Yay! A song based Fan fic! Yes, this is based on "The Little Mermaid" song, sung by Miss Luka. I love this song, its so beautiful, and the MV made me want to cry. So I decided I am going to make a fan fic of it. Yes I know its not Gakupo and Luka, but I wanted to stick with the original MV. I know, Meiko normally has short brown hair, but in the MV there is a girl with long brown hair, that looks like Meiko. So I just made her have long hair. :3

Also, I wasn't sure what to call her dad, there was Neptune, Triton or Poseidon. But Triton was a merman, so I used him. Yes I know, its like the Disney one but whatever.

So please enjoy my Second Fan fiction! ;)


Chapter One

The crystal clear ocean water greeted Luka as she woke. She sat up from her bright coral bed, and rubbed her clear, ice blue eyes.

Today's the day! She thought with a grin.

She swam over to her large, wooden dresser, and combed her long, silky pink hair.

I have to look my best for my fifteenth birthday. She noted. Luka couldn't help but smile, it was finally the day she could travel to the surface.

Her room's blue door slammed open, revealing two young girls. The first one had short, blonde hair, that held a pink starfish, which revealed her bright, clear blue eyes. Out in front of her stuck out her long, yellow tail, that shined in the water. The second girl, who looked much older, had long brown hair that flowed down to her waist. Just below her hair, shot out a beautiful, striking red tail. She flicked her long brown hair out of her beautiful soft brown eyes.

"Luka!" The yellow-tailed girl shouted. She pushed off from the blue door, and quickly swam over to Luka, greeting her with a tight hug.

"R-Rin… I c-can't… b-breathe." Luka managed to choke out.

Rin pulled back and flashed Luka a bright, toothy smile. 'Sorry Luka, it's just that I'm so excited!"

"And so you should be." The red-tailed girl said with a smile. "Our little Luka is now fifteen." She swam over and cupped Luka's face. "She's not a little girl anymore."

"Meiko." Luka swatted away her elder sibling's hands. "I wasn't a little girl before."

Meiko crossed her arms over her flat stomach and smirked. "Try telling that to dad."

Luka just rolled her eyes. "Oh please, one day I'll be fifty and he'll still be saying I'm his little girl."

Rin started tugging on Luka's arm. Her long nails dug hard into Luka's soft skin.

"Come on Luka! Everyone's waiting for you!" Rin grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her room.

Luka smiled as she swam through the palace. It was a bright, and colour filled palace, to Luka, it felt like she lived inside rainbow. Bright starfishes and coral decorated the halls, along with colourful ocean flowers, and shells. Luka stuck out her arm and ran her fingers through the seaweed that stuck out from the bottom of the walls. It was nice being the daughter of Triton, the ruler of the ocean. She was the second youngest out of four daughters, there was her, Meiko, Rin and Gumi. All the girls were extremely close, but the entire kingdom seemed to like Luka the best. Maybe it was the way her cool blue eyes matched her long, soft tail. Or maybe it was because she had the singing voice of an angel, quite a lot of girls were jealous of her singing voice; it was the best in the entire ocean.

Rin, Meiko and Luka swam until they saw a figure in the distance, giving a huge smile to the girls. He had a long green tail, that seemed much more old compared to the girl's.

"Father!" Luka cried before swimming into his arms. Luka hugged her father tightly and smiled into his warm shoulder.

Her father pulled back and smiled warmly. "My my, your growing so fast. I remember the day when you were only a baby." He leaned down and picked up a large clamshell. "But with every year you grow, you turn more into a beautiful young lady. Happy birthday sweetheart." He handed the clamshell over to Luka.

Luka felt her mouth drop a small distance as she wrapped her hands around the shell. It wasn't like most boring old purple clamshells; this one was a glowing pink. Around the edges was a darker pink pattern, which resembled growing vines.

It truly was the most beautiful shell she had ever laid eyes on.

Luka flipped it open, out popped two small porcine dolls; it was a prince and a princess, dancing together. A small tune started to play. The notes blended into a soft, beautiful melody.

"A music box?" She raised her head and lifted an eyebrow.

He nodded and smiled. "Do you like it?" His eyes seemed hopeful.

Luka looked back at the music box and smiled. "Of course I do, its… absolutely beautiful. " She breathed.

Her father looked relieved. "I'm so glad you like it."

She hugged her father again. "Thank you."

Before her father could respond, her sisters grabbed her arm and pulled her over to them.

