This had been going on for 2 years now and I was getting tired of the same routine. I couldn't think of anything I had. Carly? She had Freddie and he was hopelessly in love with her. They wouldn't miss me. They had each other. I had no friends, no family that would miss me. A soon as I came to that conclusion I reached up to my sink and grabbed my razor, and brought it to my wrist. I dragged it across, the blood starting emerging. I did it again, and again, and again. I kept slashing until I started to drift off to sleep with the razor still in my hand.