Chapter 15: New Arrivals

It has now been 7 months after Enmma tried taking over the world by trying to destroy it. Kagome's belly was extremely round and instead of walking she waddled.

During those 7 months the staff and Sesshomaru learned to stay away from Kagome when she was having one of her mood swings, but being Kagome's mate he couldn't escape all of her wrath or weird cravings.

Many a night he found himself going out to buy odd foods just to satisfy Kagome. He only denied her once and he never made that mistake again.

It was late afternoon and Kagome was watching tv with Miroku and Alex. "What time is Sesshomaru supposed to be home tonight?" Alex asked. "I guess sometime around 6 p.m." Kagome said moving uncomfortably. "I see, are you alright?" Alex asked. "Yea, just feeling a little cramping." Kagome said. Alex nodded and went back to watching tv. Kagome then slowly stood, "Does anyone want anything while I am up?" She asked. "No, I'm good." Miroku said. "Yea me too." Alex said. Kagome nodded and walked out of the room and into the dining room. Once she walked into the kitchen Kagome gasped.

When she had walked in Cook saw her and was about to ask her if she needed anything but saw Kagome stop and gasp. Both he and Kagome looked to the floor to see a puddle of water, "My lady, your water just broke." He said. Kagome looked up at him terror clear on her face. "Stay calm, I'll call an ambulance." He said going to the phone and dialing 911.

"911 what is your emergency?" an operator asked. "Yes, Mrs. Tashio's water has broken and she's in labor." He said. "Alright sir, what is your address?" the operator asked. "549 Pine Crest dr." He said. "Alright sir, we have dispatched an ambulance. I will stay on the line until they get there. Is Mrs. Tashio ok?" the operator said. "Yes, ma'am. She is sitting in a chair." He said. "Is her breathing alright, and what is her pain scale on a scale of 1-10?" She asked.

Cook looked to Kagome, "My lady what is your pain on a scale of 1-10?" He asked. Kagome breathed in, "About a 7" She said. "Ma'am she said it was a 7." He said. "Alright, tell her to keep breathing." She said. So cook told her and she nodded.

Back in the living room Alex and Miroku got up to see what was taking Kagome so long. When they walked in they saw her sitting at the table with her hand on her belly and doing her breathing exercises. "What's going on?" Miroku asked. Cook looked at Miroku, "The misses is in labor, her water broke." He said motioning to the towel on the floor. Alex looked to Kagome and rushed to her, "Alright Kagome, it's almost time." She smiled.

Kagome glared at her, "It's not happening fast enough, this hurts." She breathed. "Well from what I hear that's just the tip of the iceberg. This is only the first stages of labor." Alex laughed. "Don't tell me that." Kagome groaned.

Miroku stepped off to the side and pulled his phone out and called Sesshomaru's desk phone. At the office Sesshomaru was on the phone with a client when his phone beeped indicating there was an incoming call. "Mr. Torro would you please hold?" He asked. "Yes sir Mr. Tashio." He said.

Sesshomaru then flipped phone lines, "This better be good Miroku to call me on my office phone." He said. "It is, Kagome's in labor, her water broke about 5 minutes ago. An ambulance is on its way." He said. Sesshomaru's eyes went wide, "What? Alright, I'll meet you at the hospital." He said hanging up.

Once Miroku got off the phone the paramedics walked in with a gurney. "Alright Mrs. Tashio, just lay down and breath." A paramedic said. Kagome nodded and laid on the gurney and the paramedic strapped her on and then wheeled her out of the house. "Who is riding with her?" The paramedic said. "I am." Alex said. The paramedic nodded as Alex jumped into the back of the ambulance.

Miroku then thanked cooked and went and got into his car and followed the ambulance. Once there Kagome was crying and moaning in pain. Once in the hospital a nurse ran up, "What do we have?" She asked. "Mrs. Tashio here is in labor." He said. The nurse nodded and went to Kagome's side, "Mrs. Tashio my name is Tina, I am going to check you to see how far along you are." She said. Kagome nodded in pain. "Please I just want medicine." She cried. "Alright, let me check you first." She said.

So Tina took Kagome's pants and underwear off and put a pair of gloves on and then went to check to see how many centimeters she was. Kagome gasped when she felt Tina's hand go to her womanhood. After a few second Tina removed her hand and smiled, "You are 5 centimeters. I will get you a room right away and then we will get you an epidural." She said. "Alright." She said.

Alex then stepped up to Kagome's side once Tina left and grabbed Kagome hand. "Go ahead and squeeze when there is pain." She said. About every 4 minutes Kagome squeezed the hell out of Alex's hand every time she had a contraction. About 5 minutes later Miroku walked in, "How is she?" He asked. "She's 5 centimeters dilated. The nurse is getting her a room and then getting Kagome some meds." Alex said.

