Hey guys! Thanks for reading so far! Remember to review! Disclaimer: Do I own PSG? No. Do I own Gage? Yes.

It was 2 in the morning and the entire church was dead quite, other than the sound of laughter and talking coming from stocking's room. Gage, Panty, Brief, and Stocking all sat together as they talked and played games.

Panty was laying her head on Brief as he stroked her hair. Stocking and Gage were feeding each other sweets from they're stashes that they bought that day.

"Holy crap! Gage! Taste this thing I got from that gas station! It's called a Twinkie!" Gage opened his mouth as she threw it at his mouth. It hit the side of his cheek and exploded on Panty.

Gage and Stocking broke out laughing as Panty stood up and punched Gage. He flew backwards but landed on his feet sliding back.

"Hey, calm down Panty!" She pulled out Blacklace and proceeded to shower him in bullets. He quickly pulled out Zweihander and held it like a shield as the bullets deflected off of it.

"That's enough!" Brief yelled. Panty put Blacklace back on and sat down with Brief again.

Gage withdrew Zweihander as he sat with Stocking again. "Are you alright Gage?" He nodded and pulled out some cookie dough. "Sorry about Panty, she can be a real bitch sometimes."

That pissed Panty off. "Come on Brief! Let's go to bed, I'm tired." Panty said as she said as she stormed off to her room next door.

Gage and Stocking smiled at each other and put their food away. "I'm glad you're here Gage, I can't stand being the only one with a sweets addiction."

He laughed and nodded. "I hade the same problem back home." Stocking looked at the sky with a dreamy expression on her face. Gage chuckled "Yeah, I miss it already."

Stocking ran up to Gage and hugged him. "S-stocking?" She squeezed him tight and started to cry. "I miss Heaven!" She sobbed into his chest. He hugged her back and held her.

"I know we haven't known each other for very long but, I can't sleep alone tonight. Please sleep with me?" Gage considered this for a moment.

On one hand, He did like Stocking and they seemed to connect on almost every level. On the other hand, they have only known each other for a day. But then again, her bed is big and they won't be having sex or anything…

Gage hugged her tighter. "Of course." He could feel her smiling against his chest. "Thank you." She mumbled. "Are you falling asleep?" She nodded lazily. "You're so warm."

She mumbled again, rubbing her head on his chest. He blushed, holding her embrace for a bit longer. Stocking pulled away slightly and looked up at him. She put a hand on his chest and giggled.

Gage Blushed a dark scarlet and she giggled harder. "Your heart, it feels like a car motor…" She mumbled. Gage was confused for a second, but then he realized something.

His heart was beating really fast. He blushed again and his heart kept racing. "Carry me…" she mumbled. He could feel her starting to let him support her weight.

Gage picked up Stocking bridal style and put her on her bed. She patted next to her "I want to feel your warmness again…" she mumbled. He told her to wait as she buried her face in her pillows.

Gage took off his shirt and jacket, revealing his slightly toned muscles. He switched his pants and underwear to some PJ pants.

Stocking looked up and giggled at the cookies that covered his pants. He chuckled and laid next to her. She snuggled up to him and rubbed her face against his bare chest. "Gage, I feel safe with you…"

Gage took this opportunity to mess with her. "Looks like someone has a crush." She sat up fast as Gage laughed hard. "Shut up Cookie!" she screamed as she hit him.

"Cookie?" he asked. "Oh, um, that's my nickname for you." She said blushing. Gage chuckled "I like it." He said as she smiled and laid down with him again. "Really?" she asked.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Your eyes are beautiful…" she said.

Stocking could barley think or talk correctly. He mind and heart was filled with the man in front of her. "So are yours…" Gage was afflicted with the same thing as they laid together.

Stocking slowly leaned in as Gage did the same. Their lips met and they slowly pulled apart. Both of their heads were filed with passion and mist.

The feeling was amazing for the both of them as they both fell asleep in each others arms.

(Scene break)

Stocking woke up, holding onto Gage as he snored lightly. She giggled as she remembered last night. She kissed his chest and listened to his heart. As soon as she did she felt it beat faster.

"So does this mean you control my heart?" She jumped in surprise as Gage sat up.

