So I had this great idea about a vampire series and I decided to post it on here to see if it was worth it. I might not continue but let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I came up with this idea by myself so don't steal anything please!

Eons ago there was a war between the realms. Angels and Demons started a battle and sides were taken. Vampires and werewolves sided with the Angels after Lucifer and his Demons had betrayed the nightwalkers. The Fay along with the Pixies and Soultakers had choice damnation by siding with the Demons. The battle lasted a period of one hundred years until a bargain was made. The Angels were to remain in their kingdom of Heaven with God while the Demons were faced to stay in the depths of Hell with their creator The Devil. God was generous to the night dwellers who he once thought to be the damned. Having spared many Angels the true death, God decided to create a realm for Vampires and other creatures of the night to call home after being pushed into the shadows on earth. However, there were rules to this treaty. Angels were no longer allowed to mate with humans and create fallen, as they had no place in other worlds. Demons were no longer allowed to meddle in the human world or heaven and could only enter the dark realm of the Vampires if permission was granted. Vampire's ability to change mortals into their own kind was forbidden along with Werewolves spreading their curse. It is said that if this treaty was broken then war would be unleashed again and only Light bearers would be able to save the realms from utter ruin. Light bearers were blessed with the special gift to travel between all realms and were believed to bring balance between all the realms and peace would ensue. They held great power that was destructive but also life bringing. But the very memory of the Light bearer was thought to be extinct since the black years…until now.

He stands outside of Crimson Casino. The old jazz record can already be heard when he goes through the golden doors along with women laughing and dice rolling at the craps table. Baron walks into the casino and the stench of alcohol fills his noise. The smell is a pleasant welcome and people already look his way as he walks to the back room. His tall stature was not hard to miss. He stood at least six foot five and he always dressed to impress. A dark pair of dress pants matched with a maroon shirt under a black jacket. His sky blue eyes took note of the crowd in a sense of indifference. His light brown hair was always in place and his pale skin was flawless from beneath his attire. In one word he was perfection but amongst his own kind he felt very ordinary. It was a rare occurrence to see an ugly Vampire.

Sterling was already cleaning house at the five card stud table and takes a quick glance of acknowledgement his way before returning to his hand. Baron sticks his slick card key in the door which allows him access to the back. Only exclusives knew about the meeting place as it was best kept secret from the commoners or any unwanted intruders. The room is dimly lit and the walls are painted a dark blood red to give a macabre feel. River and Kane are counting the cash of tonight's income that Sterling no doubt helped create. They look up when they see Baron enter.

"And look who's finally back on the other side." River says with a grin. His alabaster white teeth shine perfectly and the hint of his fangs can be seen poking onto his bottom lip.

"Am I not welcome?" Baron says with curiosity.

"Nah man we missed you like hell, we were just beginning to think you'd lost your way." River replies as he tosses the money on the table and stands to fix himself a drink. "Something for yourself?" he asks as he pours the drink.

"You know I don't drink that filth and you shouldn't either, it's been outlawed." Baron says with a frown.

River laughs. "Man I like you. I forgot how funny you are. Since when do I follow any law?" he says with a shake of his head and a smirk plastered to his face.

"Well one thing I haven't missed was your big mouth." Baron says as he takes a seat next to Kane who gives a silent nod. Never the one to share many words was Kane. He thought they were a powerful thing and not to be wasted on small talk because of his gifted ability of the tongue. His words could make masterful spells and he was careful of what to say around friends. His red hair could almost match the color of the walls and paired with his pale skin he was rather frightening, but also good looking in a devil may care kind of way. A silent but deadly killer he surely could be branded, but his loyalty to the group could match his flawless fighting skills. His hair was cut short from the back but covered his face in the front almost all the time, hiding his cerulean blue eyes which many women fall in love with. Kane never paid any mind to the women who ogled him or any woman for that matter.

Unlike Kane; River loved and demanded attention whenever he entered a room. With his boyish charm and white blonde hair it wasn't any question as to why. His ebony black eyes were endless and women would be caught for hours in them. Along with his foolish behavior and personality that charmed women into his sheets every night, was a sadistic killer. Everyone blamed it on his addiction to Demon blood but only his closest of brothers knew the real truth to his drinking. Drowning away the sorrows and burden he has carried within himself because of his past. He put up a convincing bluff as Sterling worded it.

