Sorry about taking so long to update to this chapter, but between life and school, I have been swapping between five different fanfic universes so finding the time and the right mood for the stories I am working on has been interesting. So far I have been pounding on my Witchblade, Tron, and Grimm fics with a little jaunt into the worlds of Trek over the last few months.

With much delayed anticipation I give you the next chapter in my Stargate Universe Saga.

Three Years, Two Months One Day - Lt. Scott

Lieutenant Matthew Scott looked at Camille's body as she moved around the Bridge of Destiny. Realizing that the mind of this person was completely different from the body's owner after she identified herself, Matthew saluted and stated what was happening on the Bridge.

Now give that when you have a superior officer on deck, you do your best to bring them up to speed as they started to speak to him and the other individuals who were monitoring Destiny's flight path.

"So Lieutenant Scott, since the crew finding the Destiny's Bridge, how have the navigational systems been doing?" Colonel Carter said running a hand along the edge of a monitor.

"Well, Ma'am." Scott said moving over to the Kirk Chair. "Destiny flies good when not under fire. But more or less at slower speeds she flies like a dump truck sliding on peanut butter. The rest of the time, she books like a bat out if Hell."

"So pretty much flies like an over-sized Al'kesh bomber with twitchy thrusters while towing an asteroid or a 1970 Charger with a Shelby Super Sport aftermarket drag racing package on it." Carter said turning around a seat and sitting down.

"Yes, Ma'am." Scott said as Brody turned around at the science station. "So far after Dr. Perry scratched the paint a while back, it has been learning curve for everyone. I think that ever since Destiny got her voice she has been giving those of us know enough ancient to fly the ship. Though I think she gets a little moody when we change our flight path off of the one she has mapped out for us." Brody said tapping a few controls when the system beeped at him to give him a update on incoming Gate data. "Scott, it looks like we are coming up on a few planets with high amounts of Iron, Trinitum, Calcium, Silicon, and a decent amount of Aluminum in their crusts." Brody reached over to the radio and called over an open channel. "Tessa, Gregory, looks like we are getting in range of those planets that you all were looking at for raw material for reloading the matter printer."

"You said that we were a few days out from being within Dialing range." A male voice said over the radio.

"Yes, we are. But we just got an update from one of the seed ships and from the looks of it we might have found pyrite. "

"That's good, looks like we can start making some replacement circuits for the ship."

"Yeah and probably make a few replacement parts for those IPod batteries that we need around here." A female voice said who was possibly Tessa given that the details of the voice were blurred out as the loud sound of equipment in the background partially made her voice hard to make out over the radio.

"Well, get the build-o-matic ready." Brody said turning back to Carter.

"Build-o-matic?" Carter said with curiosity.

"A matter printer we found a while back." Scott said as he moved over to find a open chair on the Bridge. "For the most part, you load raw material in on one end, and the system breaks it down and prints whatever item you, need. For the most part, it won't do explosives when we tried to make some more bullets a couple of weeks ago, but it would do a flashlight and batteries. So far we have been able to get around the explosive issues by tearing a few bullets apart so that we could print the rounds in their individual components and assemble them later with homemade gunpowder and a bullet loader that we have been able to print out."

"So for the most part you have been able to make some replacement parts and ammo." Carter said realizing that Destiny had manufacturing facilities on board.

"And tools. Some of them have had to be designed from scratch such as a bullet loader and a few medical tools TJ needs. But mostly we have a small team made of folks both from Earth and the Lucian Alliance that spends their time making the small things such as a sewing machine and a loom. Who knew how much technology we are dependent on that you have to be nearly Amish to run."

"Yeah, it has been a little strange since a bulk of them got poofed back from the dead." Brody said as Carter looked at him wide eyed. "I think the Lucian Members are still a little stitichish ever since Kiva got attacked by Destiny's AI Mind Reading system."

"I have heard about that. That Colonel Young and later Dr. Rush both had experiences inside a created reality the ship's computer system created." Carter said leaning against the command chair.

"Well, let's just say, Kiva got a little brain fried from the experience." Scott said looking at the commanding officer. "I think if it wasn't for Ginn doing what she did, everyone here would be in pretty bad shape. And Echo, breaking the rules the way she did to bring several people back from the dead has thrown some of the crew for a loop." That was when Scott looked at the door open to the Bridge. "Ginn..." Scott said as the Lucian Tech stood in the doorway with a Kino and its remote in her hands.

"Lieutenant Scott. Eli and I are... taking footage for the archive... and May... May I have permission to speak with..." Ginn stood in the doorway unsure what this person would do to her given that the person that was in Dr. Wray's body might be hostile or not towards the former Lucian Alliance member. Scott had heard some of what Ginn had gone through when she had been on Earth given her first debrief before General O'Neill hand intervened on her behalf. Mostly before Ginn had died that first time, she had proved her worth to the crew and those back home with some important intel about the layout and structure of the current Political structure of the Lucian Alliance. Quickly moving over to the door, Scott walked her in.

"Ginn... It's okay. Remember, you have friends here okay and wondering what has been taking place back home has been sitting on everyone's minds." Scott held her hand. Ginn realized that for the time being that she was safe and this person was just here to observe. "Colonel Carter, could you bring us up to speed on what has been happening back home, because Ginn here has more information about the time period when we were still in stasis." It took a moment for the Colonel to realize that Scott was giving her access to the person that would have the answers to her questions about what happened to Destiny during the time she was out of communications contact.

"Alright." The Colonel said as she took a seat in the Kirk Chair and started to fill in the Crew on some of what had been happening back home.

