A/N: Just so you guys know, this is my first story. I will add more chapters if I get at least 10 reviews. I don't care if they're all from the same person, just 10 reviews. I hope you like. I've had the idea in my head for awhile, and I was kind surprised no one had written this basic storyline before. Or maybe someone has and I just missed it. Sorry if it's kind of short. I did my best and I am hoping to add to it if you review. Please?

Robin was having an off day. No, it was worse than an off day. It was a nation-wide power outage day. Nothing was going right in his already weird world. Some wannabe super villain tried to rob a bank (do these guys get all their ideas from the same handbook?) in Central City and the Young Justice had to go stop him. Turned out, he wasn't a wannabe. He was the real deal. They were very whelmed.

Robin was unconscious when Time Master decided that it would be fun to send him flying through time. At least, he hoped it was just time. Hopping dimensions would probably not help him very much. So that is how he ended up laying in some dark cave in who-knows-where-ville. Hang on, was that a computer in the cave? Oh, joy. He was laying in the Batcave. He hoped it was still the Batcave, and that it was still in use.

Schting! Yeah, it was still in use. And the person who was using it was throwing something that looked strangely like his birdarangs. Huh, weird. Whoever it was had good aim, too. There were now 3 birdarangs sticking out of the ground between his feet. He needed to move. Or attack back. Robin liked option 2 better. He jumped at the person and performed an awesome roundhouse kick in the air. There is no way that guy is going to get out of the way he thought. The stranger proved him wrong by back flipping out of the way. Dang it! I'm such an idiot. He's in the Batcave throwing birdarangs. Why wouldn't he know how to fight? Robin berated himself. The stranger came back with some very impressive punches that Robin only just managed to avoid.

Right about then, someone pulled him out of the fight.

"Who are you?" The newcomer asked.

"I'm Robin." Robin replied.

"No, you're not. I am. There's only one Robin at a time. And I get that name now. You can have it next." The original stranger was defiant. He also was a little bit whiny.

"Well, I don't know who you are, but I've been Robin for almost 4 years. So I win." Robin was determined to prove that he was Robin, not this other guy.

"I-" The stranger was cut off by the new person.

"Dick?" Wait, was this-

"Batman?" Robin finished out loud.

"Oh, wow! You were small as a kid, Dick." The new Robin said.

"I wasn't that small!" Someone else was in the cave too. "Hey, me."

Robin was officially whelmed. Was that him? At least he was still alive. That was a comforting thought.

"Robin-" Batman started.

"Yeah?" Both Robin's answered.

"I meant Dick. How did you get here?" Batman asked.

"I'm wondering that too. I don't remember ever going to the future. Are you from another dimension? Because I don't remember ever wearing that exact costume. I've worn something similar, but not that exact one." The older Dick looked and sounded a little confused. The original Robin was confused too. He had been hoping that this was just the future, but the older him just confirmed his fears. Time travel or dimension travel was hard enough, but both? Ugh, that was going to be pretty much impossible. Batman, his Batman was going to kill him if he got back. Don't think like that. You will get back. This Batman will make sure of it.

"I don't really know about the whole dimension thing, but as for the time travel, my team and I were fighting a new villain called Time Master. You can guess what his powers are. He was trying to rob a bank and I hope he wasn't successful. Anyways, I was unconscious, and I guess he decided he would tick off my Batman, and the rest of the Justice League, by sending me into a different time and dimension. I landed in the Batcave and this guy," Dick gestured to the Robin standing next to him, "started throwing my own weapons at me." Dick finished.

"Hey! You-" Robin started.

"Tim." Batman said.



"Batman, he-"

"Tim, be quiet!" Batman said sternly.

Tim shut up rather quickly.

Dick (the older one) looked like he was thinking hard. "What are we going to do? We need to get him home and I can't think of anything we could do. I mean, we can see if Dr. Fate or the Martian can do something, but I don't think there is anything we can do."

The younger Dick was just standing there listening to his older self say there was nothing they could do, when the elevator doors that lead to the Manor opened.

"Oh, dear me."

Who can guess who that is that just came out of the Batelevator? I think I made it obvious, but maybe its just because I wrote the story.