"So, did you find anything of interest on your trip away?" River asks when he reseats himself at the table with a red drink in hand; Demon blood.

"It's been happening again, only more frequently. Demons have been breaking the treaty and re-entering earth." Baron says as he straightens out his tall frame in the chair. His light brown hair is spiked up lightly in place and soft to the touch like always.

"If the Angels find out, it'll be war all over again." River remarks while taking a generous sip of blood.

"Should we address them?" Kane speaks out roughly.

"Not unless we having anything to report and evidence to back it up; I had seen them coming and going at all hours but none had done anything illegal. It's best to not start a war unless we are intended to fight it." Baron replies while he leans back and studies the ring on his hand. The emblem of a gold leaf shines brightly in the centre. All of the brothers had one. It represented the warriors who still fought for God and his Angels even though they were considered to be the accursed. They had been hand selected but Angels and represented a secret society.

"Then we have nothing to worry about." River replies nonchalantly as he continues to count the money.

"There is something else." Baron interrupts.

"Continue." River says with a wave of his hand while not looking up from the cash.

"The Light bearers are returning." He says and both the men look up. It is silent for a moment as the men take in this piece of information, judging to see if he was truthful.

"We should get the others together and discuss this." Kane says immediately.

"I'll get Sterling." River says as he leaves in vampire speed. They return in seconds together. Sterling stands by the door with his walking stick in hand and a gray fedora placed on his head, covering his dark, slicked back hair. His eyes are ever serious as he judged the situation presented in front of him.

"Call the others and get them here, including the Prime Minister, he'll want to hear this." Baron addresses the others. Most of the brothers looked up to Baron as their leader. Not because of his size but because he was the best at keeping everyone calm and giving orders that went along with a well thought out plan. The others clear out in a rush to get the brothers together while he waits in the secluded room. He walks over to the cart of Demon blood and smells the putrid liquid. The energy it gave you was like nothing else but when the effects wore off, the crash would make you weak for days. Often they had to help River out of his stupor and he'd stay off it for awhile but ultimately he'd find his way back to the juice again. They weren't real brothers by blood but he cared about each and every single one of them and he hoped that he wouldn't have to one day stand over a grave with a comrade's name etched in the stone.

The beeping of an alarm clock can be heard in the small one bedroom apartment. Rosemary groans from under her covers and feels for her alarm with her hand until she slams down on the snooze button. She can feel the warm heat coming from the lump lying next to her. Her Siberian husky, Donatello is taking up the whole other side of her double bed. She stretches and exposes her messy hair from under the blankets. It was Saturday morning and she had to be at work in two hours. Being a hostess at a four star restaurant wasn't exactly were she saw her career at twenty five but she needed the money so she put on a fake smile and bore through the day as best she could. She stands to get up from her bed but of course the sheets weren't cooperating today so instead they tangle around her ankles and she plummets to the ground in a heap while waking up Donatello in the process. He peeks over the edge of the bed at his clumsy owner.

"Urgh what a way to start the day." She says with a moan of discomfort. She kicks the sheets away from her legs until she is free to walk. She walks over to her small kitchen to start coffee and feed Donatello who is right by her side, sniffing at her heels.

"Ok you dozy dog I'll get your breakfast first." She says as she goes to the bottom cupboard where she stores his kibble. She tips the bag over his food bowl and half of it ends up pouring out. She releases another groans but Donatello happily munches away at all the extra food. She releases a small chuckle that shakes her tiny frame.

"At least someone is having a good day." She says thoughtfully while turning on her coffee brewer. A cup of warm caffeine was just the thing to get this day on track. She stands by her balcony door and she sees the flashes outside again. They've happened to her since she was five. Her parents had taken her to the optometrist but the doctor said she had perfect vision. She had cat scans done and everything else to determine if she had brain damage but nothing was ever found. They come at unpredictable times and resemble lightning flashes but that couldn't be it because she'd see them during the day when it was as clear as a bell. Only her parents and close friends knew of her disability, or that was how she saw it. She was painfully oblivious to her rare gift.

