Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me
I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale

Over the next few months with the help of my friends and Shane's family, we started the wedding planning and it was coming along great. Caitlyn and I started to talk again, hanging out very few times. It wasn't like it used to be, but we were patching things up. Shane and I were doing amazingly, closer and better than ever. Nate and I were still close, but I had noticed he distanced himself a little bit over the past few weeks as him and Caitlyn grew closer, and I was kind of scared that he would distance himself completely, but I didn't say anything. I was hoping things would just work themselves out.

I was sitting at home relaxing, when my phone started ringing: Athena. Oh wow, I haven't heard from her since the studio days.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey, Mitchie?" Her voice was soft.

"What's up?" I asked as I turned my television down so I could hear her.

"Well…I wrote some new music and I um…was really wanting to hear how they sounded…and uh you came to my mind and I uh…wanted to know if you could play the songs?" she asked hesitantly

A huge smile came over my face "of course!" my voice was excited "when should we meet up?"

"well um I can do tomorrow?" she asked

"Sure, what time?" I asked.

"Um 2?" she asked "we could meet at Stunning Studio?"

"Of course! I will see you there!"

"Thank you so much!" we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I was excited, even if it was just so she could hear her music, I haven't sang in a while seeing as I was so focused on the wedding, my plan for my dream was put on hold. But playing someone else's music would be so much fun.

I sat at a starbucks by myself just sipping on my favorite drink from there and going through emails and my social media accounts.

"oh my god! You're Mitchie!" I heard a girl squeal before I looked up. She was nearly bouncing in place full of excitement with her friend beside her doing the same.

"Hi" I smiled at them.

"Oh my god! Can we get a picture with you?!" The second girl asked.

I laughed softly as I nodded and stood up "of course."

I stood next to the first girl and put my arm around her as she did the same and smiled for the picture. Then I went to the second girl and did the same.

"Oh my god thank you so much!" they squealed

"Make sure to mention me when you post the pictures!" I smiled

"Of course!" they nodded excitedly before saying goodbye.

I sat back down just as I received a text.

Hey beautiful, where are you? –Shane

At star bucks! What's up love? –Mitchie

Just checking in cause I ran by the house to grab something and noticed you weren't there ): -Shane

Aw, wish I was there! I miss you babe ): -Mitchie

I miss you! I love you baby! –Shane

I love you :-* -Mitchie

"You're Mitchie Torres!" A new girl squealed as I looked up laughing.

"I AM!" I giggled

"You're even more beautiful in person! Oh my gosh!" she squealed

"Aw thank you so much love!" I smiled "you're beautiful too!"

"Thank you!" she was shaking in excitement "can I get a picture?"

"Of course hon." I stood up and she put it on front camera, so I put my face next to hers and smiled as she snapped the picture.

"Oh gosh, thank you so much! This is the best day ever!" she grinned "Can I hug you?"

"aw, sure!" I put my arms out and gave her a hug before saying our goodbyes.

I laughed lightly as I picked up my drink and was out. I walked down the street when suddenly paparazzi approached me.

"Mitchie! Mitchie!" they caught up to me "where is connect 3?"

"Um, they're all busy right now." I answered as I gave a soft smile

"is it true you cheated on Shane with Nate?" What?!

"What the hell! No! that's the stupidest thing I ever heard" I shook my head annoyed as I kept walking.

"Is it true Shane pulled back on the engagement?" another asked

"Nope!" I held up my left hand as they snapped pictures "clearly still engaged. Where do you get these rumors?" I shook my head and tried to walk past them. "Can you guys please move? I have to get home. I have nothing to tell you." They moved but kept following me and throwing questions my way.

I got home and pulled out my phone and dialed Nate's number, but for the first time ever he sent me right to voicemail. what the actual hell...I gave my phone a weird look before shaking my head.

Ignoring me much? -Mitchie

I went on to twitter and searched up his name, but saw he hadn't posted in awhile as usual. So instead I went to Caitlyn's twitter to see she posted pictures of her and Nate hanging out, laughing, smiling and just having fun. I went to her tweets and saw

CaitlynCat: With Nate for the day, he's the absolute best xo

Hm...I wonder if that was why he sent me to voicemail...but I still couldn't believe that he actually did. He literally always picked up or sent me a text right away. This was getting bad and I was going to confront him about it...soon.


The next day I was on my way to meet Athena at stunning studios. I met her out front and followed her inside.

"Do you know people here?" I asked as she just walked right past the desk and to a recording room.

"yeah, my family owns the place." She smiled softly

"they own this recording place?!"

"yeah, they sign people…" she laughed softly "really successful."

"oh my god" I breathed "that's amazing."

She nodded before handing me some papers. "these are some songs I was working on …"

I took the papers and looked down at them. "Neon Lights, Nightingale, Made in the USA, Heart Attack." I nodded "which one should I start with?"

"Um…I'd say Made in the USA." She pointed to the paper "it's the easiest one for today."

