A/N: Okay, so I know I said in my last author's note that there were two chapters left, but then I realized that I couldn't do that, because it would break Al's emotional train of thought. It doesn't make much sense now, but it will. Hopefully.

So, this is the last diary entry of Albus Severus Potter. Thank you all so much for sticking with me, it's been a lot of fun! I'm writing another multi-chapter soon, not anything like this, but if you would like to read it, please put me on Author Alert. It's going to be a Humor/Family one, where the entire Potter-Weasley clan kids go for a Muggle-style vacation. It should be up very soon.

And to Ape Face: Thank you, cherie! I will certainly check it out. Thanks again for all the kind words! (And yeah, I speak several languages, and French is by far my favorite. In fact, my next fanfic, the Muggle vacation one, will be half in French, translations provided, of course.) Wow. That was a lot of commas.

Okay, here it is! The last chapter!

January 8th, 2022

MERLIN'S PANTS. This is the best day of my life! I swear, I'm going to carve today's date into my bedpost and remember it for all of eternity!

So today we came back to Hogwarts. And we were in the train. Rose was off in some prefects thing, and I was sitting with Megan in a compartment. Sonia and Al were in another one, right behind us.

Megan came up to me and sat in my lap (she weighs an effing ton!), nearly broke my legs, and immediately started sticking her tongue down my throat.

And she was wearing lipstick. Not lipgloss, I know the difference. They both have been smeared all over my face, I should think I'd know which one is harder to Scourgify.

It's lipstick, by the way.

Anyhow, today's shade of the day was this godawful tomato red (my mum always tells Lily not to wear red because gingers' hair clashes with it. And maroon. And magenta. Honestly, the bird has orange hair! She looks like a carrot with a sunburn!) which left splotches all over my face. It looked like I had some sort of odd skin condition.

I pushed her off my lap and told her I was going to the loo, and ran out of the compartment.

I passed Al's compartment and she looked really miserable. I felt awful. I wanted to stop and talk to her, I was thinking of chucking Megan anyway, but as I raised my hand to open the door, Sonia gave me bug eyes and started shaking her head. When I mouthed "Why?", she pointed at Al and drew and imaginary line from her eye to her chin with her finger.

Oh. She would start crying.

Sonia got up and pulled the shade down so Alice wouldn't see me. Right before she pulled it, she gave me a sympathetic smile and mouthed "Sorry."

I turned, dejected, and headed for the loo.

And then, I heard Alice.

"Albus! Albus Severus Potter, don't you dare ignore me!"

I turned around. "Alice. How may I help you?"

She took a deep breath. "Al, look, these past couple of months have been tough, because we're both denying something very important and it doesn't help me when you ran off with that tart-"

"First of all, I never ran off. And you snogged my brother, who is the womanizer of Hogwarts. Did you ever stop to think how that'd make me feel?"

"No. I'm sorry. That wasn't meant to-"

"Alice, could you-"

"Albus, shut up. I've fancied you ever since third year, and when I finally plucked up the courage to do something about it, you hurt me by sucking that ginger bimbo's face, and if you for one moment think..."

I needed her to shut up. So I leaned in and kissed her, hard, on the mouth.

She did shut up.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO MY BOYFRIEND?" Megan stood there, staring at us, eyes furious, and wand drawn.

I drew my own and stood in front of Alice, shielding her from whatever pathetic hex Megan was planning to hurl.

Megan was awful at D.A.D.A. and Charms, so it was two competant individuals against well, one not-so-competant individual.

Wow, Al. Great choice of words there. What an astounding vocabulary.

"What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend, Longbottom?" Megan asked, American accent more pronounced than ever.

"Megan, I'm not your boyfriend anymore. I don't want to put up with you anymore."

A few people had poked their nosy little heads out and were staring intently.

Nosy buggers.


"You heard me. I'm done. Over. Fin."

"Fine. Allison, he's an awful kisser."

She turned, and I thought, Wow, that was so easy. I should've done that a long time ago.

And then, she whirled around and hit with some really intense hex, because I blacked out.

And then, I woke up, here, in the Hospital Wing.

Alice was here the whole time, and apparently, after Megan hexed me, Alice hexed Megan, so she's here, her Evil Little Ginger Majesty is reposing in the adjacent bed.

Alice kissed me again, and said, "Should we make this official?"

And I said, "Yes."

So we did.


A/N: So? How was it? When I said I wanted to make it two chapters, I meant that I wanted everything after the Alice/Albus kiss in one, and everything before that in another. Then I remembered this is a diary, (sorry, journal,) and he actually had to write all this jazz at one point.

Till next time,