Stan and the Zombies

Chapter 1: Zombie Infestation

It seemed like it was a normal day for a certain Stan Smith at the CIA as he was doing typical paperwork for Deputy Director Bullock.

"Smith, come into my office" said Bullock as he said on the inner comm.

As Stan Smith walked inside the Deputy Director's office, Bullock was turned around on his chair.

"Smith, I got an assignment for you, there are reports that state that terrorists have employed a new biological weapon that turns people into zombies" said Bullock.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Stan.

"We have already vaccinated some of our top CIA operatives, they were already assigned to the case, but they have gone missing" continued Bullock.

"And you want me to find out what happened to them, right?" asked Stan.

"Correct" continued Bullock, "they were investigating a possible mobile biological lab somewhere in Colombia organized by local Colombian rebels who have been dealing with the terrorists we're fighting against. We want to send you down there to investigate what happened to them."

About a few hours later, Stan Smith was packed up and ready to move on out toward his location. He was riding in a helicopter that was provided by the CIA. Stan was anxious to get this over with, as he had his parachute on, he leaped out of the helicopter in the dead of the night. It was rather a bit quiet as he made his way through the thick bushes of the Colombian jungle hoping to find out where his fellow CIA compatriots went as he detailed their last movements.

"Bullock will have to promote me if I make it out of this mission" laughed Stan.

But as Smith continued to venture into the thick jungle, it was quite clear the CIA operative was getting lost, and an eerie sense of unusual calm went over the jungle as if all the animals stopped with their typical noises.

"Something doesn't feel right here" said Stan.

He then heard screams from a nearby village to which Stan immediately took his gun and readied it for some action.

"Yea, now we're talking, old American cowboy style action!" laughed Stan.

As Stan rushed to the village where the cries were coming, he could see the entire village was infested by what seemed like zombies, actual zombies were roaming about in the village. Stan rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, but when one of the zombies leaped out in trying to attack Stan, Stan fired his weapon at the zombie destroying the zombie.

"Take that you vile zombie!" cried Stan.

Stan kept on firing at the oncoming zombies who were coming his way, he noticed a barricaded hut in the village, and noticed some zombies were trying to get inside the hut.

"Not on my watch you won't!" cried Stan as he fired his weapon at the zombies who were trying to get inside.

Stan then immediately broke down the barricade after the last zombie was finished off, there a woman who had a gun but was obviously out of ammo couldn't believe someone had come to save her.

"And here I thought I was the only one who could use a gun well here" said Stan.

"Thank you sir" said the woman.

"Say, what's your name?" asked Stan as he handed her an ammo pack.

"Zoey" replied Zoey.

"Zoey, you wouldn't happen to be a member of the CIA? Some of my friends in the company were around here when they disappeared" continued Stan.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who they are, come on, I'll show you where the others might be trapped" continued Zoey.

"Others, there are others out there? What happened here?" asked Stan as the two began walking cautious with their guns loaded.

"Bill thought Colombia would be a safe place for us to hide, but we were indeed wrong" continued Zoey, "the virus that infects humans to become zombies was somehow unleashed."

"Mobile biological lab, damn it, that's what happened here" said Stan.

"Sounds like you're pretty knowledgeable" said Zoey.

"If Bullock told me there would be zombies, I might have not come" said Stan.

"Well, you're here anyway" continued Zoey, "mine as well take our side."

"I can try to find out what happen to the other CIA operatives first, before we can call for help" continued Stan.

As the two continued their trek, they heard cries from Louis who was fighting off a pack of zombies who were formerly Colombian rebels heading his way.

"Darn it, why the heck does man have to play with fire like this!" cried Louis as he kept on firing his weapon at the zombies.

Stan along with Zoey came right into the scene shooting the zombies dead. After the last zombie fell, Stan noticed that one of the zombies killed was a wanted Colombian rebel commander wanted by the CIA.

"Hmm, sounds like he might have been playing around with that virus" said Stan, "we need to find their mobile biological lab, and secure it before we can do anything else."

"We have to find Bill and Francis" said Louis, "they're likely not far from here."

"They better be, along with that mobile biological lab of the Colombian rebels" continued Stan.

As the three continued onward their journey, Stan felt Zoey, Louis, along with whoever Bill and Francis were had something to hide as to why they were in Colombia of all places fighting packs of zombies. It didn't make that much sense to the CIA agent, but Stan had to go along with them.