The smell of mocha hit's her noise and knocks her out of her daze as she walks back to her kitchen for a cup before changing. She adds a small amount of cream, keeping the drink strong today. Usually the bitter taste of black coffee made her stomach churn but she could tell it was going to be one of those days. Her bare feet patter on the tiles as she makes her way back to her room to put on her hostess uniform. She slips out of her boxers and large t-shirt for her crisp uniform. A black blazer over a white blouse and a dark pencil skirt paired with heels. Not very original but she could deal with it. Her reflection in the mirror is the same as always. Dark mahogany brown hair that reached pasted her shoulders with a wispy fringe covering half of her forehead. Her name tag hung carelessly on her left breast pocket of the blazer reading Rosemary in dark gothic letters. Truthfully she'd much rather be called Rose and most people had grown accustomed to doing so. She puts on a minimal amount of make-up, already appreciating her natural appearance and ties her hair back in a sleek ponytail.

She grabs her purse and pat's Donatello on the head in the kitchen once more. He looks up at her in disinterest, already grown used to her work schedule. She had been thoughtful when she first named him. Being a huge admirer of art, she decided on Donatello, her favorite artist from the renaissance.

"I'm just a person who feeds you aren't I?" she says to the dog and he tilts his head in wonder at her words.

"I'll see you later buddy." She says as she walks to the door and pulls out her keys to lock her apartment door. The gold numbers on the front read 666 and she laughed when the manager first handed her the keys. She lived on the top floor of her building so the elevator was the better choice first thing in the morning. When she walks down the hall she sees a white paper taped to the closed door. Elevators out of order, please use the stairs. She sighs as she walks to the stair entrance. It really was going to be one of those days.

The Prime Minister sits at the head of the table while the rest of the brothers surround him. He has on a pressed gray suit and a light pink shirt tucked beneath. His golden blonde hair that was graying on the sides was combed back neatly while his storm cloud eyes looked wise and weary all at once. Baron sits to his left after informing him about the trepidations on earth.

"Should we tell the Angels?" River asks first.

The Prime Minister shakes his head. "Even if we could get into Heaven, who would we tell? Gabriel and Michael are the only ones who would be prepared to listen but we are not nearly important enough to address them, they only take special cases and we have no proof. For now we should let the Demons do as they will. If they cause a problem, the Angels will know it."

"And what of the Light bearer?" Sterling inquires with a monotone expression.

"We do not know of their identity yet and the being in question would be unaware of their gift." Baron tells their realm leader.

"Should we not seek them out? If a war were to break out, we would be at an advantage if we had a Light bearer in our presence." Cardinal; another brother of the group asks.

"Cardinal raises a good point. Perhaps the Demons are already aware of the Light bearer and they too are seeking it out." Sterling says, concurring with Cardinals previous statement.

They wait patiently for the Prime Minister to answer. His real name was Max and he had been born into an aristocratic family, a perfect reason for him to join politics. Apart from being the realm leader, he was also on friendly terms with the brothers. They were back room politics for himself and even though they bootlegged Demon blood, he still remained an ally for them incase word got out about their business.

"If I allow you permission to look for this Light bearer, the information doesn't leave this room. I want only your band of men to do this and I won't stand for failure. Get it done Baron." He says sternly as he stands.

"How long do we have?" Baron questions while the rest of his men look to him.

"One month. If you can't get it done by then, it won't be worth it. And no dead humans or I'll have all your fangs." With that final word, Max disappears in a puff of black smoke.

An eerie silence fills the hall until River breaks into a grin. "Am I the only one happy that we get to do some sick shit?" he asks in excitement like a schoolboy.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to go." Sterling says while a frown slowly etches on his face.

"Yeah you would say that; mister serious with his card games." River jeers. In a fluent motion, Sterling pulls his sword that is hidden in his walking stick and puts it to River's throat.

"Perhaps we could go with one less member. I know I wouldn't mind getting away from your snarky comments for awhile."

Everyone watches from the side lines until Baron steps in. He knew Sterling wouldn't give a second thought to slicing River open. He wouldn't even blink an eye when he had to kill women in the past.

