Ch. 54: New Life

written 4/9/14

To my loyal audience, it's been a blast but like all good things this fanfic must come to a close. (Sob!)

Anyways here's the final chapter.

The next week Pearl and Dimas' folks came by to congratulate the two of them on their eggs. "Oh Pearl, we're so happy for you." said Jewel and Eduarda. "As

are we." added Blu and Abilio. "Thank you all, but I couldn't have done it without Dimas." declared Pearl giving her mate kiss. "If it wasn't for his encouragement

and staying by my side while I pushed out the first two eggs, and experienced the extreme pain that came with it, then I might not have had the strength to

get to the third egg." "Sweetie, you got through pushing out the third egg just fine with what seemed to be little or no pain." said Dimas. "Yeah, but that was

because of that five minute long kiss you gave me." reasoned Pearl. "It was so passionate that I got lost in the moment and completely forgot about the pain."

The two lovebirds shared a very brief kiss, and then looked at their parents. "Well in any case, we're all just happy for the two of you." said Eduarda. Then Blu

stepped forward and addressed his son-in-law. "Dimas, I couldn't be more proud of you because you never left Pearl's side." he said. "Thank you, Blu." replied

Dimas. The two of them shook talons. After that Jewel approached her daughter's mate and gave him a quick hug followed by a peck on the cheek. "Thank you

for being so committed to our daughter as well as very caring." she said. "I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law." Dimas blushed. "Thank you, Jewel." he replied.

Eduarda shook talons with Pearl. "You're the best daughter-in-law, please watch over Dimas." Then Abilio approached Pearl, and kissed her wing. "Also, be

sure to keep him out of trouble." he added with a smile. Blu, Jewel, Abilio, and Eduarda looked at Pearl, Dimas, and the eggs. "Well, we should take off, and

leave you in peace." said Jewel. "Come on Blu." "Coming Jewel." answered Blu. He and Jewel took off for their hollow. "Well, I guess we'll take our leave as

well." added Abilio and Eduarda with a sigh. With that Dimas' parents took off for their hollow as well.

Over the next couple of months Dimas and Pearl waited (or in Pearl's case mostly sat) patiently for the eggs to hatch. Their brothers and sisters had come over

to give the couple their well wishes. Then one day, while Pearl was sitting on the eggs sharing a love nuzzle with her mate, the two of them heard a crack.

Pearl got up and stood next to her mate. "Dimas, look they're hatching!" she exclaimed. "I can't believe it!" "I know, me neither!" cried Dimas. "It's so exciting!"

Then, they saw the first of their offspring break out of the egg. Pearl picked up the chick and looked down on it with a loving gaze. "Ahh, Dimas it's a girl!" she

cried. "How sweet." he said. "Can I hold her?" "Of course." she replied and handed their first born chick to her mate. Dimas looked down at his baby girl. "Hey

little one, welcome to this world." he said greeting the little chick calmly. "I'm your Dad." The chick blinked at him and slowly accepted his title. Then, the two

lovebirds heard a second crack and three minutes later a third. The second chick was a boy and the third was another girl. They both were immediately scooped

up by their Mother and Father, who welcomed them to their new world with love, who they almost immediately accepted as their parents, just like their older

sister. Once their parents put them down they looked, at each other. "Dimas, we have to name them." said Pearl. "You're absolutely right." replied Dimas and

then suggested. "Do you want to think up a name for each of the girls, and I'll think of one for our boy?" "Sounds good to me." answered Pearl in agreement.

They began brainstorming some names for their offspring, and after a while they had come up with names for their chicks. "So Dimas, what shall we call our

little boy?" inquired Pearl. "How about we call him Marcus." suggested Dimas. "I think that's a pretty good name." commented Pearl. "It has a nice ring to it

too." "Alright, what do you want to name our little girls?" asked Dimas. "I'm thinking of naming the first born Luana, and her younger sister Jessica." she

proposed. "They're both such beautiful names." commented Dimas. "I'm all for them." Pearl then made a jokester smile at her mate. "What?" he questioned

curiously. "Let's hear their opinion." said Pearl. Dimas arced a curious eyebrow at his mate, but decided to play along. The two parents looked at their offspring,

and they looked right back at them. "So, what do you three think of your names?" asked Pearl playfully. The three chicks chirped happily, and their parents

smiled at them. Then Dimas turned back to mate. "Well, I guess that's their translation for "We love them!"" he said with a playful smile. "Yep, I guess you're

right." agreed Pearl and she shared a kiss with him. All three of the chicks were then helped into the nest by their parents who sat down on either side of

them, and they all went to sleep.

One month later Pearl and Dimas' folks stopped by to see their new grandchicks, who had grown some of their feathers already. "I'm a Grandpa!" announced

Blu and Abilio excitedly. "I'm a Grandma!" exclaimed Jewel and Eduarda joyfully. Marcus, Luana, and Jessica were a little frightened of their Grandparents at

first, but with a little friendly encouragement from their parents, they began to warm up to their Grandparents. At this point in their lives, the chicks most

prominent features could be recognized. Marcus shared his Father's dark blue feather color along with the same grey talon color. His eye color was the most

unique of that between himself and his sisters. They were a tropical green, which had no immediate corralation with his Mother or Father's eye color. His sisters

shared their Mother's black talons and cerulean blue feathers. Unlike their brother though, they each held a kind of blue eye color, most likely corralated with

their Father's eye color and to a very distant extent, their Mother's eyes as well. Jessica had sapphire blue eyes relating the most to her Father's eyes, yet

slightly darker. Her big sister Luana, had aqua blue eyes, a color very closely related to her Mother and Father's eyes.

Six months after that, Luana, Marcus, and Jessica were out flying and singing with the other birds (under their parent's supervision of course) in the wild,

adventurous jungle of Rio de Janerio. Dimas and Pearl had a new life as parents and along with it came more responsibilities such as providing for themselves

and their kids. However they both agreed on the fact that having this new life, and facing it together along with their kids, couldn't make them happier.

The End.

Sorry everyone, but I wanted to get this last chapter done before April 11 when Rio 2 comes out in the USA.

I really enjoyed writing for all of you, but I probably won't be doing so for a long time.

I will keep reading all your fanfics when I get free time.

Thanks for reading.

- Ricardo the Black Hawk (also without you to inspire me I probably wouldn't have gotten this done.)

- Kraft58 (I wouldn't have started this without you.)

- PinkLemonLimeSprinkles

- SpixPrime

- Jeff17

- and all my other loyal readers