Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XIII. Square Enix owns it. I do not own anything. Do not sue me.
Authorial Notice: Oh, what's this? A sequel? To Lost Then Found? [insert shocked face here]! Oh my! Enjoy it. ;) By the way, I have a job now. Finally. And I'm going to be cross trained (Deli and Bakery clerk) so I should be really busy. I'm going to try to stick to my normal weekly updates. But anyway, enjoy the prologue to the Lost Then Found sequel!

Special thanks to Haruka-Chan 212. I'm horrible at smut. So any smut that you read in this story is her's, not mine. Also, she's writing the Fang parts. I simply cannot write her.

Not Over You

Didn't I give it all? Tried my best, gave you everything I had / Everything and no less / Didn't I do it right? / Did I let you down? / Maybe you got too used to by having me around / Still, how can you walk away from all my tears? – "Take It All" by Adele


It had been six months since Lightning's birthday. It was an… uneventful six months. Lightning was finally working a 9-5 job, Monday through Friday. Serah and Snow had moved out. And last but not least, Fang and Lightning had major issues, leading to their inevitable break up.

The falling out had been difficult for both of them. Lightning had been working too much overtime. She had been trying to pay for their vacation. She was going to take Fang and herself to Nautilus. A much needed vacation from all the drama. Just the two of them. God, that was all she wanted. Two weeks of no Snow, Serah, Lebreau… or even Vanille.

However, all the overtime had led to angry break up sex. It was, in Lightning's eyes, 'goodbye' sex.

Serah had barely seen Lightning since she moved out with Snow. She and Snow tried to get a hold of Lightning but she was always at work. And when they tried to call her at work, she'd be busy. The two didn't know what else to do. No matter what they tried to do, Lightning avoided them. They didn't even know Fang and Lightning broke up until a month after it happened. And they found out from Vanille.

Vanille had been heartbroken. When Fang came home that night, she tried to make her smile but it didn't work. Normally all Vanille had to do was crack a simple, lame joke and a smile would appear on Fang's face.

Fang, herself, had been working extra. She got promoted to the assistant manager at the store she worked at and kept herself busy. She took all of the extra shifts she could, just so she could try to not think about Lightning. She kept herself busy with constant paperwork, customers, and coworkers. She went out to parties with her coworkers. She went to meetings. Anything to keep herself busy.

Fang had taken the break up the hardest. She had finally gotten close to Lightning, the way she wanted, but was only forced away. Lightning claimed it was because she wanted to pay for the trip and not have Fang pay for a cent of it. It was Lightning's way of showing how much she loved her. But a month without one date or one sleep over had taken its toll on their relationship.

One month after the breakup, Lightning did take the vacation. Only she took it at home. She took it at home with beer. She didn't go to Nautilus as she wanted to. Mainly because Fang and her had broken up. God, how she wanted to go with her. The months she had with Fang were amazing, and two weeks without Serah, Snow, or Vanille would have been even better. She already had things planned out.

But the plans didn't work out.

And it caused Lightning to shut everyone out.

Fang had been there through her worst. Through the wedding, and through the accident.

And it was all gone.


"You'd cancel the only date we've had in a month just to please those bastards?" Fang folded her arms over her chest, staring at her girlfriend. She was not amused.

Lightning let out a heavy sigh before slipping out of her shoes and making her way past a very angry brunette to enter her kitchen to start making her dinner. "Those bastards help me keep this house Fang. What don't you understand about that?"

"The fact that ya got a pay increase, the fact that you're on a set schedule, the fact that ya only have to provide for you now." Fang remained right on Lightning's heels.

The blonde slammed her hands on the island in her kitchen to glare at her girlfriend. "What the fuck do you want me to do? I show them that I'm available they'll keep me in mind next time there's a promotion open. Do you know Fang, that the money I earned today will help us actually have a vacation? A nice vacation with just the two of us. Why the fuck are we fighting all the time?"

Fang stood on the other side of the island, eyes never leaving Lightning's. "Because I feel like I don't mean anything to ya Light. Ya never make time for me. It's always work. I'm lucky I see ya once a week. Hell, ya haven't even let me fuck you in two months."

She was a bit taken aback by Fang's words. "Is that all this is to you? Because if it's all about sex to you, you can get the fuck out of my house right now." She grabbed a random piece of fruit from the bowl on the island before starting to walk away. She barely stepped foot into the living room before she found herself pressed against the wall. "Get off of me!"

"No. Not until ya hear me out."

Lightning lifted her leg to press her knee into Fang's mid-section, trying to put some more space between them. But the taller Pulsian was much stronger and held her ground. "I said get off of me!" Lightning practically snarled in the brunette's face.

