Yay, a new story.

Well. A crossover.

Here is and Inuyasha and Ghost Hunt Crossover. I hope you like.

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Chapter 1.: Friends.

She sighed from her desk, she had cleaned around the already clean office, she had filed the paperwork and files and made countless cups of tea. She was tired, exhausted. She had even painted her nails, which was unusual for her.

She ran her newly painted nails through her hair and then sighed opening her one of the draws. Lay there, was the picture in its golden metal frame. There was the two of them. Her and her friend.

They looked happy, even though that was 4 years ago. One with brunette hair and one with black. They both had brown eyes, but ones were lighter. Mai's eyes softened at the picture.

"Its been a long time, 4 years today." she mumbled. Mai ran her finger over the two of them, taking it all in, it had been so long. She gently put it back in her draw glancing at it one last time before so closed it back up again with a sigh and a soft shake of the head.

Mai tapped her finger on her desk, waiting for the next call for tea. Another 5 minuets and she got annoyed, she stood from her desk and went to make tea. Even if he hadn't asked for it, he was getting one.


I was sat in my office, looking over the case we had just received. It was a weird case, it struck me. I sighed and looked over to the empty cup on my desk.

I tapped the folder. I opened my mouth to call Mai for tea when there were two knocks on the door, I smirked. Mai.

"Come in." I called and opened the book that was sat the other side of me. She poked her head in and then walked in.


Mai walked into Naru's office after she had poked her head around the door, "I thought you might of needed a cup of tea, its been ages since you last asked for any."

Naru glanced at her then at the cup of tea then back at his book. Mai grumbled, 'How considerate.' she thought as she walked to Naru's desk.

She placed the tea down and sighed. She couldn't be bothered with an argument today, she was to down. She turnt on her heal and head out the door.

Naru raised an eyebrow at the closed door. 'Where's the waiting for the thank you?' he thought. He loved to wind up Mai, its was the blushes, they were cute. He slapped his forehead and the rubbed it with his fingers, he kept saying that. He pushed the thought away and sighed looking down at the case. "Mai." he called.


Mai had closed the door and head over to her desk, touched the phone. 'Should I call?' she thought.

She sighed and tapped the top of the phone. It puzzled her though, one day she was with her and then she stopped coming to the park to meet, it really puzzled Mai, she then stopped attending school, she would come in every three days, her grandpa had said about all these illnesses, it made Mai chuckle.

She knew there was nothing wrong, She could tell, but something was fishy. Mai had her job here by then, so they had no time to catch up.

She sighed and tilted her head forward. A hand came down on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Mai-san." Mai looked up at Lin. "Lin, do you need any?, Tea?" the brunette asked and he chuckled. "No, but Naru wants you to call everyone, we have a case. He said here is the address." Mai nodded not looking down at the paper.

Lin smirked, "He also said, 'stop daydreaming and get back to work, he didn't want you scaring the customers." with that Lin turnt around and went back into his den. Mai grumbled, "Stupid work-o-holic jerk of a narcissist" she muttered.

Mai walked round the her desk and sat down, pulled the chair forward towards the desk and then picked up the phone. She dialled in Bou-san's number in first, she waited and it rung a few times before he picked up.

"Hello, Housou Takigawa, and your rocking service." she giggled.

Mai heard Bou-san choke on the other side, "Mai." she smiled, "Yes Bou-san." Mai couldn't help but laugh at his greeting, I mean, who wouldn't. Bou-san cleared his throat., "What do you need, Mai-chan." he sang down the phone.

The brunette smiled softly, he was like a brother to her, "Well, we have a case, Naru wants everyone here at," Mai paused to looked down at the piece of paper. "10 tomorrow, to pack for a week and we are heading..." Mai gasped and nearly dropped the phone.


I sighed, what was taking Mai so long to call five people. I stood up and walked around my desk. I didn't see why I need to check on her, she should be older enough to be able to make a phone call, she has plenty of times.

I sighed opening the door and stepping out. Mai gasped and I looked at her. She scrambled for the phone and I shook my head.

She looked up at me, and then back at the piece of paper. "Bou-san, don't worry, something just shocked me, yes. Just come here tomorrow, can you tell Ayako please? Thank you." I watched Mai placed the phone down and stare at the paper.


Mai stared at the piece of paper. There of all places. She couldn't believe it. A smile grew on her face. After all these years. Mai chuckled. After these four long years she was going to see her again. Mai was happy, wait more than happy.

"Mai, I didn't know a piece of scrap paper could be so fascinating." She looked up at Naru who was leaning against his office door frame. "Well, It did for me." she countered and then picked up the phone.

The brunette assistant dialled in a number and waited. "This is Masako's agent, can I take a message." Mai smiled. "Hello, this is Taniyama Mai, I'm hear calling for Masako, about a case? Is she free tomorrow, 10 o'clock and for the rest of this week to help?" her agent chuckled.

"Hi Mai-san, its good to hear from you, yes Masako is free. 10 o'clock tomorrow."

"Yeah, its good to hear from you to." there was a small chuckle. "Do you want me to hand you over to John-san, he is here with me." She smiled.

"No need, if you could just replay the message that will be fine."

"Okay, bye Mai-san."

"Bye." Mai put the phone down and looked at the piece of paper again. she really couldn't believe it.

"Mai, stop dazing into space and work, what has everyone said." Mai rolled her eyes.

"Bou-san and Ayako said they were coming, John and Masako are. I haven't called Yasuhara yet but, he will probably say yes. Naru, can I see the case file for this case?" Mai asked. Naru stared at the girl.


I looked up at Naru. Waiting for his answer.

"Fine, come and collect it, but bring tea with you." I sighed shaking my head as he disappeared.

I smiled again, I was going to see her. I was going to see my life long friend. My childhood friend.

It made me smile, I was going to see Kagome again.


"Hey, wait up." the girl looked over her shoulder. "No." the silver haired boy growled.

"Kagome, listen to me. Where are you going." Kagome spun round.

"I'm going home, if you would listen." the boy jumped in front of her.

"We need to look for more jewel shards, you can't go." the girl stared into his eyes. "I'm going, end of,." she pushed past him.

"Here they go again." a man muttered as he followed them. "Miroku, you know they do this all the time, Kagome needs to go home." Miroku looked at the demon slayer next to him.

"I know." a small kitsune jumped up onto his shoulder.

"Sango's right," the monk lowered his head and sighed. "Sit boy." Kagome shouted.

The boy in the red clothing dropped to the ground and his face to the impact. "Bye Inuyasha." she called as she climb onto the side of a well.

"Hmm, here I go." Kagome jumped in but didn't fall. "You ain't going anywhere, we have jewel shards to find." Kagome struggled to get him to let go of her.

"Inuyasha, let me go." she shouted. She sighed, did she have to do this. "Sit boy." she muttered and they both fell into the well.

Well,the first chapter of my new story. Excited much.

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Thank you.

Peace out -DemonHairedandBlueEyed.