Firstly, I would like to start off with saying "hello" to everybody who has clicked on this story. I am really glad that you have decided to read this.

Okay. So, like you read in the description this is a continuing of Mockingjay after the last chapter, before the Epilogue. It's basically all of the stuff in between. Hopefully it will suffice your need for more KATNISS and PEETA.

I tried my best with the writing. My writing style is different from Suzanne Collins, so it might sound a little different. I tried to mimic it as much as possible though.

And as a final word, please enjoy. This is merely for fun reading/writing. Please respect my ideas and no slamming. Also, it would be fantastic if you review this. If you like it, suggest it to other Hunger Games fans, and tell them to post their reviews too. But, you don't HAVE to. Seriously.

Have fun, and enjoy!

After Mockingjay.

Chapter One: A Proposal

I sit out on the porch of the District 12 house I call home. The sun is fading in the distance, making orange and pink light dance across the horizon. A bright glow surrounds the trees in the Meadow and forest Gale and I used to go hunting in. Now it was just me who hunted. Alone.

A sudden movement below me snaps me out of my reverie. I gaze down to see Buttercup slinking up the porch steps, his fur matted, those beady eyes I despised so much staring up at me almost innocently.

"Stupid cat," I say, reached out to pat his coat, but he dodges out of the way, hissing. I try not to feel responsible for his behaviour.

Of course, Buttercup is the only tie I have left to Prim, other than the emotional ones that keep me revisiting her death in my dreams.

Just thinking about her causes me pain. I push back those memories, although it is hard. I try to stare at the sunset, but the colors just remind me of flames. And that it possibly worse than the memories.

The girl who was on fire was reduced to nothing but ashes.


A tentative voice spoke behind me, causing me to turn. I already knew who it was, but just seeing him made it better.

Peeta's form was also outlined in a silhouette of golden sunlight, making his blonde hair shine like a halo. He looks like and angel, except an angel wouldn't be that scarred. Patches of burn skin still shine on his arms, but healing well. Scars ring his collarbone and face. I shift over so he can sit beside me.

And he does. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yes," I answer. "Are you?"

He manages a smile, something I haven't seen on his face in a while. "I'm alright."

I know this is a lie. I know he is still suffering from the memories of when he was at the Capitol. When they infused Tracker Jacker venom with his thoughts of me. He is far over that though. But I also know it is a scar that will never heal.

I think for a moment. During the time I had spent out here on the porch, an idea had formed in my mind. But I didn't speak of it yet. Just the thought of it made my stomach twist with anxiety and worry.

Instead I rest my head on his shoulder in an attempt to quell the nervousness. Something I would have never done before.

Peeta seems to realize this. "You should get out. Hunt. With Gale."

My stomach clenches at the mention of Gale. I hadn't spoken to him in months, and I know he either must be worried or too distant for me to handle.

The only thing that doesn't worry me was the way that Peeta said Gale's name. If it had been only a couple years back, I knew that it would be tinged with jealousy. But now, it only holds a mutual respect and worry for my own well-being. Peeta knows that I will never be with Gale. Because I'm in love with Peeta.

"Maybe," I answer vaguely, but my stomach is still in knots. I wonder what had happened to Gale. Was he faring well? How was his family? Has he found love?

My heart twists more at the last thought. I would have never thought of Gale with anyone else.

But maybe things have changed.

The only thing I knew was that I couldn't delay it any longer. "Peeta?"

His blue eyes find mine. "Yes?"

I take a breath, and then it all comes rushing out. "I want to have a wedding."

Surprise flits across his features. "Why?"

I sigh. "I don't know. Remember when we were going to have one? A real one?"

He nods. "Why does it matter if we're bonded like that?"

I know what he means, without him explaining. "I just…need something good in my life. It'll make my mother happy too."

Now he knows he can't argue. He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"I know that there's no point, but…" I trail off for a second. "But I just want to show the world that there is some love left in the world." I look at him. "Will you?"

He's silent for a moment, but then he smiles. He says the only word I can hope for in this bleak world.
