AN: Well, here you go guys! Lemon ahoy! Short chapters are short – this didn't take me long to write at all, I just thought I'd give you guys something to tie up all those loose ends.

Rated M for a reason.


Well, they'd really messed up this time.

The once familiar cold burn of iron restraints circling his wrists, feet and his mouth were not a welcome sensation. The memory of being crucified to a tree with said binds made him itch and ache to remove them, and to his displeasure all of his attempts had been in vain. His body was coiled into a half sitting position with his teammates head lolled unconsciously onto his lap. The brush that surrounded them was thick; its twining branches were littered with bright blue berries and black, protective thorns that promised needle-like pricks and stabs to anyone who dared tried to pick from its depths. He winced at the irony of it all, breathing in heavily through his nose. Fighting off the first wave of drowsiness had been a challenge, he didn't know how, or why he'd become so nauseated after they'd been dumped in a bound heap... But as he felt the edges of his vision blurring into black, and everything in-between's contrast being turned up to its maximum potential, round two was simply too strong for him to douse with willpower alone. The faint cries of his female companion were lost on him, his breathing become even and slow as Jet's eyes sunk to a close.

Beyond the chamber that nature had created, which he had manipulated to its best potential – Gajeels smirk had tugged upwards as he slowly slid her pants and panties off of her in one aching slow movement. Ofcourse her teammates were in no danger, the Maiden berry was notorious for its attractive blue skin, and it's sickly sweet flesh. Its juices were potent in potions that alchemists and medic-based mages would strive to collect the fruit by the batch; they cured the sick, sped up healing processes and was most commonly found helping to replenish the blood when a particularly horrific injury occurred. However, the great, curved, black thorns that guarded its precious little berry would harbour some nasty side effects if they managed to prick the skin. A nasty toxin that, if a cure was not administrated within a select few hours (which, ironically enough, was the Maiden berry used in an intricate salve) could – nay, would – guarantee paralysis. Permanently. The thorns would give off a warning scent that only the beasts of the forest could detect with their incredible sense of smell and being exposed to the aroma for a time would cause drowsiness and knock the dweller unconscious.

They were safe, he reprimanded himself. Fuck knows what his pretty little mate would do if he'd went and unfortunately turned her guard-dogs into vegetables. He grinned at the prospect.

A throaty whine from Levy snapped him out of his thoughts; to glance down at the soft curve of her spine, leading down to the tightest rear he'd ever had the pleasure of seeing. She'd stepped out of her garments, her legs unconsciously parted. Her cheek was hot against the tree, her nails clawed tightly into its rough bark, the wisps of cool wind ran icy butterfly kisses along her inner thighs, and in her haze she made out the rustle of cloth and a slow ziiiiiip of his pants being undone. She couldn't quite grasp how she hadn't fainted from embarrassment at this point, what with her bottom curved up to meet his groin like some animal in season.

Which, she supposed they were.

The hard of his now bare torso muscles brushed against the smooth of her back. She could make out each cold ball atop of his multiple piercings at that moment, and something hot rubbed between her cheeks. She exhaled breathlessly, pushing herself back to cause a delightful friction in her most private of places. It elicited a low growl from the Dragon behind her.

"Eager, aren't we?" His dark, velvet voice melted into her mind.

She opened her mouth to protest, no! She wasn't – she wasn't some slut who'd just do this with anyone – Her inner turmoil was cut short as a calloused hand cupped one of her breasts almost too roughly, pinching and rolling the sensitive nipple until a long moan rolled from the back of her throat, off of her tongue and prickled his libido. A hand had taken upon holding one of her hips, and he admired the perspiration gathering in small droplets upon her spine. The natural mating venom had started to take hold, spiralling all emotion into a hole of nothingness, to be replaced with pure, uncut lust. It couldn't harm her, per se – he'd never damage something which was his – but it would drive her wild. His hand dragged from her breast; along her flat, heaving stomach, to run a single digit through her wetness. Her mouth formed a tiny 'o' as he began rubbing small circles on that bundle of nerves beneath her folds. She jerked violently as he hit somewhere particularly delicious, and his grin stretched to that of a Cheshire cat. Ever the innocent, Levy couldn't believe what she was allowing someone else to do to her. She'd never touched herself never mind the rogue, rugged 'slayer with a taste for blood and women pleasuring whorish moans from her tiny lungs.
That being said, he couldn't stop, he couldn't. She'd crumble into a pathetic heap and beg him to finish her off.

