So this is my first story, and I'm really nervous to be posting it. I first and foremost want to make sure readers understand this story involves spanking of a minor in many or most chapters a little later on. If you are offended by this or don't like it, please save yourself and me the frustration and don't read it, and please no flames complaining about corporal punishment. All complaints about this will be ignored.
I came up with this story from a dream I had one night. I wrote it down and it will become a much later chapter if this story makes it that far.
It starts the year before Harry goes to Hogwarts, when Ginny is only 9. But without anymore from me, here is the first chapter.
Ch 1, A glimmer of something bright
With a loud and annoyed sigh, Ginny slumped on her bed. This year was going to be just as boring as last year. Ever since Fred and George had started school last year, things at the burrow had been more boring than she could have imagined.
Seeing Fred, George, Charlie, and even Percy off had not been easy. As always she was going to miss them terribly, and wished she was old enough to go to Hogwarts as well. But she was still only nine, and still had another two years to wait.
Still there was Ron still at home, and he was at least someone to talk to. But Ron wasn't as fun to spend time with as Charlie or her older twin brothers. She couldn't wait for summer vacation.
"Ginny, Ron," Mrs. Weasly called from downstairs. "I don't see your writing exercises for today."
Ginny sighed again and slowly walked out of the room. The reason her mum was not seeing any writing exercises was because she had not done any writing exercises for the day. She had hoped to get away with it, since it was only the first day of term.
It was common for wizarding families to teach basic things like reading, writing, math, and good penmanship with a quill to be ready for school. Wizarding families didn't usually send their children to public schools, there was just too much risk of being discovered. But this bland kind of home-schooling certainly didn't make life more interesting. Really it was like a punishment, just like having to write lines over and over.
After some simple school work it was Ginny's chore to feed the chickens, then she would usually steal an old broom stick or go for a walk. She wasn't really allowed to do this, but her mother rarely found out. The few times she ever had been caught, Ginny could just pretend to be very sorry and sad. She was her mother's only daughter, and was able to get away with almost anything.
Half an hour later, Ginny had stolen Bill's old broom and was soaring above the miles of forest. She had to say she felt like she had been getting pretty good at flying. It was her dream to play quidditch at school, just like Charlie had.
A glimmer of something very bright and shiny caught Ginny's eye and attention. She made an about turn and dove into the woods. As she got closer, the glimmer seemed to be something gold and alive. When she reached the ground, she discovered a baby unicorn struggling to get up, while an old looking man was bent over trying to calm the terrified creature.
Very slowly and quietly, Ginny approached the two. The beautiful little foal looked very sick for some reason. "Is it going to be alright," she softly asked the man.
Startled, he quickly turned around to look at her. "Where did you come from," he asked, not unkindly.
"I was just out to go flying, and I noticed this unicorn. She doesn't look very good, is there any way I can help?" Ginny had loved animals for a long time. Going out in the woods to try and spot nifflers, pixies, or even the rare occasional unicorn was one of Ginny's favorite things to do with Charlie when he was still at home.
"Actually," the man said slowly, "there is a way you can help. She is too afraid of me to let me help her right now becauseā¦ um, because I'm a man. But if you can sit next to her and try talking to her you may be able to calm her down."
"Sure," Ginny said quickly. Her and the man switched places. "What's wrong with her though," she asked, softly stroking the baby's short glowing main.
"Baby unicorns are like baby humans. She wondered away from her mother, and ate a toxic plant she shouldn't have. It has obviously made her very sick. I know the spell to cure her, but she needs to be somewhat calm to have any effect."
Ginny gently murmured to the foal, and gradually she noticed her breathing slow and her eyes become softer. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the man take out his wand and mutter something she couldn't hear. Suddenly the unicorn jumped up, nearly making Ginny fall backwards, and galloped away.
"It was lucky for me you came here when you did. I've had a few other similar situations and I couldn't save the animal. I'm Remus Lupin by the way," he held out his hand.
"Ginny Weasly," she said shaking it. With a closer look at his face Ginny noticed he didn't seem as old as he looked.
