Ranma 1/2 : March of the Pigs

Part 9 (final)

A Ranma 1/2 FanFic by Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne

(All characters copyright Rumiko-san, obviously. If I ever

even considered claiming that these were my own characters

I'd probably be thrown into a small cell where I'd be forced

to eat my own legs to live.)


And here I was thinking part eight would be the end. This

is it, though, folks. See the end of the story for series wrap-

up info and thanks. I could extend this to a ten parter and make

for a nice round number, but there are only nine halos, and I've

been keeping this silly nin pun going so far...

To recap; Charlotte banished Ryouga and Akane into a

dimension based on Ryouga's imagination so they could be alone

together forever. Ranma admits he loves Akane, and Charlotte

decides to give him one chance to see if Akane wants to return.

Ryouga accepts that Akane doesn't love him, but vows to destroy

Saotome to keep him from ending up with her. The two jump into a

hole in Ryouga's mind, which leads them somewhere... darker...


"This is partly why the family doesn't use the ban-nan

mirror anymore," Charlotte explained. "Sure, it makes for good

picnics and weekend escapes, but in the wrong hands... say,

Victor's... it can be extremely hazardous."

"Can Ryouga really kill Ranma here?" Akane asked. "I mean,

this is just a dream, right?"

Charlotte pinched Akane.


"There are dreams and then there are dreams," Charlotte

said. "I get the feeling that Ranma's really in for it this

time. I've seen what Ryouga can do when he's mad or depressed...

I hate to think how powerful he's going to be without the

restrictions of the physical world."

"We've got to do something!" Akane said. "I'm not just

going to stand by and let Ranma get killed!"

"Ditto. Ryouga could crush his own brain if he overexerts

himself. I figure if he tries a roaring lion whatsit in here,

it'll toast everything, including him and us."

"So what do we do?" Akane asked.

Charlotte thought. "Well..." she pointed to the hole.

"You mean... go in there?" Akane asked, looking at the

downwardly spiraling trench of Ryouga's hatred. Hideous, half

formed nightmares lurked there, the thoughts you tried to keep

hidden from everybody, including yourself...

(Soundtrack note : Mixes of various songs are needed here to

enhance the mood... remove the lyrics and take the hard

parts of Burn, Closer to God (coil remix) and Eraser for

instance. One particular song won't do it... yet.)

RANMA 1/2 :



Ranma tumbled down the abyss, mind reeling. Where was he?

Was he in hell? Distorted shapes reached out of the walls,

burning with malevolence, colored pus yellow and dark black.

"SAOTOME!" cried a voice above him. Ryouga was diving,

umbrella point first, directly at him. "YOU WILL DIE HERE!"

A thousand arms reached out for Ranma, grabbing him and

wrapping around like fresh tar. He was immobilized in the tube,

straining against the forces of Ryouga's depression, being pulled

apart at the seams...

Ryouga swooped down, hovering just above Ranma. His eyes

burned red with anger and sadness, tears of pain flowing freely.

He pulled out the umbrella, opening it with a SNAP.

"If she never has me, she'll never have YOU either," he

said, spinning the umbrella in one hand. He made a slicing

maneuver with it, but Ranma managed to wiggle away enough for the

whirling umbrella edge to only cut his shirt sleeve.

"Hold still and let me finish you!" Ryouga demanded,

swinging wildly. His umbrella span, silver edge slicing through

the rubber arms that held him in place, causing inhuman wails to

erupt from the walls. Ryouga covered his ears in pain, letting

the umbrella fall... cutting through the last of Ranma's bonds.

Ranma rubbed off the remaining tar and free-fell, praying

that the bottom wasn't covered in spikes or something like that.

The bottom was covered in spikes.

Ranma quickly examined the pattern, and twisted his body

into an awkward position... landing in such a way as to go around

the spikes, but damaging his body in the process.

"Arggh," he groaned, pulling himself back up to standing.

"RANMA!" Ryouga called, landing on the tip of one of the

spikes, standing on it as easily as standing on a pole.