She giggled again. "You know it cookie!" He chuckled as she climbs up his chest and kissed him. "I feel like I've known you for a long time Gage." He kissed her again. "That's because we are so much alike."

She rested her head on his chest and sighed with happiness. "Hey Stocking?" She looked up at him. "I…"

The door opened as Panty came in wearing one of Briefs white shirts. It hung on her body like a dress as Brief came in with only pants on. "Stocking, wake… up."

Panty's mouth hung open as Stocking winked at her while keeping her head on Gage's chest.

Panty drew Blacklace and shot at Gage. He dodged, but he had to jump out of the bed. "What the fack! How dare you have sex with my sister!" she screamed as she fired a hail of bullets at Gage.

Gage deflected all of then with Zweihander and then proceeded to grab Panty.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Gage yelled at her. "Me and Stocking didn't have sex! She was feeling lonely and wanted me to sleep with her." Stocking got up and stretched. "Though we did kiss."

She said yawning. Gage let panty go and she calmed down.

"Just get dressed and meet us downstairs." Panty said snapping her fingers as Brief followed her. Stocking giggled as she kissed Gage. "I'll go change in the bathroom okay?" Stocking smiled.

"Ok cookie, I'll wait for you down stairs after I change."

"Wait, Gage!" Gage stopped at the door and looked at her. "I'm glad I found you…" she said blushing, wishing she hadn't said that. He smiled and walked up to her. "I'm glad I found you too." He said as he kissed her passionately.

(Scene Break)

Gage walked down the stairs to see everyone sitting waiting for him. He had on a plain red t-shirt and some jeans.

Stocking was wearing her usual black dress and Panty was wearing a plain green t-shirt, with a white coat and white skirt. Brief was wearing a yellow t-shirt with some jeans.

Gage sat next to Stocking as she laid on him. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. A small moan escaped from her lips as she became drowsy with affection.

Panty was glaring at Gage and mouthed 'I will kill you!' Garter walked in, surprised at the display of affection between Gage and Stocking.

"Looks like you two got together last night. I heard moaning and spanking, but I assumed it was those two." He said pointing at the other couple.

"Aye, it was them Garter, not us." He nodded. "Fair enough. We have been blessed with a hint from the Heavens above!" He said showing them a scroll with something written on it.

Everyone passed it around until Gage got it. It read "Pound" Gage looked at Garter. "What does it mean?" Garter smiled "Well, based on what I know, it's the ghost of euthanized dogs.

So I would guess that it's the Daten city dog pound." Stocking sat up and thought for a moment. "Wait, isn't it by that bakery?" Gage laughed "We can pick up a cake or two. How does that sound?" Stocking smiled and kissed him.

All four of them walked to the elevator that led to the underground tunnel. They all got in see-through as Panty fired up the engine. See-through roared to life as they sped off down the tunnel.

As they reached the end, Panty pressed a button on the stick shift which caused the tunnel exit to open. "Wow! This is awesome!" Gage yelled as they flew through the air. See-through landed on the road and they took of to the dog pound.

"So, Stocking, what does this make us? I mean, do you want to wait until we know each other better before we say we are going out? Or do you want to just make it official?"

Stocking, who was already laying on Gage's chest looked up at him. "Well I-" Just then Garter came up on the T.V screen in the car.

"About that Stocking! When you were a human, you knew Gage! In fact, you two died in each others arms!" Suddenly the car stopped. "Wait what?" Panty screamed.

"Before you can become an angel, you die on earth. Gage and Stocking were teenagers, when they were caught in a house fire."

Stocking pulled Gage into a long kiss. Her soft lips connected with his and they both felt like flying. Neither one of them have ever felt love like this before. "It's official then."

Gage said smiling. Stocking smiled back. Garter cleared his throat and they both looked at the screen. The angels blushed and motioned for Garter to continue.

"Anyways, I thought you might want to know, reports of a big dog attacking the Daten city pound are popping up everywhere. Proceed with caution!"

Garter disappeared from the screen and Panty continued to drive.

"I love you Stocking." Gage said pulling the beautiful angel in for a kiss. "I love you too." She said as she kissed the man she has known since they were alive.

Gage held Stocking close, happier than he's ever been. "You are mine and you always will be." Gage said as he lightly kissed her lips.