Major News Events such as the death of bin Ladin in Pakistan, the death of Steve Jobs from cancer, the standard politics and sports stuff that people wanted to know about. The big movies that had come out, etc... But it was the politics about what was taking place between the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxies that meant the most for the crew who have lived off Earth.

Stuff like what worlds the Lucians had taken or lost with the Tau'ri; But it was the fact that a new group of Lucians had started to appear on the interplanetary stage that had started to change the interplanetary politics of complete sectors of the Milky Way Galaxy. Not much was known about the leadership, but from what information had been learned, and been passed on by various SG teams was that this group wanted to leave Earth alone, had taken several victories in shifting the power base on several Lucian controlled worlds and had started to become powerful with the resources they had gained.

Other than an encounter that this group had taken over the former SGC off world penal complex called the Castle where the personnel had been granted control of their own world for return on any intelligence about current Earth politics. This Lucian group had been doing a sort of soft sale with worlds that had been taken over by force by the previous Lucian regimes and returned control back to them on the civic local level while asking for personnel and resources in return. Scorched Earth policies were immediately halted and those responsible had been executed to please the locals. When the Colonel had named one of the worlds Scott had to rush over to Ginn's side to prevent her from falling. It had taken a moment for her to compose herself and state that one of the worlds that the Colonel had named had been her home world. Iwerni.

"What have you heard of it... are the people alright? do they have crops coming in?" the Shock had hit Ginn hard. Scott had heard about how Ginn had joined the Lucian Alliance, now hearing that Iwerni was free from those who had taken her brought hope to her eyes.

"The Last report was that other than some emergency medical and food supplies that will be needed to cover the winter months, there has been a huge demand for hydroponics equipment for the cave farms that they have."

Scott looked at Ginn and realized that word about their home worlds would hit some hard and Ginn's reaction would in some cases be normal. But it would be the family stuff that hit the closest.

"Sir." Scott spoke his concerns. "When do you think the stone rotation will begin again?" There was a sigh.

"Not for a while until we do a rundown on the status of what the state of the crew is and there a lot of information that we need to bring you all up to speed on." This got Scott's attention.

"What type of stuff?" Scott said with concern.

"Like the F-303 and F-304 programs going public." Carter said as Ginn got a perplexed look but the rest of the crew on the command deck shook their heads.

"What happened?" Brody said with concern.

"To put it bluntly, one of McKay's rivals decided to turn something on he shouldn't have back on Earth and it took the Hammond, Apollo, Sin Tsu, and the Chekov to take it out along with a salvaged Ancient Cruiser and a Goa'uld transport ship commanded by the Free Jaffa nation aiding them." There was a pause from Carter before she continued. "It happened over downtown Las Vegas on a fourth of July weekend."

"Great..." Scott felt his head hit the edge of the Kirk chair and groaned. "So how much does the public know about the Stargate Program?"

"Rumors here and there, but we are using the information from the Prometheus X-303 incident to keep things under wraps that Julia Donovan did a few years ago. Considering that the 304's are just upgraded version of the 303 template."

"So I take it that a few folks were pissed at not knowing." Brody said shaking his head.

"Well considering that folks want to know how many aliens we have come into contact with and the tech we got from them, we have been a little slow. Given the mess, that happened. Atlantis is still classified along with a few other things, but the GAO, and a few political candidates want to make sure that there is some more disclosure."

"What about us?" Scott said putting his foot down.

"The public story that has been cooked up that you all were on a research team working on an Ancient ship, the planet exploded and to escape you used the ship. So far you have been trying to fix the ship and get it to change course for home. Other than that and the information that your family members know about your situation ,we have be have been doing a need as know release mostly for your sake." Carter was blunt with that.

"So how much do they know about the Lucian Alliance, The Free Jaffa Nation, the System Lords?" Ginn's question hit close with the realization that the crew was part Lucian now. There was a long sigh from Carter.

"They are known, but the individual fractions within each group we have been slow to release because of security concerns."

"So right now you need to create a plausibility story back home for us all in how we fit into the entire galactic picture." Scott said realizing that only limited information about the Star Gate program had been revealed to the public.

"Yes, there have been limited releases due to ongoing operations but so far we have given information that the SGC is now under IOA G20 UN mandate which means that the ships we do have cannot be used against other nations on the planet. They have been designated for off world defense only. So in the last few months I have had an IOA officer permanently assigned to the ship just to make the politicians happy. Woolsey on the other hand, well... he has a career future." Carter said leaning against the chair.

"So... you need to work out a story for us to follow so that when we visit back there or if someone comes here we are not dropping a lot of stuff about how dangerous things have been in the past." Scott said as Tessa got up and took the stage.

"So how much do you need us to snowball this? Because on my world there was a lot of things that my sister needed to know. That is the main reason that I joined the Lucian Alliance was to provide our leaders with accurate intelligence about the happenings and dealings in the intergalactic theater." Colonel Carter nodded at this.

"Well, looks like you might have to help guide us through some the nuances that will be taking place here on Earth and on Destiny." Colonel Carter said looking at the Earth/Lucian based crew.

"Well, looks like we have to start briefing the crew on the events en-mass." Scott said looking at the information display that showed the Gateroom. A slow amount of people started to show up there. But word has spread around the ship that contact had been made. That was when Scott got on the radio and spoke. "Greer... I need you to start helping guide people to the Gateroom. I think we are about to have briefing for the entire crew to hear." With that Scott handed his radio over to Colonel Carter. "Looks like it is your game, Sir."

With that everyone got the feeling that there was going to be some major events taking place among the crew and some of it would be life changing for everyone involved.

Next Eli:

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