Falling For You – Cobie Caillat

The box that Natalie was holding so gleefully was empty.

"Looking for this?" the voice so rough and so familiar, rang into the room. Ian leaned against the doorway with a victorious gleam, propping up the glass shoe with his index finger. Isabel took a sharp intake of breath. Or was it me?

"Ian, yes I was actually, what are you doing with my shoe?" Natalie asked calmly. I forgot how amazing she was at lying. It was obvious that Natalie and Ian were Lucians. Expert thieves and liars. Playing the game of wit and deceit, trying to outsmart each other.

He smirked. "This isn't your shoe Natalie, it's hers."

Andre looked back and forth. "Duke of Bordeaux, with all due respect, would you be kind enough to explain what's going on?"

"Nothing is going on. Natalie here thought this shoe belonged to her, when in fact I know this belongs to Amy. The certificate is written under her name."

I gaped at Ian open mouthed. What the hell was he doing?

Andre looked disapprovingly at Natalie and took the other shoe from Ian. He, like Louis, sat on one knee and slipped both of my feet into the pair.

"That is mine!" Natalie shrieked, reddening from fury. Andre was somewhat sympathetic, looking at Natalie. She was breathing heavily, glaring at me. He could detect how tense and intimidated I was by all this. He stood up and clasped his hands together.

"Ladies, I am sorry to do this. I am sure you both would make lovely brides but it seems that this shoe does fit Amy… However, I am prepared to give another deciding criteria on who is actually the royal bride. Amy, would you like me to ask the following question? To give a deciding chance for Natalie?" Andre asked.

Natalie looked at me with an expression of betrayal and threat. "Yes," I croaked immediately looking away from her. I looked at Ian. He gave me a small smile, but his eyes weren't reflecting it.

"If you claim to be that girl who left with the Prince, how did you happen to lose your glass slipper?" he asked and threw a mirthful glance my way. My face dropped. Natalie thought about it carefully and narrowing her eyes she looked at me. After a moment of silence, she spoke up.

"I-I left it there while I was running away from him," she softly said. "Because I was scared of marriage and decided it was too early. Today however, I am confident that I want to get married. I regret leaving the Crown Prince yesterday."

Seriously, that girl needed an award for excellent ad-libbing; Andre sighed and pursed his lips. He turned to me.

"If you were the girl, how did you lose your shoe?" he asked, already knowing the answer. I've never felt so sheepish in my life.

"I-I threw it at him," I said quietly. Ian allowed himself a small, pleased chuckle. Andre grinned. Isabel and Natalie gaped at me.

"I wish that shoe actually hit him," Andre muttered quietly to me and stretched out his hand. I took it and stood up. "Go child and take only necessary things. Everything will be provided in the castle so don't pack a suitcase. We will deliver your things to the castle on a later date. The prince is anxious to see you."

Shakily I began to walk away. I heard Natalie's light sobbing and for a moment, I felt a pang of sympathy. Ian watched me go and as soon as I passed him, I heard his footsteps follow mine. We walked in silence up the stairs and I entered the room.

"Congratulations Amy, looks like you attended the ball and you're finally leaving this household. Two wishes coming true in less than twenty-four hours. It's a miracle isn't it?" he asked watching me pack my things. I only packed underwear and toiletries.

"Yeah. I guess wishes do come true after all. Thank you Ian, for what you did," I murmured, glancing down at my shoes. If he didn't take it from Natalie, it would probably be her right now packing her things. Ian came up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked at him speechless and our eyes locked.

A bang on the door made me jump. "Mademoiselle! The press is here! They managed to get into the house! Come quickly!" I heard Louis shout from behind the door.

Ian grabbed my hand and we quickly walked out of my room. I heard clicking of the cameras and many voices at once ringing from downstairs. We were walking towards the back exit of the mansion. Louis already followed Andre out the door. I heard hear the clacking of my shoes. The shrill voice of Isabel, demanding the press to leave was heard all over the mansion.

