I haven't written anything FMA related in a long time... This poem was written a long time ago, though, I just finally decided to type it up (One because I have a bud who writes lots of poems, and two because Fear told me I should ;3).

Basically, Envy visits the house he grew up in 400 years ago, before he became a homunculus.

Take the warmth away;

Take away the light, the life.

Grab its soul and squeeze,

Until nothing's left behind.

Nothing but a shell,

An empty carcass,

Hollow on the inside.

Step in,

Listen as it moans:

Howling with the echoes of the past.

Of all there ever was,

And all that could have been.

Ghosts of yesterday,

Inklings of tomorrows,

Of a day that will never come.

Far out of light's reach, it stays-

Alone, gathering dust.

Ancient memories stir

Creaking beneath floorboards,

Hanging from rafters.

Shattered glass scatters images-

A scattered face, a scattered life,

A broken mirror hanging on a dirty wall,

In a broken home

That has all but been forgotten.

I had to change the ending because the original one stunk. If you liked... Please review ;3