I grinned and handed her the other papers before focusing on this one. "This one is guitar?" I looked up at her

"yeah…then I can get some drums added and other instruments, but the guitar is the dominant focus…if that is okay?" she looked panicked

"No no, it's totally fine! I know how to play guitar!" I smiled and went over to one of them and picked it up before sitting down with it. I looked at the paper as I learned the song for the next few hours. After we felt I really had it done, I went into the studio and recorded. It was so much fun due to it being an upbeat song and just jamming out in the booth as Athena let loose and jammed a bit in her chair. It was a lot of fun and hard work that i truly enjoyed doing. I missed playing and was happy I could get back into it. I loved planning the wedding but still needed music in my life.

When I was finished I walked out with a huge grin "how was that?"

"Mitch, you have killer vocals! I'm so serious right now, that was amazing!" she grinned excitedly

"Why thank you!" I said sincerely

"Can I set up a meeting for you to meet with some people here and possibly get signed?"

"wait, are you serious?!" my eyes widened

"yeah! I really think they would sign you here!" she gave me a pleading look

"Go for it!" I grinned excitedly as I clapped my hands while Athena cheered

"oh my god! This is going to be good!" she clapped excitedly " I will message you with some details when I get them!"

"Cant wait!" I grinned before we walked out and grabbed some food and took a seat at a table.

"So how is everything?" Athena asked as she mixed her salad.

"It's going good! Me and Shane are planning our wedding so that's coming up soon."

"Wait you two are engaged?!" She grinned

"Yeah!" I smiled "You can come to the wedding if you want! It'd be great to have you there!"

"I would love to!" She nodded

"I will get an invite sent out as soon as they're made" I laughed softly

"How's the friendship with Caitlyn?"

"Eh, we are trying to patch things up but I don't know how it's really going. Then recently she'd been hanging out with Nate a lot and now I can't even get a hold of him. So I feel like he's pushing me away to be close with her...something I never thought he would do." I sighed.

"Oh man...that is not good at all." She shook her head. "You should totally confront them about it."

"I definitely plan to, trust me. I just never know when they're busy or not. But I will, I really don't want Nate of all people to push me away."

"Yeah, y'all seem really close." she said

"we are, we really are. He's my best friend." I nodded

"Is Shane okay with how close you two are?" She raised an eyebrow

"Yeah...I don't see why he wouldn't be. I mean sure Caitlyn has always hated it but it doesn't seem to bother Shane recently."

"I don't know, I don't want to be rude or anything but from someone else's eyes, you two are like boyfriend/girlfriend type I get it, you're best friends, just most people have never seen best friends that close."

Why does everyone say this?!


I got home around 9pm that night and heard someone in the kitchen. I put my purse down and headed into the kitchen to see Shane sitting at the island with his laptop, typing away.

"Hello" I giggled causing Shane to look up and smile at me.

"hey love" he held his arm out for me.

I smiled and walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders as his went around my waist. "Busy?"

"Just a lot of emails to respond to." He pouted

I giggled "I have some exciting news."

"Yeah?" I nodded "what is it?"

"Athena's family owns a recording studio and they have signed a lot of famous people, and she wants to set me up a meeting there so I could possibly get signed." A grin spread across my face.

"Seriously?! Mitch that is so exciting!" Shane grinned as he held me tighter.

"I know! I am so excited! She's going to message me when she gets the details and what not. I had went there today to record one of her songs she wanted to hear played and that's when she told me I had killer vocals and wanted to get me signed" I laughed

"Man…wow…this is big! I am so excited for you Mitch! This is your dream!" Shane said sincerely.

"it is" I breathed "my life is turning around so much….it's amazing. I'm so happy" I giggled and kissed his lips "I'm glad I met you, you've truly made me the happiest girl."

"You've made me the happiest guy. I am so lucky to have you." He kissed me before pulling me onto his lap and resting his head on my shoulder as I relaxed against him. "I love you. Nothing could ever tear us apart."

"Nothing. Ever" I said firmly before giggling.

Shane chuckled and shook his head "you're a silly girl."

"Shane?" I spoke after a moment of silence.

"What's up love?" He asked as he rested his head against shoulder.

"Have you talked to Nate and Caitlyn lately?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, I was talking to them earlier, had lunch with them after our meetings. Why what's up?" He asked

I shrugged before sighing "I don't want to make a big deal out of it or anything, but I don't know...I feel as if Nate is ignoring me a lot and distancing himself."

"Why do you think that?" he turned me to face him.

I shrugged again "I don't know Shane" I groaned "I don't want to make a big deal about it."

"But I can tell it's eating at you...if it's a big deal to you then it's just as important to me." He moved hair from my face.

"I just...I don't want it to be as if you feel I care to much about he's your brother and I know Caitlyn had put it in your head once...and I don't want to light that fire again..." I bit my lip as I looked down at my hands.