Kagome then saw Miroku, "Where is Sesshomaru?" She panted. "He's on his way." He said. Kagome nodded and closed her eyes to try and ease the pain. Even though she was a demon miko it did little to ease the pain.

20 minutes later Kagome was given a hospital gown and told to change into it and then wheeled to her suite where she was hooked up to an IV. "Alright Kagome the anesthesiologist will be right in." Tina said. "Ok." She said. Sure enough 5 minutes later a nurse and doctor walked in.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Tashio, my name is Rio and I am going to be your anesthesiologist today." He smiled. Kagome smiled, "Forgive me if I don't look happy, I am just in a lot of pain." She said. Rio chuckled, "Well we will just have to fix that. First I am going to need your two friends to leave, this is a sterile procedure." He said. Alex looked to Kagome and Kagome nodded. "We'll be right outside." She said taking Miroku and walking out.

Rio then placed on his scrubs and mask, "Alright Mrs. Tashio, please sit with your back facing me and hunch your back like a cat." He said. "You can call me Kagome." She said doing as he asked. "Alright Kagome, I am going to be placing benidine on your back to sterilize it so it will be cold." He said. "Ok." She said. "Oh this is my assistant Mura." He smiled. "Hello Mura." Kagome said. "Hi, if you feel you need to hold onto me feel free too." She smiled. Kagome nodded and grabbed her hand. Once Rio was done sterilizing her back he grabbed the numbing medication. "Ok Kagome you will feel a sting, I am going to numb the area so hunch your back for me." He said feeling along her back for the perfect place before sticking her.

Kagome hissed in pain, "Alright Kagome that was the worst of it. Now I am going to place the catheter. Tell me if it hurts you at all." He said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Sometimes if the catheter isn't placed right it can hit nerves and cause discomfort." He said. "Oh ok." She said. So Rio placed the catheter no problem and then removed the needle. "You're all set Kagome, you should feel the effect in about 5 minutes. The nurses will be coming in to place another catheter for you." He smiled. "What do you mean, where are they putting this catheter?" She asked. "With the epidural it will numb you from your stomach down so they need to place a catheter so you don't pee yourself." He chuckled. Kagome blushed, "Oh." She said.

Rio bowed to her and left and the nurses rushed in and placed the catheter. Then Alex and Miroku came back in. "Where is Sesshomaru?" She asked. "Stuck in traffic, I got a text from him. He said he'll be here in 10 minutes." Miroku said. "How do you feel?" Alex asked. "Good, I feel no pain. What do my contractions say on that monitor?" Kagome asked. Alex looked over and smiled, "They are off the charts." She said.

So for 10 minutes they all laughed and joked until Sesshomaru rushed into the room. "Kagome, I came as soon as I heard. I am so sorry I am late traffic was holding me up." He said. "It's ok Sesshomaru. I am happy right now, no pain since I got my epidural." She said. "Good, alright." He said. Kagome could see he was freaking out and chuckled, "Calm yourself Sesshomaru, it's ok." She said. "Sorry, it's not every day you have a pup." He said. "This is true." She said.

About 2 hours later a doctor came in with Kagome's charts, "Mrs. Tashio, my name is Dr. Luke. I will be delivering your pup tonight." He smiled. "Hello Dr. Luke, this is my mate Sesshomaru Tashio." She said. The doctor shook his hand, "Very nice to meet the famous Mr. Tashio." He smiled. "Alright Kagome, we are going to do an ultrasound to make sure your pup is turned the right way." Luke said.

So Dr. Luke grabbed the jelly and lifted her gown and squirted some on her, then he grabbed the ultrasound wand and turned on the monitor. He then placed the wand on her belly and moved it around. Kagome and Sesshomaru looked in fascination seeing as they didn't do many of these. As Dr. Luke looked he frowned a bit and Sesshomaru saw this. "What's the matter?" He asked. "Nothing, everything is perfectly fine. Looks like we are going to have to do an emergency C-section though." He said.

Kagome's head snapped up, "What?" She asked. Dr. Luke chuckled, "Because you are having twins and they are both feet first." He said. "Twins? How did I not know I was having twins?" She asked. "The second pup could have been hiding further back on other ultrasounds. We will be prepping you right away, don't worry you will be just fine and given the best pain medication." He said. "Oh…ok." She said. So Dr. Luke walked out and went to get everything prepared.