"We are here you two! So you can stop raping each other's lips." Stocking sighed as she got off of Gage. "You're just jealous whore." Stocking said as she jumped out of the car.

Stocking followed her sister into the pound, giving Brief and Gage time to actually talk alone.

"So you and Panty love each other?" He sighed. "Only when I'm acting macho and such." He said looking at his feet. Gage offered him a cookie but he turned it down.

"I just don't like having to be like that. I want what you and Stocking have, a normal relationship." Gage chuckled. "Since when were we normal? Last time I checked, we just found out we used to be in love."

Brief looked at Gage. "Truth is, love with an angel is not normal but, if you find one that you do love, it won't be hard to keep it."

Just then, a huge dog busted through the top of the pound growing in size. It kept growing until it was bigger then the building itself. The boys got out of the car ready to fight.

Gage caught up to the two angels gaping at the huge dog. He reached out and grabbed Stocking's hand, prepared to fight with them.

"You guys ready?" Gage asked. They nodded as they all looked at the ghost. "Panty, keep it busy, while Stocking and I charge." Panty seemed confused at the charging part but nodded anyways.

"Alright you big mutt, lets dance!" The dog growled and roared at us.

"O wicked spirit, born of a lost soul in limbo; receive judgment from the garb of the holy virgin; cleansed of worldly impurities; return to Heaven and Earth." Panty chanted as she striped her panties off.

She changed into her angel outfit and shot at the dog. The bullets deflected off of it as she charged at it. "Come on you fatherfacker!"

"Stocking, ready?" She nodded. Gage squeezed her hand and begun. There was no stripper pole or dance club music. The words flowed from they're mouths with out them realizing what they were saying.

"O wicked spirit, born of a lost soul in limbo; receive judgment from the garb of the holy virgin; cleansed of worldly impurities; return to Heaven and Earth. Feel the power of love between two angels and repent for your sins!" they chanted in unison.

When they transformed into their outfits, they were different. Stocking wore a dress similar to her original one only white. Her hair changed from a blue and pink, to a white and pink.

Her eyes glowed white as she slid her Stockings off turning them into Stripe 1 & 2.

Gage transformed into a pure white jacket and pure white pants. His hair changed pure white along with Stocking's. He took off his gloves as they transformed into his huge sword Zweihander.

"This is where you will repent!" They screamed as they charged with power. An invisible wind enveloped them causing their hair to whip around.

Their swords glowed brighter as their souls were starting to come together.

The dog looked at the two angels, before Panty shot it in the face. "Hey, you're fighting me not them!" She screamed at it.

She continued to dodge its attacks. She shot in the face causing it to get angry.

"Stocking, are you ready?" Gage asked looking at her. She looked scared. "It's alright Stocking, I love you." She nodded. "I love you too."

Gage screamed as their souls connected and fused beside them. Soon their bodies did too. It was still just Stocking, but she was holding a huge sword twice the size of her.

"Let's kill it." Gage said in her head. She nodded as she swung the sword around with ease. "Panty! Bring its attention over here!"

Panty landed next to Stocking as she laughed. "Where is Gage? Is he too chicken to fight?" Suddenly Stocking changed into Gage as he looked at her.

"Fuck you." And they changed back to Stocking.

"You heard the man Panty!" Stocking said as shed slammed the sword on the ground creating a shockwave that sliced the dog in half.

She then swung the sword around as a ton of little shockwaves slice it to pieces. Panty then shot it in the head and a huge hole appeared.

"Woof, woof?" it said as it exploded. The church bell rang signifying its passing. Stocking and Gage defused and they went back to normal. "Nice work angels!"

Garter said appearing next to Gage. "AH!" Gage screamed in surprise. "Fucking afro priest…" Gage muttered.

Stocking laughed and helped him up. They shared a kiss and she held onto him. 10 Heaven coins landed in Garter's afro. "I'll hold onto these!"

Panty jumped on Garter. "Hey, afro priest! Those are ours!" Garter easily threw her off. "Shut up you bitch! Come back to the church when you guys are ready.

Have some fun, or something." All four of them looked at each other. "You heard him! Let's go party and shopping!" Screamed Panty.

Thank god, I'm done! Hope you guys like it! Please review, review, review!

A little piece of trivia: Zweihander is German for 2- hander or great sword.