"Babe, I know how much you two care about each other, and sure it's bothered me at times, but I've talked to him about it and I understand it better...maybe that's just something Cait's never done, but I have and I understand and I don't have a problem with it. Trust me."

"I don't want you to just say that to make me feel better..."

"I'm not babe, I'm not. So tell me what's wrong." He smiled softly

I took a deep breath "He's just been distancing himself a lot lately, and at first I thought nothing of it, and I understood it being like he's talking to Caity again and she's always had problems with our friendship, but then it got to the point where he won't answer my texts and sends me to's just gotten worse...I'm just worrying he will cut me off completely all because he is back with her...and that just brings us back to square one."

"Not even square one, like that's even worse than that, that kid has never cut you off, ignored you, nothing! He's always asked for your help, depended and counted on you. Been by your side for two were always there for each other no matter what."

"And see when you say it, it just sounds...not best friend crap..." I groaned "maybe I just have to let him distance himself."

"Mitch..." Shane shook his head

I nodded though "it's up to him...and all I can do is support his decision."

"But you don't even know his reasoning, which could be some dumb shit." Shane argued

"I don't know Shane, I really don't. But I don't want drama...I want to focus on our wedding and marrying you and being happy and in love!" I grinned

"Good subject change" Shane teased as I giggled and gave him a soft kiss.

"I love you, and that is all that matters." I giggled "but seriously Shane... he can distance himself and I will distance myself too...I mean really I got asked today if I cheated on you with Nate by the paparazzi! If that's what us being that close is causing as rumors, then I will distance myself's maybe for the best and he's already been showing that."


I woke up the morning feeling really nauseous. I groaned and sat up before untangling myself out of Shane's arms and running to the bathroom. I puked a few times before brushing my teeth. "Gross" I spit and rinsed my mouth out. My stomach then grumbled. "But I just puked" I groaned and walked into the room to see Shane still fast asleep. I giggled and walked downstairs and made some chocolate chip pancakes. I ended up eating like 4 of them when usually I can hardly finish two. I shook my head and cleaned up before walking back upstairs and climbing in bed. I kissed Shane's bare chest as I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against is neck.

The rest of the week pretty much went just like that. I was starting to get nervous as to why I was eating a lot and getting sick every morning. I decided I had to go to the drug store. When I got to the store and picked up three tests before going to a self check out and buying them. I put them in a bag and made my way back home.

When I got home, Shane was out for business; I went up to the bathroom and took a deep breath before taking all three tests. I placed them down and set a timer before sliding to the ground and sitting there as I stared at a space in front of me just waiting for the sound to go off as nerves ran through my body. I was scared. I couldn't be pregnant…I had to get married…I had to focus on my career that I was trying to start. I had so much to do… I wasn't ready for a kid.

As my timer went off, I stood up and shut it off before taking a deep breath and picking up the three tests. I peeked my eyes opened and looked at the tests. My eyes widened as a gasp left my mouth as my hands went weak and dropped the tests sending them tumbling to the floor as my hands flew to my mouth and a sob left my mouth.

JemiLover101: Thank you! Hope you enjoyed this update (:

Lauren: Aw! Yeah life is so stressful! Hope everything is good with you! (: That song is AMAZING! Hope you enjoy this update!

blulove1711: It might cause some drama in future chapters, something to give the story something to work off of; work with writers block type stuff. Thank you! hope you liked this one!

AllDaydreamsAreDangerous: Aw! thank you SO much! hope it wasn't too much all over the place! Trying to get the story together! I saw Catching fire a few weeks ago, finally, it was amazing! Jennifer Lawrence is such a good actress! And Liam Hemsworth is just totally hot! haha! I love Demi's book, so happy she wrote it! && hope you enjoyed this update!

Melissa: I am so sorry it took that long to update! Trust me, I had to reread it just to write the next chapter! ugh, been too long! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! You watched it 3 times in 24 hours?! OMG! hahaha! I loved the movie, i finally saw it ! OMG! insane!

Beblobs: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Did you get it for christmas?! I love it ! ahhhh!

snowwygirl4: Aw thank you so much! hope you enjoyed this update! (:

Em: Thank you! && thank you for reading it! hope you enjoyed this update too ! (:

xxAnnabelMxx: Thank you so much! hope you enjoyed!



Thank you for reading this chapter, everyone that does! please leave a review and I will start writing the next chapter now so that when I hit 10 or even more reviews, I can update quicker! i really want to get back to focusing on this story and finishing it! it's been forever! I finally have a laptop, so I can actually write again! YAY YAY YAY!

Sorry this chapter was probably boring and I know I said I'd have something interesting in it, BUT I needed just one more filler chapter and the next chapter will get better! I mean look at the cliff hanger! IT WILL BE DRAMA TOO! I JUST NEED DRAMA! Don't worry with the wedding approaching means there will be cute, romance and all, but not all friendships and what not will be good at the same time, so as two people are happy, other two aren't. It just gives me stuff to write!

PM me with any ideas! I usually use them in my story! they help a lot !

Thank you loves! xo