Yeah…I know, I'm writing WAY too many stories about Tei…BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! SHE'S SO EPIIIIIC! *Sucker for Yandere's* So…yeah. This is really short, but…
DON'T JUDGE MEEEEE! Reviewing will help :3
Why don't you ever pay attention to me? I try to be a pretty girl, but you never glance at me. What am I supposed to do? I'll dress however you want me to!
Today, I saw you with a girl.
She had really funny bangs and shoes! You like girls that dress like that? Ok! I'll dress like her! I'll fix my bangs to go over my ears and down to my neck, and I'll wear funny shoes that look like carrots! Although, can I wear colors that I like? I really hate green, and I'm not dying my hair that color.
I walk past you, but you still don't glance at me. I made my hair and shoes look good! What else do you want me to do?
Today, I saw you with a woman that is much too old for you. Although, she is really pretty. I'm jealous. Her hair is so long and flowing! Her shape is perfect! Although, you should date someone younger, like me! But, I see you like girls with a lot of hair, so I'll grow my hair out! It's down to my ankles, see?
You actually give me a glance today, but you have a weird look on your face. What, is my hair too long? You giggle at me when I flip my hair at you. Oh, so you do like it! That's good! That woman you saw yesterday was a tsundere, should I be one, too? Do you like tsundere's? Ok, I'll ignore you for now.
Although, today, I saw you with a girl who has a really flat chest. How could you like someone like that? And her shirt is weird! She's not at school! But, if you like girls like that, I'll wear a silly shirt, too!
Now, you're really starting to give me weird looks. I've been meeting you at the same place every day. Why are you finding this weird? I just like to see you.
Today, I saw you with a girl who had a really poofy skirt. She's much too girly for you! Besides, her hair is all short and brown and ugly! But, if you like girls with poofy skirts, I'll wear one, too! I'm really buying a lot of stuff for you, but the money is worth it.
Look at me, now! Am I pretty enough for you?
What's that?
You want me to stop following you?
Well, that hurts. But, why?
I only want your attention. You give me a disgusted look.
Did I do something wrong? I only pushed your teal friend here. She got in my way!
Hey, stop that! Make your sister stop hitting me! It hurts! I'm bleeding! Make her stop! I'm crying! Why aren't you helping me? Get her off of me! Please!
"HEY, RIN, STOP IT!" You yell.
It's not working! Stop letting her push you around! GET HER OFF ME!
Using my legs, I kick the annoying idiot off, making her thud on the ground. I laugh, and you glare at me before running to your dumbass sister.
Why are you siding with her? She started it! It was self-defense! You're so cruel! But, I still love you. I just can't bring myself to hate you!
Today, you're not in your usual spot. Confused, I look around for you. You're at the doctors, and that teal idiot and your sister are talking outside.
"Where's Len?" I asked.
They glare at me.
Why are they so mean?
It wasn't my fault yesterday.
How hard is it to say hello?
"He's getting a blood test, so go away." The teal girl said cruelly.
I raised my eyebrows curiously.
You like to see your own blood? That's a little weird.
But, if you want, I can help you see more of it!
I was too lazy to make a graphic murder scene…that, and I've been working on MMD for a while, so, I want to get back to that. I'm making an MMD version of our Kidnapped series, so, just keep checking YouTube for that…if anyone has any MMD advice, that'd help a lot xD;