"Enough Sterling, we need the whole group in on this." Baron says as he lays a hand on Sterling's shoulder.

He hesitates before pulling back, "Alright, I suppose the chivalric side of me can forgive your quick and stupid tongue." Sterling says condescendingly while drawing back his sword into his walking stick once more.

River grimaces from almost being cut in half and glares at Sterling's retreating figure. "If that prick weren't so good at everything, I'd say we should throw him out." River says to Baron who only spares a smile.

It was true; every task you gave to Sterling, he could complete perfectly. There wasn't a game he couldn't win or a foe he couldn't extinguish in his path. Along with his perfectionist skills, came a suave and distinguished gentleman that could almost rival Rivers skills at making women fall in love with him. The only difference was Sterling never used that talent. He was picky at women as he was with his attire. He dressed in flawless fashion and looked like something stolen from the twenties of earth's years. As for his taste in women, he choose to sample them like a good wine, and only the most exquisite he deemed worthy of his time. Time was something he valued and every brother knew it. It was his special ability just like Kane's words and he never used it without purpose.

"When do we leave?" Cardinal asked to break the tension.

"Once Tristan gets here we can go. Where has he been lately?" Kane asks the question that everyone was thinking.

Tristan had been distant as of late and it caused restlessness in the group though the idea of him turning was too far fetched. He had a secret and until he was ready to share, they would have to be patient.

"Who wants to clue him in on our little ordeal" Sterling asks while sharpening his sword in the back corner. The gleam of the hilt catches the candle light and accents the sharp curves of the weapon.

"Obviously Baron will, won't ya?" River asks with a grin.

"Evidently it will be me. I have yet to speak to him since my return and the firsts words from my mouth will be that we're all leaving again." Baron says grimly.

"Hell it ain't that bad. I've been itching for a good hunt so hopefully we run into some Demons along the way!" River remarks while he leans back in his chair.

"What kind of artillery do you think we'll need?" Cardinal asks Baron. Cardinal was the weapons master and the tech of the brothers so he always helped plan the trips to the other realms. Along with being a gifted killer was his kindness towards others. He was the most trusting member and often showed mercy if necessary.

"We aren't exactly looking for trouble…but just to be safe I'd plan big, except for Sterling of course." Baron says looking at his comrade in the back. Sterling believed in only using his sword and truthfully it was all he needed to get the job done. He could cut down an enemy with one fell swoop of his sword.

"Why thank you." Sterling says with a grin. Only his smile can be seen while the rim of his hat covers his eyes when sharpening his weapon. It's rather an unnerving sight, but all of the brothers were killers so they were familiar with each others antics. Learning each others immoral habits was an everyday occurrence and was held in high regard.

A puff of black smoke appears in the centre and Tristan lands on his feet while fixing his hair. It was jet back and greased like always to keep up with his psychotic persona. He had in his hand, a wide brimmed hat like Freddy Kruger would wear and he always paired it with a long, dark trench coat. Needless to say, if you saw him coming down a dark street, you'd turn the other direction. Every brother knew he carried a series of knifes in the inside of his jacket, along with a pair of pistols that always were loaded with silver bullets.

He looks to Baron first, sizing him up. "You have returned." He says bluntly.

"As have you, rumor has it you've been none existent lately." Baron replies coolly.

He shrugs. "I have my own work and life, or maybe you haven't all noticed." He says with a dark look to the others. His jaded black eyes carry malcontent for his brethren.

"We have tried to find you, but after awhile we just gave up. We figured if you wanted to talk you would have shown your face." Sterling says standing while straightening his black tweed coat.

"Yeah we didn't miss you enough to keep looking." River remarks humorously. Tristan gives a cold and unfeeling look that makes River straighten his disposition, "Jesus it was a joke, relax, you know we all love you."

He doesn't regard River with an answer but instead turns to Baron. "What's the news? You all look more lifeless then a bunch of corpses, or am I not far off?"

"How do you feel about going to Earth?" Baron asks, getting to the point.

"How long?" He asks cryptically.

"One month exactly", Baron replies.

"The purpose of this mission?" Tristan questions.

"We are to hunt down a Light bearer and bring it back here. The orders come from Max."

