A/N: So, one day on a bus my friend and I were bored (never a good sign) and wrote a theme song for the Fourth Wall Mafia, which in case you don't know is a mafia that writes awesome fanfiction that breaks the Fourth Wall. It's a parody of Dynamite:

I came to write, write, write, write, write

With all the characters I like, like, like, like, like

Inside this 'fic they all do fight, fight, fight, fight, fight

With wars between darkness and light, light, light, light

Yeah, yeah

I write 'fics every single day!

I'm writing every single day!

I throw my fanfic in the air sometimes

Saying oh no, where'd the words go?

I like to make characters fight all day

'Cause it's funny

Hey, plot bunnies!

Now it's boring so, I'll make somebody fall

Gonna blow it up, like it's the fourth wall!

I wrote this chapter so, it makes no sense at all

Gonna blow it up, like it's the fourth wall!

And now they'll dance, dance, dance, dance

And then they'll find somebody's pants, pants, pants, pants

Now I'm kind of scared

So I'll backspace, space, space, space, space

And write in yet another scene, scene, scene, scene

I edit every single day!

I edit every single day!

I throw my fanfic in the air sometimes

Saying oh no, where'd the words go?

I like to make characters fight all day

'Cause it's funny

Hey, plot bunnies!

Now it's boring so, I'll make somebody fall

Gonna blow it up, like it's the fourth wall!

I wrote this chapter so, it makes no sense at all

Gonna blow it up, like it's the fourth wall!

I'm gonna mess it all up

This is a crackfic so I'm really pumped

I'll add a self-insert

The wall will be destroyed beyond any hope of repair

And now, now, now

This 'fic makes me feel dumb, dumb, dumb

It got so insane, it's just so insane

I think I'm gonna kill it with fire, kill it with fire- FIRE! FIRE! FIIIRE~

I throw my fanfic in the air sometimes

Saying oh no, where'd the words go?

I like to make characters fight all day

'Cause it's funny

Hey, plot bunnies!

Now it's boring so, I'll make somebody fall

Gonna blow it up, like it's the fourth wall!

I wrote this chapter so, it makes no sense at all

Gonna blow it up, like it's the fourth wall!

Over 400 words and 2 pages later (on my Word document) let's get on with the story!

The next morning, the gang began to slowly meander out of their cabins to gather around the campfire for breakfast.

"You're up early," Wheatley said teasingly when he left his cabin and noticed that, unlike yesterday, GLaDOS was among the first ones up.

"Last night was much better than the night before, for me at least," she replied calmly, smirking in the direction of her cabin, since Chell still hadn't gotten up.

Wheatley swallowed hard. "Um, what'd you do to her?" he asked nervously.

She only shrugged like she didn't know or care, so he walked over to their cabin and knocked on the door.

"Chell? You alright, mate?" he called.

"Yeah," she replied, opening the door and looking absolutely fine.

Wheatley cocked his head, confused. "What? But GLaDOS said-well, she didn't say of course, but hinted-that she, err…"

"I had to give her some sense of triumph," Chell replied, grinning.

"So, she didn't do anything?" he asked, still confused.

"Oh, she did something," she said, leaning against the doorframe and glaring in no particular direction, "But I've been fine for the last hour."

"Oh. What did she-?"

"Don't ask."

They walked back to the campfire.

"Well. It seems our master of ruining other people's lives has recovered from my little prank," GLaDOS said, glaring at them. She turned towards the road. "Good, because our insider is back."

Neko was half skipping, half walking down the road towards their camp with a triumphant grin.

"Hey! How'd our prank go?" Xelac asked, running up to her with Taliax close behind.

"It was awesome!" Neko replied, high-fiving them, "It stunk, but it's awesome! Only four people went, but it still took them hours to clean it all up!"

The girls walked over to the campfire to report.

"Well then, I think it's time we upped the ante," Chell said, grinning evilly, "Tonight, we'll give those Black Mesa guys a real mess to clean up!"

Everyone around the campfire shouted in agreement.

"Oo, what's the plan? What're we going to do now?" Curiosity asked excitedly, bouncing on the bench she and Space were sitting on.

"There's this one guy who, like, sleeps like a rock," Neko reported, "Not even the stench of our last prank woke him, and we had to dump a bucket of water on him to get him up. He's one of the Black Mesa guys who are leading this camp."

"Hmm… We do want to focus on pranking the leaders, unless any of the kids are related to BM," Chell said.

"Well, the camp was meant to be open to anyone, but me and two other kids are the only ones who don't have one or both parents working at BM," Neko replied.

"Alright, then we prank almost everyone. I have a special prank in mind for that one guy, but for everyone else, we can do something more general," Chell said, thinking. "Oh, I know what we can do…"

That night, when the Black Mesa campers were sound asleep, the Aperture gang set out, armed with a roll of duct tape and thousands of plastic cups. First, they struck the cabin with Mr. Sleeper, which was the nickname for the guy who sleeps like a rock.

