Title: Uncommon Love
Fandom: Babylon 5
Pairing: Delenn/Sheridan
Story Rating: K
Story Type: Romantic Ficlet
Disclaimer: Babylon 5 and all subsequent major characters, plots, and ideas are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, Babylonian Inc., and Warner Bros. The following story was written only for the purposes of entertainment. No income had been made.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None specifically, but elements from the entire series have been used.
Summary: John Sheridan is an uncommon man and an uncommon soldier capable of uncommon bravery and valor. Is it surprising then that he is also capable of uncommon love?
Author's note: Not beta read. This ficlet was originally written for LJ's Babylon 5 Love Month Challenge.
Uncommon Love
He loved her.
Yes, John Sheridan knew that he loved Delenn Sheridan nee ra Mir. He loved her bravery. He loved her heart. He loved her soul, and when he was alone with his beautiful bride, he absolutely loved her body – in every connotation possible of that word. John knew that he not only loved his wife, the mother of his son, but that his was also totally, unequivocally in love with her.
Oh, yes, he could and would admit to anyone that asked that he was head over heels in love with his personal bit of star stuff. Not that anyone would ever have to ask; just seeing him in the company of his beloved was more than enough proof. And, yes, he knew that many thought of him as a blind, love sick fool because of it too.
What they did not know is that John had never blinded by his love of Delenn. Captain, then President, John Sheridan had gone into his third marriage with not only his heart wide open, but also his eyes. He had seen Delenn's heart, seen her soul and seen her sins – and he hadn't needed the fifty mind-numbing Religious Caste dating - oh, that's right, he meant courting - rituals to truly see all of Delenn either. To John, Delenn had been an open book since day one.
What all but their closest friends and family did not know that he also loved his wife for her faults. John loved Delenn for her stubbornness. He loved her loyalty to the Religious Caste dogma and her loyalty to the Rangers. He loved her ability to work herself to the bone for a cause she believed in, even to the cost of her health and her family, but the most unfathomable part of John's love for Delenn was his love of her deep emotionalism and even her temper. He loved her even to the point of accepting her greatest sins; sins that had cost tens of thousands of human lives, and sins she repented and mourned daily. And why would he love even this about her?
The answer was a simple one if one knew anything about the man. It was even simpler if you knew Delenn, as far as that was possible, because the true underlying foundation of John's love of Delenn had never really been based on Delenn nor her personality traits nor their compatibility at all. The uncompromising, unvarnished truth of the matter was that John loved his Delenn as a whole because of who HE was and because of type of man HE was. Simply put, John was a Sheridan and what else was a true Sheridan son supposed to do but love without reservation?