Tristan scoffs. "Please, there hasn't been a Light bearer in ages. There is no need for one. And since when do you take orders from golden boy?"

Baron ignores the remark about Max. It was no secret that Tristan and the Prime Minister despised each other. Their histories were intertwined and go way back to their love of the same woman.

"I've been to earth and I saw the signs. A need must be arising and thus why one has appeared or perhaps more. The Demons are already aware of its existence we assume."

Tristan corrects himself. "Demons you say. Are they breaking the treaty already? I'd thought they would have lasted longer than two thousand years."

"They have yet to do any unbinding damage though. As far as we are concerned, the Angels don't know and we are not to inform them." Baron says calmly.

"Lying to the Angels and tracking down a Light bearer while killing Demons, how could I refuse?" Tristan says with a sadist smile.

"Then let's prepare, we should leave tonight and get a head start on things." Kane says, speaking again.

"I'll show everyone out, looks like the Crimson is going to be closed for a while." River says nonchalant while running out in a flash of vampire speed. Even though all the brothers took part in the casino, it was really River who started the business and he liked to treat it as his baby.

"I'll get the supplies." Cardinal says before disappearing in a black cloud of smoke.

Baron turns to Tristan again while everyone else is distracted. "Where have you been, really?"

"That is not for you to know." He replies before sitting. The answer was final and Baron wasn't about to start a fight before they all left together. Best to just forget for now instead of turning the mood sour and Tristan was an equal match for Baron to fight.

The group waits in silence before River returns first. He had a flushed look and red lipstick all over his face.

Sterling rolls his eyes. "Honestly, you couldn't just ask them to leave; you had to subject a poor girl to time with you?"

"Hey she bribed me; she said she wouldn't leave unless I kissed her and I'm not one to keep a lady in waiting." He says with a Cheshire cat grin.

"Isn't there anything else you can do besides having your pants down?" Sterling says mockingly.

"Yep, I can annoy you and the satisfaction is almost the same." River replies cheekily.

Before Sterling can retort, Cardinal appears with a bundle in hand. He drops the heavy package on the table and reveals a selection of weapons.

"Alright I picked out the lightest and quickest kill of artillery here. Everyone pick out what they want, I figured it would be best if we traveled light." He says as he pulls out a shotgun for himself.

River reaches for a machine gun which he hauls over his shoulder while stashing a handgun in his jacket on a holster. Kane takes a set of throwing knifes and a pair of forty-fives for himself. Tristan picks an extra machine gun, already previously equipped with his own artillery which leaves the rest for Baron; one shotgun, a handgun and a long knife with a serrated blade.

"Man it feels good to be in gear again." River says with relief while looking over his weapons.

"Oh I have one more thing." Cardinal interrupts while he pulls out a bag from his jacket, "Earth has new technology all the time and we may need to get a hold of each other if we get separated." He says as he tosses them cell phones.

Everyone takes a phone off the table. Baron studies his closely. "Why are the buttons so small?" he asks while playing with the Blackberry.

"It's the best thing I could get a hand on. Sorry, I forgot you have giant hands." He says bashfully.

"It's fine." Baron says tersely, "Can we get going now; I really don't want to wait any longer."

"I too don't see the reason as to why we are waiting." Sterling says from the side.

"Yes let's get going." Cardinal agrees. They stand together in a circle.

"Remember boys, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west so keep an eye on that horizon and if you run into a Demon, show no mercy." Baron instructs.

They all have mixed emotions about leaving but the same expression can been read on their faces; a grin of satisfaction to once again taste the kill. A white light surrounds them and engulfs them, sending a shockwave in the backroom as The glasses of blood shatter from the pressure and pictures are knocked clean off the wall. The chairs of the tables blow over and the wind in the room scatters the money around.

"Shit I'm gonna have to re-count that!" River shouts over the whirlwind.

The feeling starts in the pits of their stomachs. A light lifting pull at the heart and a blinding white light can be seen. A shockwave of lightning spreads through them and they disperse to the next realm; Earth.

Reviews would be great to see if I should continue. The idea is to have a story for each of the men but all the stories would be connected. This one would be centric around Baron first.