Snoring filled the dark cabin as they crept in, which thankfully drowned out the sound of their entry. Keeping quiet so that they don't disturb his roommate, they carefully lifted Mr. Sleeper up toward the ceiling and placed strands of duct tape underneath him, sticking it to both him and the ceiling. Once they were satisfied they had enough, they let go, and he just hanged there, snoring peacefully like he wasn't duct taped to the ceiling. Quietly high-fiving, they left the cabin to begin phase two of their prank.

They broke into two teams; one team getting out the plastic cups and filling them with water while the other carefully carried the cups into the cabins and covered the floors with them. They left some space around the beds of the other two 'innocent' kids, so that they wouldn't step directly onto the cups when they got up. As for everyone else, well, you get the idea. Neko had decided to sleep in the extra bed at Aperture's campsite.

After hours of careful, quiet work, the gang retreated to their campsite.

The next day, Neko returned to the Black Mesa camp to observe the damage.

"So, when I went there, I wasn't even trying to sneak around but none of the adults noticed me," she explained when she came back, "Their pretty pissed about the cups, but last time I checked, ol' Mr. Sleeper was still snoring from the ceiling. Also, according to the kids, apparently they think you kidnapped me."

"Seriously? Even though you were right there?" Taliax asked. Neko nodded.

"I don't know what they're gonna do about it, but their going to the lake today," she reported.

"The lake where we saw Space?" Space asked excitedly.

"Great! That's the perfect place for an ambush!" Xelac said with an evil grin.

"What? You're planning on attacking them?" Wheatley asked nervously.

"Not with you guys," Lexicon replied with an innocent smile, "Just with some, ah, friends of ours."

GLaDOS narrowed her eyes. "Friends?"

The girls laughed mischievously.

"Just come to the lake with us, we'll get you someplace safe to watch, and then we'll call them over," Xelac replied.

With that, the gang departed for the lake. Upon arriving, they found that the campers from Black Mesa had already gathered by the shore; the kids staring boredly while the adults tried to teach them about some plants. Once they noticed the gang approaching, however, they began to whisper angrily among themselves.

Some canoes had been set up by the shore a good distance from the other campers, and while everyone else paddled off to the middle of the lake, the teenage girls stayed behind.

Xelac pulled a cell phone out of her pocket and called the "friends" who were mentioned earlier.

"Hi! You have reached the Portal fan club!" said the girl on the other end as Still Alive blasted from the background.

"Hello, Feep," Xelac replied calmly, "So, me and a couple other authoresses are out camping with the Aperture guys-" she paused while several fangirl squeals came from the other end, which must have been on speaker, "- and we ran into some Black Mesa campers. We were wondering if you could assemble the troops-"

"Yeah, I know what you mean! Oh my science, this is gonna be awesome!" Feep yelled before hanging up.

At the edge of the meadow bordering the lake, a portal opened and an army of fangirls spilled out. Some wore test subject jumpsuits while others wore cosplay for cores in human form. They were armed cubes, plastic replicas of portal guns, and other random Aperture Science stuff.

"FOR SCIEEEEEEEEEENCE!" the girl in the lead, who happened to be Feeptheninja, screamed as they charged toward the terrified Black Mesa campers, who had no escape.

They were surrounded by the enraged fangirls and proceeded to be punched, slapped, kicked, and beaten with cubes and the other stuff while the kids who weren't related to Black Mesa somehow managed to walk away unscathed.

After ten minutes of this amusing entertainment, the fangirls chased the Black Mesa guys through the meadow and into the woods. The Aperture gang slowly came back to shore once the fangirls were out of sight.

"Well… That was… Terrifying," Wheatley said, shuddering as he stepped out of the canoe.

"I hate to agree with a moron," GLaDOS said, "But we just witnessed an attack from the second most dangerous breed of humans."

"Oh, really? What's the most dangerous?" Chell asked. Before the former AI could give her predictable answer, a squeal filled the air as she was tackled to the ground.

"What the-? Get it off!" GLaDOS yelled, thrashing in an attempt to shake off the 13-year-old girl who had her arms locked around her victim's neck.

"Don't struggle! You're only making it worse," Lexicon said calmly, watching with amusement.

"Alright, Feep, you got her, now let her go!" Xelac commanded, trying to grab the girl's neck.

"NO!" came the defiant reply.

"Let go, or I will suck out all of your bone marrow and replace it with liquid neurotoxin!" GLaDOS threatened in a deathly quiet voice and suddenly stopped struggling. When Feep hesitated for a second, Chell took the opportunity to yank her off. GLaDOS immediately jumped to her feet, glaring at the girl who was now struggling to get out of Chell's grip.

Taliax, shaking her head and trying to keep from bursting out laughing like everyone else was currently doing, snapped her fingers. A portal opened out of thin air and sucked the fangirl inside before closing again.

"How-? How'd you do that?" Wheatley asked, staring at her.

"Magic," she replied simply, shrugging.

Thus, the gang once again headed back to camp, keeping an eye out for any more stray fangirls.

A/N: And yes, I did ask Feeptheninja if I could use her, in case you were wondering.

So, on a more important note, I am planning on starting a new fanfiction at some point. The thing is, I want to make it mostly realistic, and need some help. For more information on that, check my profile. I would really appreciate it.

Also, merry Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate around this time, to everyone!