"Ryouga, jeez, calm down!" Ranma yelled. "Look, I'm sorry

things didn't turn out the way you wanted! Hell, my life hasn't

been a bed of roses either!"

"SHUT UP! You have no idea the hell I've endured!"

"Join the club! I've got three fiancees, several blood

enemies, and a sex change problem. Don't even START to think

that I'm happy."

"At least YOU have Akane," Ryouga said, grabbing a few

bandannas from his pack.

"Who'd want an uncute tomboy like that?" Ranma reflexively


The walls ignited on fire.

"You take that back about her!" Ryouga demanded, swinging

his bandannas in one hand while pointing an accusatory finger.

"You take that back NOW!"

The bandannas flew, tripling in size to become whirring

blades as the skimmed around Ranma.

One of them lopped off his ponytail.

Ranma blinked. He felt up near his hairline, at the broken

stub of hair, still with the string that bound it in place.

"You... cut... my... HAIR..." Ranma said, picking up the

severed ponytail in his hand. He clenched it in his fist.

Ranma charged.

"Boy... Ryouga must have been more depressed than I

thought..." Akane called out, as the two girls free-fell down the


"I've been with him for the last few days. He's really been

down. Poor guy. He really deserves someone like you."

"But I don't love him," Akane said. "He's nice, he's sweet,

but he's not Ranma."


"Sorry. Slip of the tongue... I meant to say, he's not...

umm... what's an adjective that rhymes with 'Ranma'?"

"Save it, I get the picture," Charlotte smiled, blue bow

whipping behind her in the wind of gravity. "Sigh. I guess my

plans didn't work. I'm sorry to manipulate you like that, but

Ryouga really seemed to like you, and I wanted to make him


"It's okay," Akane said. "I wonder what's at the bottom of

this pit, anyway?"

(Soundtrack note : Okay, the moment you've all been waiting

for. Take Halo Eight (the downward spiral) and go to March

of the Pigs. It's time. This is meant to be played

extended and without the piano parts, though, to keep with

the pace, but the original should catch some of the mood...)

"One of us isn't leaving here alive, Saotome!" Ryouga said.

"It comes down to this."

"Fine with me," he said, casting the useless fibers of his

hair aside. "You're so intent on crushing me, let's see how good

you are at backing up your own words."

"DIE!" Ryouga shouted, arcing the flames higher, over his

head and redirecting them at Ranma. Ranma gritted his teeth and

punched through the firewall, praying that they weren't real...

...and emerged on the other side, singed but safe. He

reared back and laid a punch on Ryouga, knocking Ryouga off his


Ryouga laughed, climbing back up to fighting stance. "You

don't stand a chance in here, Saotome! I control this world, and

can use it against you!"

"Big deal. It's just illusions. It doesn't hurt a bit," he

said, shaking some soot off of his shirt. "Come on! Give me

your best shot!"

Ryouga howled, as a thousand little black objects swarmed in

from around his feet, each with glaring white piggy eyes and

little bandannas around him. Ranma backed off, as the wave of P-

Chans rushed forward, nipping at him, biting, scratching.

"The pigs have won tonight, Saotome," Ryouga gloated, as

Ranma was buried in wave after wave of enraged black piglets.

"Admit defeat. Akane is mine!"

Ranma brushed off the pigs, trying to remember they weren't

real. "Just a second ago you were saying she was nobody's! Are

you losing it, Ryouga?"

"SHUT UP!" Ryouga screamed, as the pigs tripled in number.

Ranma was quickly trampled, trying to swim through a sea of

yellow and black. Illusion, dammit, it's just like that Toma

brat from last year...

Ranma stood up, ignoring the pigs. Let them flow THROUGH

me, he thought.

"Illusions can't hurt people, Ryouga," Ranma said.

"Perhaps..." Ryouga said. "But they can scare."

With a flick of the wrist, the waves of pigs were now cats.


"Cc....cc..c... CCATS!!" Ranma freaked, spasming and trying

to avoid the black, meowing, pushing, crushing tidal waves of


"S'matter? Cat got your tongue?" Ryouga joked, reveling in

his own bad pun.

