Just a little background for my story. I've read some of the comics, so I'm familiar with a lot of the storylines, but there may still be some inconsistancies.

This story takes place after Operation: Zero Tolerance. In my story, Jubilee was never rescued by the X-men. How she finds her way back is explained within the story. She finishes out her senior year at the Massachusetts Academy. However, instead of going to Los Angeles with Angelo, her powers force her to take a different route. She is transferred to several different X-teams before finally settling back in with the X-men. Most of the key events in Jubilee's life have still taken place. Her room being burned…Everett dying…Wolverine's issues with being turned into death and having his adamantium ripped out, etc. But the most devastating of which is, of course, her imprisonment with Bastian.

As for Gambit, this takes place after Gambit # 24 where he defeats New Sun and survives all of the assassination attempts that push his powers to the brink. Sinister's operation has allowed Gambit's powers to return to its normal levels. He is still dealing with the after effects of being left in Antarctica by Rogue. The trial has caused major issues to come to light with the X-family and has created a rift within the team. To make matters more complicated, Joseph is still living at the mansion (although his origins are unknown). He and Gambit are still at great odds because of the real Magneto's part in the trial and Joseph's relationship with Rogue.

In my story, Jubilee is 25 and Gambit is 30. So the age difference isn't so much an issue. I'd like to think this Jubilee has been made to be a bit more mature after her trying experiences. I apologize if she is in some ways a little out of character.