Brown-san and Monk-san entered the office chatting jovially. They had found a marvelous obento place two streets away and were looking forward to eating their lunch. However, when they went to the lunchroom, Brown-san groaned with distress.

"What's wrong, Brown-san?" queried the monk.

"They've forgotten to give us soy sauce," said Brown-san, sadly. "I do love eating my sushi bento with soy sauce."

"Oh, that's alright. I keep a stock in my desk drawer for such emergencies."

"Bless you," replied Brown-san happily as he watched Monk-san walk out the door into the main area of the office.

As Monk-san bent over to rifle through his drawer, he heard voices floating through the weak point in the wall in Naru's office.

"Be gentle," warned Mai.

Hah! I've learnt my lesson from the last time. She's probably asking him not to criticise her tea too harshly.

"Leave it to me. I know what I'm doing,"

Was that Yasuhara-kun?! What's he doing in Naru's office with Mai? Heavens, did they sneak in there for a little privacy? No, don't go there Monk-san.

"I'm starting to doubt that."

What a blow to his masculinity. Maybe he needs to brush up on his technique? No, Monk-san, no! Real life isn't as perverted as you think. Mind. Out. Of. The. Gutter. Now!

"Shouldn't it be standing up? Why is it bent like that?"

Bent?! Does Yasuhara-kun have those problems? But he's so young! Monk-san took a moment to look down and congratulate himself for always being able to rise to the occasion. Maybe I should have a chat with Yasuhara-kun later... And take him to a pharmacist.

"Aaah, don't tease it like that!"

They're doing it! I'm right this time. Oh. this is so lewd. Doing this is in the office. During daytime. DURING LUNCH!

"You always start out slow. Trust me."

I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you. You managed to seduce my sweet little Mai. What sort of devilish trickery did you use?

"Well, I do trust you. Why else would I have asked you to do it in the first place?"

MAI! She solicited it! So brazen. So saucy. Ohhh, I think I'm going to need a cold shower.

It was at this point that Brown-san came out to investigate why Monk-san was taking so long. Monk-san beckoned him to come and listen. Brown-san also laid an ear on the wall and began to listen to the conversation.

"Oooh, that's actually quite nice. You really do know what you're doing," she said with approval.

I'm going to need two cold showers and an ice bucket. He glanced over at Brown-san who seemed confused.

"Nice?" snorted Yasuhara with disdain. "Give me ten more minutes and I'll blow your 's time to pull out the big guns."

Mai gasped, " Surely, you can't think of using that. It's too big!"

At this point Monk-san saw Brown-san's blue eyes widen with shock. "Are they...?" he whispered in disbelief. Monk-san nodded. Brown-san immediately began to rifle through the pockets of his robe and finally pulled out a worn out rosary. "I'm going to pray for their souls, " with that Brown-san knelt down and began to pray feverishly.

"I'm sure it's not bigger than anything Naru has. Why are we doing this again?"

"I want it to be perfect when I return it to Naru's care."

Not that Naru would appreciate getting Yasuhara-kun's sloppy seconds. This is seriously twisted.

"I'm sure he will be very impressed," said Yasuhara-kun, smugly. "But since you're eager to impress him, I think I should pull out all the stops!"

"Yasuhara-san!" shrieked Mai.

Oh, my. Oh, Mai! Oh, heavens. I can't take this anymore. Monk-san slid off the chair, joined Brown-san on the floor and began to chant prayers in a low voice.

A few moments later, the door to Naru's office swung open and Yasuhara-kun and Mai entered the main office area. They were greeted by a peculiar sight, Monk-san and Brown-san were both on the ground praying fervently.

"Is this a prayer circle?" whispered Mai to Yasuhara-kun.

"I guess so. I think it's best if we don't interrupt them", he said as they inched around the two men who were so deep in prayer that they did not notice that the objects of their prayers were standing next to them.

The next day when Naru returned from his trip to England, he found the office to be a peculiar place. Monk-san had filled out a holiday request form saying that he wanted to go somewhere cold like the Arctic Tundra because cold showers simply do not cut it any more. Brown-san kept giving Yasuhara-san a wide berth and spent every spare moment praying. The only normal thing was that Mai returned his bonsai tree to him in good condition. Actually, there was something odd about that too. The bonsai tree looked as if it had recently been trimmed by a skilled gardener. Peculiar.