Ranma sat in the cat-sea, unable to move, eyes bulging. His

muscles wouldn't respond.

"Now to finish it..." Ryouga said, a familiar taste of

copper filling his mouth as the yellow aura spread, first over

his back, then flooding towards the front and his outstretched

hands. "ROARING LION--"

"RYOUGA!" Akane yelled, plummeting down. Ryouga stopped,

yellow glow bulging and looking for an outlet. "HELP!"

"A...akane?" Ryouga said, watching her fall. At that speed,

and the ground...

"NO!!" he screamed, projecting safety in all directions.

The cavern of Ryouga's mind flashed, cats replaced with

mattresses, covering all surfaces. Akane and Charlotte bounced

several times before coming to a soft, fluffy halt.

"Akane? Are you alright?" Ryouga asked, extending a glowing

yellow hand towards her. She backed away instinctively.

"Ryouga, did you just try to do your lion blast

thingamajig?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah... but... I'm much calmer now... I didn't mean to..."

"The power's looking for a way out!" Charlotte said,

pointing to the cooling fires that swept over Ryouga's body.

"You're gonna blow sky high and take Akane, Ranma and me with


"No! Quick! How did you get here?" Ryouga asked, trying to

pat out the growing sparks and electrical arcs on his skin.

"Magic mirror!"

"Use it again! Get Akane and Ranma out of here!" Ryouga

demanded. "I don't want them hurt!"

"Everybody bunch up where the mirror can see you. You too,

Ryouga, I'm not leaving you here," Charlotte said, trying to

stand on the mattress. Akane dragged Ranma's stunned form over,

and Ryouga stood as closely as he could without hurting the


"Alright, here goes nothing," Charlotte said, tapping the

back of the mirror...

...and Ryouga's mind collapsed.

(Soundtrack note : stop the music, fading down quick)

Akane BAMFed onto the cafe sidewalk, holding Ranma tight.

Charlotte appeared next.

Silence filled the cafe, light pouring away to wherever

light went during the afternoon sunset.

"Where's Ryouga?" Charlotte asked.

"Ummm..." Akane said. "He was in front of the mirror..."

"I'm going back to find him," Charlotte said, flipping the

mirror open again.

"It won't work, sis," Victor said. "If the ban-nan space is

empty, it'll use your own mind. Unless he's still there, which

means you'll end up in his--"

The cafe exploded.

"--technique," Ryouga said faintly from the center of the

shockwave. The building stones were scattered over a one block

radius, leaving mysterious gaps where Buford, Charlotte, Akane

and Ranma stood. Victor groaned under a large rock.

"Sure, leave ME out of your protection," he grumbled, trying

to push the rock away. "Snotty little--"

"Ryouga!" Charlotte called, rushing over to his side. "How

did you..."

"..tried to mix the two... to reroute it and get away..."

Ryouga said, smiling weakly. "I guess it worked... you're safe.

Akane's safe. I'm... quite happy about that."

Ryouga's eyes shut, and his breathing slowed.


"Get him to Doctor Tofu's," Akane said. "He'll know what to


"I hope so," Charlotte said, supporting Ryouga's head up.

It was bleeding.

Doctor Tofu examined Ryouga, lying peacefully on his bed

with a silly smile spread across his face. The doctor scratched

his chin and sat down on the other bed, taking care not to sit on

Ranma, who had passed out from shock.

"I don't get it," Tofu said. "He's fine... better than

fine, really. Quite healthy with normal EKG readings. He's just

not waking up."

"I'll wake him up," Victor sneered, trying to see under the

massive bandage wrapped around his head. "Hibiki-san, wake up so

I can strangle you--"

"Please?" Buford asked, pleading to Charlotte. Charlotte

nodded. Buford grinned evilly, and tapped Victor on the


"I've been wanting to this for awhile," Buford said, and

smashed Victor across the jaw. Victor span around, surprised,

and collapsed to the ground.