Kagome turned to Sesshomaru, "I'm scared, we didn't plan on having two. What are we going to do?" She asked. "Don't worry, everything will be ok." He said.

"Ok, I just hope I don't have too much pain." She said. Sesshomaru took her and in his and looked at her.

"Don't worry, even if you do you will be taken care of." He said. Kagome then nodded. Just then a team of doctors came in.

"Hello Kagome, these are my interns. They are going to observing the surgery. Since you already have an epidural we will just add some more medication to make sure you can't feel a thing." Dr. Ryo said.

"I am not being put to sleep?" She asked shocked. Doctor Ryo shook his head.

"No, we try to stay away from doing that it makes the pups very tired after. But if something goes wrong and you start to feel pain while they are doing the surgery then we will put you under." He said.

"Oh." Kagome said. Once all questions were answered Kagome was wheeled out of the room and up two floors to the O.R. As Kagome was moved a certain way and a curtain hung up so she couldn't see her stomach she began to shiver.

"Are you cold Mrs. Tashio?" A nurse asked.

"Just a bit." She said. So the nurse walked over to a small heater and pulled out a blanket and placed it over her. Kagome stopped shivering and tried to relax. A few minutes later Sesshomaru walked in with scrubs on and sat next to Kagome and placed his hand on her head.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She said. Dr. Ryo and his staff got everything ready and his interns watched in fascination.

"Alright Kagome, we are about to make the incision. Please tell me if you feel anything." He said.

"Ok." She said nervously. Dr. Ryo made the first cut and waited, Kagome said nothing and he continued.

"Are you alright Kagome?" He asked.

"Yes, I don't feel a thing." She said.

"Excellent, we are about to deliver your first pup. Do you know what you are having?" He asked.

"No, we wanted it to be a surprise." Kagome said.

"Alright." He said. He then pulled the first pup from her stomach. He quickly handed it off to a nurse who began to clean the tiny pup who then started screaming. Kagome had tears running down her cheeks.

"That's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. What did we have?" She asked. The nurse smiled and walked over with the bundle and lowered the pup to her.

"You had a girl Mrs. Tashio, congratulations." She said. Kagome smiled and looked to Sesshomaru who looked at the tiny life he and Kagome had created.

"She's beautiful just like you." He said to her.

"Alright Kagome, I am about to break the second bag of water and your second pup is here." Dr. Ryo said.

Anxiously waiting the seconds that ticked by felt like hours, then all at once they heard another tiny cry. "Congratulations Kagome you have another beautiful girl." Ryo said. Kagome had the biggest grin on her face and looked at Sesshomaru.

"Are you mad we have two girls?" She asked.

"No, I am very happy. They are healthy and more beautiful than I could imagine." He said placing a kiss on her lips.

"Alright Kagome, I am stitching you back up and then you will be wheeled back to your room. Your daughters will be with you soon, the neonatal staff needs to make sure they are ok." Dr. Ryo said.

"Ok." Kagome said. It took only about 15 minutes to get Kagome all stitched up. She was then wheeled to her room where Alex and Miroku were waiting.

"Kagome, how did it go?" Alex asked.

"Great, we had two girls. They should be up here in a bit after the doctors check them over." Kagome said.

"Awe what are their names?" Miroku asked. Kagome then turned to Sesshomaru.

"We haven't picked out any names." He said. Kagome thought for a minutes and then knew the perfects names.

"Their names are Raven and Trista." Kagome said. Sesshomaru looked at Kagome and then smiled.

"Raven and Trista it is." He smiled. About an hour later Raven and Trista were wheeled into Kagome's room. Kagome decided to sleep a little while the others held the pups since she was on a lot of pain medication.

A few hours later Kagome awoke and Sesshomaru walked over to her with both pups. "Wow, they are so beautiful." She said.

"Indeed. Which one is which?" He asked.

Kagome looked at both pups, one had black hair like Kagome used to have and the other had silver hair just like Sesshomaru. "Trista is the one with silver hair and Raven is the one with black hair. Speaking of black hair how did Raven get it?" Kagome asked.

"It's a rare gene in my family line, my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather had black hair." He said.

"Oh wow, that's cool." Kagome said and then winced in pain. Sesshomaru saw this and placed the pups down in their bassinets and walked over to Kagome.

"Are you in pain?" He asked.

"Yea just a bit, that's ok I have the pain pump." She said pressing her medication button. After a few minutes Kagome was back asleep.

Kagome stayed in the hospital for a week before being released with the pups. When they got home Kagome's mom surprised them with a party to congratulate the new parents.

Family and friends partied for a little bit but soon cleared out so the new family could get accustom to the schedule they would soon be on.

The End