Fang grabbed both of Lightning's wrists and slammed her to the wall with a little more force then she intended. Her grip automatically loosened when the smaller woman let out a soft, barely there whimper. "I love you Light. Your job is tearing us apart."

"My job is paying for our two week vacation in Nautilus!" She fired right back.

"And I already told you, ya didn't have to pay for the whole thing yourself! You need to learn that you're not the only person in this relationship." She pushed a little harder when Lightning started to fight her grasp again, this time she didn't loosen her grip. She was beyond the point of really caring if Lightning would have bruises forming on her wrists. She had to make sure the blonde heard her out. "I wish you'd get off this high horse you're on. Life doesn't revolve around just you."

"You say you want things equal, but how can you help with this trip with where you work?"

Fang was suddenly very silent. Yes, emotions were running high, but she was utterly shocked. "You have no right to say that to me."

Lightning's eyes remained locked with Fang's. She knew what she said was a bit of a low blow. But Fang had her so pissed. "And you have no right to say that I think I'm better than everyone else."

"Ya sure as hell act like it."

Lightning once again struggled against the stronger woman's grasp. The hands on her wrists were starting to hurt. Yet, oddly, the pain felt good. "Let me go Fang. I just want to sleep, I'm exhausted."

"There ya go again. Thinking about nobody but yourself."

"Fine!" She finally snapped. "You want me so much fucking take me."

She didn't need to be told twice. Her hands instantly began work on the buckles of Lightning's uniform before she could change her mind.

As much as the soldier wanted to just stop Fang, kick her out, and go to bed, the power in which her girlfriend was showing was overwhelming. She turned her eyes away when she felt her top fall open. She was using all of her willpower not to give into the rough hands that worked her breasts, nor the teeth digging into the flesh of her neck.

Fang pushed Lightning's top off her shoulders and barely watched it as it pooled near the blonde's feet. Her head dipped down to pull one of Lightning's nipples into her mouth. Her teeth closed around it, causing a loud, someone painful moan to escape Lightning's lips.

Lightning's head slammed back against the wall. There was nothing caring, or loving about the way she was being handled. And she was ashamed at how much it was turning her on. She'd never let Fang know though. Her fingers dug into the wall at her sides, refusing to touch her girlfriend.

Fang nearly ripped the skirt of Lightning's uniform when she forced her hands under it to remove it. She cursed under her breath at the number of buckles the uniform had. It was something she'd hated since day one. She used her body weight to press the blonde back against the wall, eliciting an involuntary loud moan that sent a chill down her spine. She realized at that moment in time, that she'd never been more turned on in her life. Part of her hated that it had come down to this.

Lightning bit her lower lip as it trembled slightly. She couldn't believe that Fang was actually taking her. She cursed her entire body for the mixture of feelings. The anguish, the arousal, even the small amount of pain.

Fang finally lifted her gaze to meet Lightning's. She let out a breath she'd been holding before wrapping her arms around the smaller woman's hips and lifted her off her feet. Not a word was spoken as she carried the soldier to the closest soft object. The sofa. She wanted her girlfriend; she didn't want to hurt her.

The remaining bit of resolve that Lightning had failed. Her arms slid around Fang's neck and she smashed her lips to the Pulsian's.

"Don't…" Fang pulled her lips away and not so carefully removed the arms from her neck.

"Let me touch you." Lightning was starting to realized just how much she needed the woman above her.

Fang pinned the blonde's arms against the cushions. "No."

Lightning wanted to continue protesting, but the sensations that traveled over her body were like nothing she'd ever felt before. The next thing she knew, two fingers were driven roughly into her center.

The feelings were rushed, lustful, yet full of love for the entire time they were together. For the next half hour it was nothing but saying goodbye. It all went by too fast. As it always had in the past. It felt like seconds. They were trapped in the moment but both knew what was destined to happen next. Lightning hurt all over, she didn't mind, but ran her hands through Fang's hair anyway. Fang didn't move. She felt wet tears on her chest. "Fang? I'm sorry, I…-"

"Don't…" Fang's voice choked. "I… I can't believe…"


Fang stood up and put her clothes on, one by one. Piece by piece. Slowly.

"I… I'm sorry, Light but… I can't keep doing this with you. I keep pulling you towards me but you keep pushing away…"

"Fang, don't say it please…"

"Goodbye, Light."


So what did you guys think? Is it a good start? Please don't kill me. I have good intentions with this. And trust me, it won't take me a year to complete thie story this time around. :)

A few questions before I end my ranting:

What would you guys like to see in this story? It's going to have drama in it. Lots of it. But it will lead to good things - very good things.

Don't forget, if ya'll know me like ya'll did before, reviews make me update faster. They really do.