"Buford!" Akane said, annoyed.

"He had it coming," Buford said, massaging life back into

his fist. "Sorry, doc."

"I think I know what to do," Charlotte said, pulling the

disc out of her pocket.

"How do you know it'll work?" Akane asked. "He's really

here, he's not in his mind... is he?"

"One way to check," Charlotte shrugged, opening the mirror.

"Either I'll end up in my own brain or in his. Be right back.

Everybody stay away from the mirror."

Charlotte tapped the back of the mirror, and was gone in the

familiar blast of light.

"I wish she'd stop doing that," Buford said, rubbing his

eyes. "I'm gonna go blind if this keeps up."

Charlotte appeared on the beach, the very beach she had

left. Ryouga was there, basking in the sun and attempting to

read a very bad legal thriller.


"Oh, hello," he said, waving gently to her. "How do you


"That's what I was going to ask. Come on, Ryouga, wake up

in reality. We're waiting."

"I dunno if I want to," he said. "It's nice here. It's

quiet. I don't turn into a pig in my own mind. I don't get

beaten. I don't have to worry about dating or revenge or even

sleeping. It's nice. Very nice."

"The OTHER problem of the ban-nan mirror," Charlotte said.

"My uncle once used it and never came back. Slipped into a coma

and died three years later."

Ryouga face-faulted. "Died?"

"Yeah, died. Once someone decides they want to stay, their

body is ejected but the mind remains. They have to want to leave

again, either that or kick the bucket later."

Ryouga considered this. "I don't know. It's lousy out

there. Nobody likes me, I get lost all the time, and I'm


"It is possible to be happy in reality, despite the proof to

the opposite you've seen," Charlotte said. "You just need to

know the right people, be with them. Like... me."


"Get off it, Hibiki. You're always wailing 'My life sucks!

My life sucks!'. It's people like you that get our generation

labelled. You've had happiness right under your nose and have

ignored it. What about me, bub? You think I was helping you for

my health? I like you, Ryouga. You're a great guy. Come on,

let's get back outside. I'll buy us dinner."

"But in here, I don't need to worry about not having Akane."

"Ryouga, you two weren't meant to be together. Deal,"

Charlotte said. "You can't wallow in your own warm place here

forever when you've got people that care about you on the other

side. I want to stick with you, Ryouga. Let's go. The others

are getting worried."

Ryouga considered this. Sure, living in your own mind meant

never needing to feel pain, never needing to take risks... but

here, there wasn't anybody else. Nobody but him. Forever, until

he died.

"Okay," Ryouga said. He promptly vanished, secondary ban-

nan urges no longer supporting his need to be here. Charlotte

sighed in relief and mirrored out of there.

The island of Ryouga's mind vanished, never to be seen


"He's gonna be okay," Charlotte said, mirroring back into

the room and pocketing the ban-nan for good. "Ryouga, wake up."

Ryouga lie there, still with the smile, still breathing


"Come on, quit kidding around. Ryouga? Yoo hoo! Earth to


Ryouga didn't move.

"Is he..."

"Gotcha," Ryouga said, sticking out his tongue and laughing.

Charlotte reached out and strangled him.

"You jerk!" she yelled. "Making me think you had... GRRR!"

Ryouga wheezed, trying to pry her hands away. Charlotte let

go. "Well, you're my jerk at least. Welcome home."

"Thanks," Ryouga said, swinging his feet out of bed.

Tofu looked alarmed. "Ryouga, you're in no condition to be

walking around..."

Ryouga ignored him, and walked over to Ranma's bed. "Is

Ranma... okay?"

"He's going to be fine," Doctor Tofu said. "Just a bit of a

shock. Whatever he saw in your mind must have frightened the

living daylights out of him."

Ryouga nodded, and rested a hand on Ranma's arm. "Sorry,

Saotome. Go in peace. Akane?"

"Yes, Ryouga?"

"Take good care of him," Ryouga said. "If you'll excuse me,

I'm starving and need some food."

