A Friendship of Convenience

"I take it you do not wish for my help then?" Loki said; a wicked half smile found its way to his face and his eyes were dancing with mischievous mirth.

It was Gellert Grindelwald's turn to give a half smile.

"I did not summon you here for a lover's spat, my dear Asgardian prince." He paused, and his smile turned into a full crooked grin, twisted by his own malevolence. "However, I did come across a very interesting cube situated in a small chapel in Norway…"

Loki's gaze scanned at the young man full of pride and bravado; a man who was both brave and foolish enough to confront the God of Mischief. He rather liked him.

"I happen to know of a man, with just the most striking elder tree in his garden. Perhaps you would like us to pay a visit and admire its beauty?"