I liked the feeling of Ian's hand holding mine. It didn't make me go crazy, on the contrary, it made me feel safe and at ease. Andre's car was slowly driving up towards the back exit. Louis quietly began to move towards the car. "Follow me mademoiselle," he gently said.

I took a step forward when Ian's hand tugged me back gently. We were behind the door of the exit, and I was pressed against the wall. He put his hand against the wall, inches away from my face. And then he planted a light small kiss on my lips. I stood there frozen, frigid, praying that this entire day wasn't a dream.

"Just an early wedding present," he murmured cupping my cheek. "Go and enjoy your life to the fullest, Amelia Marie." He then opened the door and gave me a light push. I turned around and wanted to grab his hand.

"Wait!" I yelled before my waist was wrapped around with Andre's hand.

"Mademoiselle we have to go!" he urgently shouted. Two big men were shielding us from hordes of men and women holding out microphones, and blinding me with big flashes. Questions were thrown from all directions.

"Mademoiselle! What does it feel like being the princes' bride?"

"Is it true you are the love interest of his long time rival?"

"Can you confirm the rumors that you've been a maid to the house of Kabra?"

My head was spinning and my eyes were blinded.

As soon as I stepped into the car, I realized I just took one of the biggest steps in my life. I was going to become a royalty. I was going to get married. I just left the first cage, and I'm probably going to be settled in another one. Only this one was going to be more spacious, and perhaps made of gold and diamonds.

Ian. Did he just kiss me? This, after all, wasn't a dream, was it?

As we were driving off, I saw him once again leaning against the doorway. That same smile playing on his lips, which didn't reflect in his eyes.

The cool air from the conditioner blew in my face, cooling the flush on my cheeks. The two bodyguards were seated in the front. Andre was fanning himself and talking rapidly to Louis about the press.

I sighed and silently said goodbye to the household I'm never going to miss.

I few seconds passed and I, closing my eyes, was already replaying the events of today. I skipped to the kiss. It was my first actually. My first kiss, was given to Ian, or perhaps taken by him. But it was tender, delicate-

I snapped open my eyes to look back at the house. I once again replayed the words he said to me and then my heart went stiff. Nobody knew Amelia Marie was Amy Cahill.

He called me Amelia Marie.

I never told him Amelia Marie was me.

Break Line

Back at the mansion, Natalie was already in her room, glumly looking at the car that was far in the horizon, on its way to the castle that she once dreamed of being her home. She hated this house too. She too, wanted her freedom, from her constantly oppressing mother and heartless brother.

She jumped at the creak of the door opening. Her mother stood, her cold amber eyes luminous the in the shadows. Natalie swallowed down her fear.

She has failed her mother.

"I-I'm sorry mother, I didn't know Amy was going to the ball. I tried my best, if only Ian hadn't-"

Isabel raised her arm in silence, and Natalie immediately hushed. Of course her traitor of a brother, Ian wouldn't get into any kind of trouble. As the only male, he is the soul inheritor of the house, has his own private investments and a title. What could possible mother do to him? Hit him like she did her?

She knew deep inside Amy deserved this and somewhere she found a tiny piece of happiness for her. But the feel of betrayal and fear of her mother was overwhelming.

"Natalie," Isabel called out, snapping her out of her daze.

"Yes mother," she whispered.

"This isn't over yet. You still have a chance of getting him back. Remember, they aren't married yet and we, as her family, will be residing at the castle with her."

Natalie hesitantly nodded.

"Don't fail me this time," her mother warned and slammed the door. Natalie knew what this meant, even though she didn't have the wish or the will to do such a dirty job.

But did she really have a choice?

After all, Amy Cahill did take away her dream.

Author's Note:

The song for this chapter is Falling For You by Cobie Caillat. I apologize for the not so inconspicuous break line. After many attempts of trying to create a break line, and some help from Lapulta, it has never shown up. So I give up.

Weird, isn't it? That I get so ticked off, and give up after a stupid break line. I have a new enemy besides crazy fangirls on this archive. Break lines.

Watch out break lines, because I'm so going to get you… after I finish my biscuit… and my morning coffee… and – oh, just forget it.

Mwah! I love you all, and thanks for the reviews!