A bright, green headed girl wrapped her arms around Luka's shoulders, and hugged her from behind. Her green hair fell into Luka's eyes. Luka turned her head to face her the girl, Luka smiled at her sister's bright smile. Her long green tail wrapped around Luka's as she hugged her tighter.

"Happy birthday little sis!" Gumi announced.

Rin shoved a small box into her face. "Mine first! Open mine first!" Rin demanded.

Gumi grabbed her present and shoved it into Luka's face as well.

"No! Mine! Mine first!" She shouted.

Rin and Gumi started shouting at each other while shaking their presents violently.

Meiko slipped a small box onto Luka's lap. It was a small, cute little box. The box itself was a deep ocean blue, while a cute velvet red ribbon was tied tightly over it.

Luka looked up and smiled at her older sister.

"Open it while they're distracted." She whispered with a wink.

Luka pulled off the ribbon, and flicked open the blue lid.

Inside was a large pink pearl attached to a sparkling chain. It shined in the clear water, taking away Luka's breath.

"Wow." She managed to whisper. "T-This is just…" She picked up the necklace.

"Here, let me put it on you." Meiko said with a smile. She turned behind Luka, and pulled the chain softly around her neck.

Luka looked down and picked up the pearl. She played with it in her fingers; it felt as soft as a cloud.

"Meiko, this is absolutely amazing… How?" She asked, her face stunned by the pearl's beauty.

"Secret." Meiko answered with a wink.

"HEY!" Rin yelled, realising Luka had just opened Meiko's present. "MINE WAS MENT TO GO FIRST, MEIKO!"

Rin death stared at Meiko, who just smiled sheepishly and shrugged. Rin suddenly jumped into Luka's lap. "Please open mineee." She whined, pouting like a baby.

Luka smiled and placed a finger under her little sister's chin. "Only because you're our little baby."

"Hey!" Rin frowned, crossing her arms firmly.

Luka laughed, this truly was the best birthday she had ever had.

Soon after her family had given her, her presents. She sat down with Meiko, Gumi, and some of her elder friends. They were starting to tell Luka tales of the surface world, the world Luka was able to visit today. Because they were all over fifteen, they had all traveled to the surface before. Meiko, being the eldest at nineteen, had traveled there countless times. Gumi was only seventeen, but she tried to go the surface as many times she could, marvelling the beauty of the human world. Sadly, Rin was only fourteen, and she would have to wait another year until she could travel to the surface. Meiko and Gumi had to lock Rin in her room, to stop her from coming to listen to the stories about the surface world. It was a tradition in the kingdom, that once a mermaid or merman had turned fifteen, they would be told the stories of the surface by their siblings and close friends. Not anytime before.

"It's truly a strange world." Duchess Lily spoke first. "They have no tails, and wear these strange fabrics!"

Luka was puzzled. "No tails?" She asked.

The kingdom's most famous shell designer, Neru, nodded. "Mhm. Instead, they have these long skinny things. They look ridiculous! What do you call them? Megs? Thregs?" She asked, racking her brain for an answer.

"Legs." Meiko answered with a smirk.

Luka looked up at the beautiful clear ocean. It was hard to believe that beyond the water, there was an entire new world, a world with completely different creatures. It was strange.

"Oh, they are named 'Humans' by the way." The prime minister's daughter, Haku noted.

"Not mermaids and mermen?" Luka asked.

Lily shook her head. "Nup. If you call them that, they'll just think your crazy." She pointed a finger to her head and spun it in a fast motion, while crossing her eyes.

Luka smiled while resting her head against a rock. "What's it like up there?" Luka imagined of a beautiful bright world, one where all the humans got along and were happy. A perfect world.

"It's amazing." Meiko breathed. "It's truly like a magical world. One filled with absolutely beautiful treasures."

"Like what?" Luka asked, trying to imagine this "Human world"

Meiko smiled at Luka, while playing with her long brown hair. "Like in the morning, this bright orange ball of light shines on everything, making it glow. And at night, thousands of small shining balls... I think they're called stars?" She pushed a finger to her cheek and paused, before shrugging. "Well anyway, they fly into the sky, lighting the dark sky beautifully, and a large ball of white shines…" Meiko trailed off, lost in a distant memory of the human world.

"It's just, like a fairy tale." Gumi breathed, her eyes lost in thought.

Luka jumped up. "Can I go now?" She asked.

The girls looked at her like she was crazy.

