Chapter 10

"Who is this girl?" Sky asked.

"I'm Jade. A fairy. A peasant, from Solaria." she said.

"You're room Solaria?" Stella asked.

"Well let's just say that we need to go back with the problem." Jade said.

"Okay, this is important guys." Helia said.

"What is this important thing? And where's Nabu?" Layla asked.

"And where's Timmy?" Tecna added.

Then Nabu and Timmy came.

"Never mind." Tecna and Layla said together.

"Bloom committed suicide." Brandon said.

Then everyone froze.

"Who's Bloom?" Jade asked.

"Our friend." Roxy said.

"I feel so… sorry… it's our entire fault." Stella said.

"I know Stella, but she's still alive. I can tell." Sky said.

Then Jade untransformed.

"Don't worry. I'll try to find her." Jade said.

"No offense, but you don't even know what she looks like." Sky added.

"Don't be harsh Sky, I think she knows her." Flora said.

After everyone fixed the mess, the Winx returned back to the apartment. They had no choice but return to Alfea and teach.

They we're in the living room. They we're resting.

"Jade, are you going to Alfea?" Flora asked.

"I think I know enough of my powers." Jade said.

Then they saw fire in Jade's hands.

"Is that the Dragon Fire?" Tecna asked.

"Dragon fire?" Jade asked.

"Where did you get that? I thought only Bloom could keep it." Tecna said.

Then the Specialists came.

"Here's the note from Bloom." Timmy said.

Then Timmy gave the note to Tecna.

Then they read it.

Dear whoever who reads this,

The reason why I made this note is because, I'm leaving. I'm never going to come back. I'll be committing suicide. Why? It's the only thing that would make the Winx forgive me. I'm somewhere. You won't find me. And the Dragon's Flame, I have given it to someone who I trust. Please give this note to the Winx. They're still somewhere in Gardenia. I could feel it. Please show this note if you're the first one to read this.


"Who did she give it too?" Musa asked.

"I guess someone who she 'trusts.'" Riven said.

"Who does she trust?" Layla asked.

"I need to tell you something guys." Jade said.

"Wait before you say anything, I need to say something too." Musa said.

"What is it?" Roxy asked.

"I feel so… sorry for Bloom… I guess I was just jealous about what she did. It's true she gets all the attention, but she's a nice friend." Musa said.

"I agree." Tecna said while standing up.

Then Layla and Roxy stand up.

"What about you Stella?" Layla asked.

"Fine." Stella said then she stood up.

"I guess it's the right time to tell you." Jade said.

Then there was a huge light that surrounded Jade. There was a girl with red hair and blue eyes.

"Bloom?" Sky said surprisingly.

"It is me, Bloom, the girl who you hate." Bloom said.

"Bloom!" all of the girls shouted.

Then they went to Bloom and hugged her. After 3 seconds, they moved.

"How come you pretended to be someone else?" Brandon asked.

"I thought it was a good plan to forgive me." Bloom said.

"Well, welcome back to the Winx Club Bloom." Stella said.

"Thanks." Bloom said.

"The Winx Club is back!" everyone shouted.

Okay, I know it's a short chapter. But oh well :P I hope you enjoy this story. I know the ending sucks, but that's how it like. Sorry if you don't agree with this chapter.