"Hey boss," Buford said, pulling the crumpled form of Victor

up to its feet. "What do we do with laughing boy here?"

"Send him back to France," Charlotte said. "Attach a note.

I'm not coming back. There's nothing for me there now. Come on,

Ryouga. I have a yen for some okonomiyaki for some reason."

"Where are we going?" Charlotte asked, stepping over a log

as Ryouga led the way.

"Well, I've always wanted to visit Tokyo Disneyland," Ryouga

said. "With this revenge deal and Akane, I've never really left

Nerima without returning. Now's a good opportunity."

"What makes you think we're gonna find it?" Buford asked,

hefting the trio's gear over one shoulder.

"Trust me," Ryouga smiled. "I know the way. It should be

right... over..."

Ryouga's pointing finger lowered, as he looked up. And up.

And up.

"Hey, who put this statue here?" he asked, pointing to the

green, copper state of a lady carrying a torch. Buford groaned.

"Silly," Charlotte said, smiling.


(Closing theme : Down In It)


(author's postscript)

PHEW. One week of slightly tipsy academic standings, and

March of the Pigs is finally done. It's got some problems, but

is pretty damn good for my first fanfic. Look for more. (evil


Okay, the greets and thanks.

Thanks go out to : Andodikion (who boosted my ranma

collection so I'd finally see P-Chan), Benjamin and Abigail

(faithful readers and good buds), Trent Reznor (for providing the

title pun and general scheme I chose to follow and for not

suing), Megazone (for providing r.a.a.s to us writers in the

first place), Josh (for providing Superior Ranma through his

kick-ass movie set), Julio (how's bowie treatin' ya?), Nick (I'll

return your call when I finish posting this), Rumiko-san (for

draining my money out of the bank by my new anime addiction),

Future Crew (just because they always get da greetz), John Biles

and all other fanfiction writers (rock on!), the folks over at

AnimeMUCK (I'm Tsubasa there, in case nobody knew), PaulS of

ETEXT (without whom my account would be vapor and this story

wouldn't be out), Ryouga (you kick ass, never give up), Buford

(quit whining and I'll make your part bigger), Mikado (maybe next

time), and of course the good folks at Frito Lay for nourishing

me throughout this writing experience.

Ack. Thanks done, now with the postscript. March of the

Pigs has every element I've found to be good and proper in

fanfiction. Random chaos, silliness, bad puns, character

development, someone for Ryouga and the occasionally twisted bit

of darkness. I originally set out NOT to end the Ranma series,

as most fanfictions do, but I just couldn't see leaving Ryouga

friendless and broken in the end... plus, Charlotte was made for

him. Originally she was going to be evil and plotting, like

Kodachi, but that character rubbed me the wrong way, as did

Buford's original cigarette-smoking 'Kill the Lawbreaker'

attitude and Victor's 'All people are mindless sheep and must be

punished' attitude. They were toned down to fit in the comedic

world of Ranma 1/2.

The series technically could have skipped the test date and

Azusa and other silliness, but that wouldn't have given me enough

of a lead in to the concluding battle between Ranma and Ryouga,

where the title track for the series is used.

As for the music... originally it was just going to be a

pun, but when I came up with the neat idea for P-Chan's Nightmare

in part1, I liked that header format with chosen score and kept

it throughout most of the series. I tried to picture what those

scenes would look like... Sasuke's mad dash through the trees to

the tune of March of the Fuckheads, P-Chan's spiral into pain

with Help Me I Am In Hell, and Ryouga's beach dream with A Warm

Place. Azusa's happy music and Pinion don't really fit, but

that's minor. The closing songs are mostly just for pun-

silliness, except latter parts where I felt that wacky fun didn't

fit the closing mood.

That's it. If I do another fanfiction series (very likely),

it probably won't be an extension of March of the Pigs, since

Ryouga would be left out. I'll probably center the next one on

Mousse, who also deserves a little justice done... until then,

love, luck and lollipops.

Doesn't it make you feel better?

The pigs have won tonight

They can all sleep soundly

And everything is alright.