"What? No!" Gumi said, shaking her hands furiously.

"Why not?" Luka demanded. She wanted to see this beautiful world; it was killing her to be down here, instead of up there.

"Because, if you go now, they'll see you." Haku informed Luka.

She pouted and crossed her arms. "So you're only allowed to go at night?" She asked, frowning.

Neru nodded. "Yeah, or they'll see you, and think that you're a drowning human, and once they see that tail. Everything will be ruined."

Luka sighed and plopped down onto a rock. Meiko placed a comforting hand onto her shoulder.

"Don't worry. You won't miss anything." She closed her eyes and smiled warmly at her little sister.

Luka tilted her head. "Tell me about the humans." She asked, imaging the distant creatures who lived in the world above her.

Neru smiled. "They're different for starters. They're all very diverse. No one seems to be the same. But when they are together, they all seem to be happy."

Luka had never seen a human before, and with all the information she was being given, she could start to imagine the creatures.

"But some of them, are absolutely amazing. They have such beautiful personalities, and they are so kind." Meiko said with a sigh.

Gumi hit a shell hard onto her head.

"Ouch!" What was that for?" Meiko demanded, rubbing her sore head.

Gumi frowned at her sister. "They're humans remember? If they saw us, they'd capture us and use us for their entertainment."

"I know, I know." Meiko said, still rubbing her head.

Luka looked up at the ocean's surface, it was almost time.

"Good luck!" Meiko and Gumi called up to Luka. Waving like maniacs.

Rin was swimming in fast circles around her sisters. "Have fun! Tell me all about it!" Rin shouted up to her.

"Please be safe!" Her father yelled.

Luka smiled as she swam faster. In the distance she could see the ocean's surface. She was so close to seeing the beautiful world that lay above hers. She imagined seeing the world, lying in the water, gazing at the bright stars.

As she got closer, the water seemed to get colder, and drops of liquid were shooting into the ocean.

Luka suddenly hit through the surface, she breathed in a large gulp of air, it felt soft as it slid down her throat.

She looked around, the description her sisters had given her were completely different to the sight she saw before her. The sky wasn't lit with spectacular shining stars; instead grey-haunting clouds swallowed the sky. The waves were thrashing around uncontrollably, pushing Luka around. Large drops of liquid poured down from the clouds, hitting Luka hard on the face. She poked out her tongue and tasted one of the drops.

"Water?" She asked herself. "From the sky?"

Luka heard a scream behind her. She fought the hard waves, and managed to turn around, to see a magnificent ship.

It was made from beautiful brown wood, and looked like it could fit hundreds of people on the first floor.

The ship was rocking hard from side to side, the waves crashed hard onto the ship, and the wind whipped hard onto the passengers.

Luka dove back down into the water; she swam deeper so she could get closer to the ship.

Suddenly a flash of yellow caught her eye. She turned her head, and was suddenly frozen with what she saw before her. Sinking deeper into the ocean, was a human. He had long blonde hair that was tied into a short ponytail; and was wearing a black vest with black pants that went well with his white shirt.

Luka was absolutely stunned. She had never seen such a perfect sight before. She could feel her heart start to ache.

He was absolutely beautiful.

His eyes were closed, and he was sinking further into the depths of the ocean.

Luka snapped into action, she swam hard after him, swinging her tail as hard as she could.

She outstretched her arms, and tried desperately to reach him. She managed to grab his hand, and pulled him up to the surface.

The waves kept pushing Luka underneath the water, and the rain made Luka's sight blurry. She gripped hard onto the boy, holding an arm around his back. Luka was exhausted, but she kept going, swimming as fast and hard as she could.

She fought the waves, and held an arm out in front of her eyes, blocking the falling water.

Her tail was sore from kicking extremely hard, and she was starting to ache all over. She pulled the boy as hard as she could, holding him tight so he wouldn't vanish into the waves.

In the distance, she could see the shore. Luka felt herself growing tired, close to passing out in the ocean. She fought on, breathing heavily, aiming for the shore.

She kept kicking and kicking, until eventually; she made it to the shore. She pulled him further up on the shore, so that the water wouldn't reach him. The entire journey made Luka exhausted. She could start to feel her arms go numb.

She panted hard, trying to regain her strength. But her whole body was extremely weak.

Luka couldn't hold on anymore.

She blacked out on the sand.

First chapter over! So how was it? Hopefully not terrible. :3

I'll make sure I update better then I did with "Secrets" so yeah.