He quickened his ministrations, marvelling at how his fingers could make her moan softly as he did this, how they could make her scream if he did that. He could keep his lithe fairy quivering in ecstasy for the rest of the night if he so wished, but he couldn't take the dull ache between his legs any longer. His hand slipped away, almost dipping into her as it made its route to hold himself to her opening.

"Breathe in tight," He purred. She could feel the dirty grin on his face as he propped her entrance open. "This is going to hurt."

She felt the thick of him expanding her from the inside, surprise tugged at her mind as she felt the tiny, cold knobs of piercings lining the top of him as he sunk to his hilt. The stars that burst behind her closed eyes were nothing in comparison to the hard tearing of something precious deep inside her, and she cried out in protest. Her eyes watered and her nose stung. He hissed low, under his breath. She was fucking tight,and he duly noted the slow droplets of fresh blood that trickled down her thighs. He knew he was much bigger than her in size – knew he should've been a little bit gentler, eased his way into her with caring words and praises. Told her how he loved her, how beautiful she was, how no, no, it'll only smart for a second.

But did he look like a fucking pansy?

So Gajeel offered what comfort he could; reached around again, and began stroking that miniscule pink nub nestled within her snatch, as he eased himself partially out of her – the friction of her walls clamping down on him mercilessly. Clenching his teeth together painfully, he tweaked her roughly with her with his index and thumb, and she positively squealed, the dip in her back deepening and he took the opportunity to slam back into her. It didn't take him long to get into a routine: wetting his fingers with her tongue, fondling wanton cries from her tiny frame, driving in and out of her relentlessly. The blood had stopped flowing, but slickened his path into her moist haven. Levy felt herself relaxing around the large appendage as it bumped into something that shook her knees and a bolt of electricity struck through her lower belly. Over, and over and over until she didn't notice his hand slide back up to grasp her hips again, nails digging in causing crescent moon cuts that threatened to bleed out under the pads of his fingers.

"Oh – Oh! G-Gajeel!"

Euphoria was slowly seeping into every muscle in her body, made her sore higher and higher, threatening to spill out all over her sweat-drenched body and take a nose-dive into the abyss. His name echoing through his ears sent him into something akin to frenzy. One of his hands tucked under her thigh to lift it up higher gave him better access to her molten heat, and his picked up the pace until he couldn't think straight. Her walls were tightening around him, corkscrewing with each in and out, the heat of their conjoined bodies was turned up to full-belt and she came crashing down around him like a lava avalanche.

Levy screamed out in release, her peak hitting new heights as he continued his assault on her senses, drowning her in something toxic and addictive. She bucked against him frantically, riding out the waves of his ministrations; and in her state felt him lean over her again to suckle tenderly on the swollen puncture wounds on the slope of her neck. His pace became unbridled, and she cried out breathlessly as something hot shot deep within her, quenching her aching thirst for something new to her. His pumping slowed dramatically, and he growled low her in her ear as she mewled against the ancient tree.

They tired, and she felt her leg being lowered back to the sodden earth, quaking like she'd never stood without his support. He was breathing heavily, ghosting his fingers over the sores he'd left in his wake along her hips and arse. Who would've thought that the lesser female of the Guild would be such... Such a dirty bitch? His grin widened as her choked gasps for air sung through his ears, and, unabashed, pulled from the soft haven of her pussy. The creamy elixir of their fucking pooling and sliding down her thighs.

She was pulled to stand with her back to his chest, and found herself being covered up by a shirt that was not her own. It was soft, it slid past her navel and fell to her mid-thigh. A hand came over her shoulder and into view, pointing towards a thatch of shrubs not far off.

"Your pets are in there, fairy."

"Wha –" Pant, pant. "What have you done to them?" Pant.

He chuckled darkly, and clicked his fingers. There, the bounds were un-done; she just had to go retrieve them. Surely she'd be smart enough to realise not to be tempted by the Maiden berry that flourished beneath.

"Nothing, yet."

Despite her legs feeling newborn, she turned to find her clothes sodden in blood. The object of her affection, shirtless and sauntering towards the city of Magnolia, a hand casually tossed up in parting. She couldn't find the right words to say to him, couldn't bring herself to be angry. She'd realised one thing during their... Intercourse, and that she was undeniably, irrevocably his. And his alone. She was arse over elbow in love with the bastard. He stopped; turned so one crimson eye twinkled naughtily at her.

"And remember, you're fucking mine."

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Shortest lemon ever. sorry if it's lacking, i'm just a little bit ill and felt like throwing something onto the end asap. I've got other things i'd like to start writing y'see!

Mucho love for my reviewers!