Harvey orders Chinese food from this little restaurant three blocks down the road that delivers. It's cheaper than what he usually goes for, but the sesame chicken there is one of his guilty his doorbell rings, Mike spazzes out, barking and running around the loveseat where Harvey is sitting multiple times until Harvey gets up to answer the delivery woman looks concerned for her safety when she hears the barking, so Harvey reassures her."Sorry about the puppy. He gets excited when he hears the doorbell," He says while steadily blocking the doorway so Mike can't get out and lick the woman to death. He pays the woman and goes into the kitchen to dish out his chicken and fried rice on actual glassware, because he's anal like he's sitting at the table wielding his chopsticks while idly thumbing through a subpoena. A small sound distracts Harvey and he looks down to see his dog looking expectantly up at him."What? I already fed you, so shut it," Harvey chuckles when the only response he gets is a low whine."Alright, here you go," Harvey relents and grins evilly as he hands Mike a piece of broccoli from the fried rice. Mike takes the vegetable delicately from his owner's fingers, careful not to accidentally nip him with his sharp puppy teeth. Harvey is significantly less amused when the pup drops his prize on the floor and lets out three loud sneezes in succession before dropping back down into the begging position, looking at Harvey with his abnormally blue eyes." You are not leaving that on my floor," Harvey says using his courtroom voice. It has made women tremble, politicians stutter, and innocent people plead guilty. Mike obviously doesn't comprehend the sheer awesomeness of that voice because the pup merely huffs and picks up the broccoli in his mouth before trotting to the trash can located in the open kitchen. He climbs up on two legs to drop the steamed green vegetable in the trash before sitting back down and doing the equivalent of a puppy eye roll to Harvey, as if to say "Now can I have some damn chicken?""You're so weird," Harvey says reflectively and feeds him a piece of sesame chicken and lets him lick the sauce off his fingers. A happy bark and a wagging tail are the only responses Harvey gets, but that's okay. At the rate that the puppy Is learning new tricks, soon Harvey will have Mike looking over his briefs with a highlighter and maybe even doing the volunteer work Jessica keeps on fobbing off on him.


Harvey Specter shows up for work late, again. Usually this isn't a big deal because, astonishingly, most of his clients do not enjoy meeting with their lawyers before noon. It makes sense in a way; most of Harvey's customers are millionaires. Making that much money, Harvey would sleep until eleven everyday this wouldn't be a problem, usually Harvey doesn't have a meeting with Jessica at eight, but today he did and he missed it. Harvey comes in at 9:02 a.m. and immediately heads to Jessica's office to apologize. "This better be good, Harvey." Yeah, Jessica is pissed. She's sitting at her desk, looking at Harvey with those big brown eyes and a disapproving frown pinching across her face."I can explain. My new dog-" Harvey starts when Jessica snaps and interrupts him."Seriously? Are you using that? Aren't you twenty years too old to be using 'the dog ate my homework' as an excuse," she grits out between her teeth."Jessica, I had to take my dog to the vet. He had an accident and somehow received a nasty cut on his head. I took him to the animal hospital on Main, and I have proof if you need it," Harvey says when Jessica stops giving him the evil look of Doom long enough for him to cut looks over the document Harvey hands her with the veterinarian's contact information. "I never thought I'd see the day. I guess this means Donna's telling the truth about you having a St. Bernard mutt?"Harvey chuckles, because it's safe to now. Jessica still isn't happy, she still has stress written across her tight shoulders and anxious hands tapping on her desk. "Yeah, Donna has been with me for seven years now, Jessica. She knows better than to make up such unbelievable stories. If you can't tell the truth, -""-Say something that sounds like it," They both hands back over the information and sighs. "Okay, I'm not going to fault you on this one, but you better make the next meeting. And you have to ask Louis about today's meeting. I'm guessing that is punishment enough." Harvey pulls a face at his boss but then turns to leave."And Harvey? Is your puppy okay?" Jessica calls out."Oh, yeah he's fine. They had to put a few stitches in him, but he's a tough puppy. Plus he's got some happy pills. Thanks for asking."Later that night, after he hides the painkiller in a piece of hamburger (though the vet said that a hot dog would probably be best, Harvey just can't do it. For one thing, it just sounds wrong to give his dog a hot dog. For another, He's Harvey Frickin' Specter. He doesn't own hot dogs on principle) Harvey watches Mike lope aimlessly around the room, high as a pup will run for about three seconds before the pills kick in and make him flop to the ground in a dizzy heap, and then do it all over again. "C'mon weirdo, time for bed," Harvey says and picks him up. Instead of placing him in his crate, Harvey heads to his bedroom. Mike barks and licks the side of Harvey's jaw and any other skin the pup can reach."Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is just for tonight so don't get comfortable," Harvey grumbles but a warm smile graces his lips. A yap in return is all he gets.

A/N "This is because of encouragement from ladyknightanka and because apparently Mike has to get high or be referred to as a pothead in every single one of my fics. Lol.