"Oh, so you're a Weasly. I've meet both your parents," Lupin said. "You live just up the hill a few miles don't you?"
Ginny nodded, it didn't surprise her that he knew of her family. Most witches and wizards anywhere around the area did. "Do you do this kind of thing often?" she asked interestedly.
"Yes, you could say it's my job," Lupin said quietly. "I search around these areas for any sick or hurt magical creatures, or bury dead ones, or remove any other magical item that might be somewhere it shouldn't. This is all to keep muggles from discovering us. I've even had to erase a few memories."
"That's really cool," Ginny said. "Please, can I help you? I have nothing to do at home, and I'm not old enough for school. I live really close by, and I can help you with things like other unicorns who might also be afraid of you. I think I might even like to have a job like this as my career when I graduate" Ginny said this all very fast.
Lupin only looked at her for a moment. "I don't think you want this job," he said softly. "It pays very little, and is only meant as a side job."
"Don't you have another job then?"
"No, I've been trying, but it's difficult for me to get employment."
"Why doesn't anyone hire you?" Ginny asked. Now that she looked at what he was wearing, you probably couldn't call him rich. His clothes were horribly stained and torn. And his skin was pail and thin. He looked like he didn't see much good food every day.
Lupin didn't answer the question, and instead shook his head. "Would you like to come with me to my house? We can discuss the possibility of you helping me."
"Really? I might be able to help?" Ginny was nearly skipping as she followed Lupin through the trees.
When Ginny saw where Lupin lived, she couldn't help but feel a little sad for him. It was just a small log cabin type structure that looked like it was barely big enough for one person to live in. "You live way out here in the middle of the woods?"
"Yes, I have to live away from other people right now because of my work," Lupin said the last few words slowly. Ginny had the feeling Lupin was hiding something from her, but didn't think too much of it. "I've sometimes moved from time to time, but right now I'm pretty comfortable in this area of this forest."
"Is there a place I can put my broom?"
"you can bring it inside and stick it in the corner next to mine," Lupin said.
Lupin's broom looked even older and more used than Ginny's. Ginny felt like she couldn't feel so bad about how little money her family had after seeing Lupin.
Lupin sat at the tiny table, and Ginny sat in the only other chair across from him. "Now, if you're serious about helping me, I do have a few extremely important rules that I must insist you follow. This sort of work can be risky, especially for a young girl without even having a wand yet."
"Of course," Ginny said.
"First, you need to do anything I tell you to, when I tell you to. Any little instruction I give you, from when to do something, or how far to walk needs to be followed exactly. That could even mean I tell you to go home because something is too dangerous for you to be around, or I may tell you to sit still and quiet while I check on something that could be harmful. I'm going to need your full respect and honesty. Can you do that?"
"Yes," Ginny said, looking straight into Lupin's dark kind eyes.
"I also want you to get permission from your parents before you come back here tomorrow. You are allowed to be out of the house right now, and your mother knows you not home right?
"Yes," Ginny said as strongly as she could. She was used to lying to her mother all the time to get away with things, but for some reason it was harder to do with Lupin.
Lupin gave her a skeptical hard look that made her squirm slightly. "Make sure you get permission to continue coming here," He said again, and Ginny let out an inward sigh of relief that Lupin seemed to have let it pass, even if he might not believe her. She didn't know why, but he made her uncomfortable when she was doing something she shouldn't.
"And this is the last rule Ginny, But I can't stress how important this is. It is by far the most important rule I want you to follow. You are to never ever come here on any night after dark. If you come to this area of the woods for any reason, or to see me, you are not going to be allowed to work with me again. Do you understand that rule?"
"Yes, I won't come here after dark," Ginny repeated politely.
Lupin smiled gently. "I'll be glad to have some assistance and company every day of the week if you're able to. My busiest hours are from ten to three. Are you able to be here at those times?"
"Yes, and I can't wait. It should give me something to do," Ginny said smiling. Those were the times her mom was most busy with house work, shopping, would write letters to her brothers at school, or even meet with her father in town for lunch. She would be able to sneak away easily.