In the last Chapter that was a song by BoA. I love her songs and her voice and felt that song went with the story. Anyway, on to the story. It is time for this story to begin to wrap up. I have been working on a new story and to my DBZ lovers I will be working on one for you soon, but I have began to write more Sailor Moon fics.

"Vegeta, what was our planet like and are there any other blue haired Sayians?" Vegeta looked thoughtful at her question. He knew some things about the planet, but blue haired Sayians... He did not know about that one.

"Our planet is much like this one. We have water, but not as much as Earth. Our planet has two suns and one moon. Our days are much longer than that of Earth. Um... You know what?" Bulma shook her head. "We could go there someday." Bulma smiled.

"Vegeta, I think that I remember the accident! It was when we left Vegeta-sei!"

"How old were you?" Bulma closed her eyes for a moment going into her mind for the memory that she had long forgotten.

"I was three and Goku was five. We were rushing out because of an invasion." Vegeta nodded. He remembered that. "It was a tyrant named Frieza. The alarms woke me up before my parents came in." Vegeta listened, his heart aching. He remembered that time too. He had woken up and had run to his mother who was already up packing a few of their things. "They grabbed me and Goku followed us. At that time he went by his first name, Kakarott and I went by Blue. That was my first name. Oh, Vegeta, it was horrible! We headed for the docking bay, but Frieza's goons were there! We were not seen so we ran back toward the King's wing." She paused as her mind went back. "Vegeta, I saw you and your family!" Vegeta frowned as he thought about that day. He had seen her! She had had pale purple hair while her mother was a blond. Her father had light blue hair at that time, even as he had a white purple now. "Your father knew my father! They were friends. Your father helped us into the spare pod next to your family's own pod. Just as we were leaving they shot at us. Our pod was barely struck and that was when I was knocked into a wall. Vegeta, that was the accident that they were talking about." Then it hit her. They had been attacked on their home planet and had managed to escape to another planet, but where were the others? How many had escaped? There were so many questions now, but which one?

"Bulma, it is still there and Frieza is gone." Bulma sighed. How had he known that was her most important question? "He was killed by a freak accident. His planet was destroyed and there are none of his kind left. We are safe."

"Vegeta, why... I mean where is the rest of our kind?"

"They scattered. Some are here, but the rest scattered across the universes. My father and several of his family came here along with their advisers." As if anticipating her next question he continued, "We could go back, but no one truly wants to right now. We are all happy in our lives and do not want to pull up our roots."

"Oh, but we will go back one day?" He nodded. "Vegeta, I think that I can... What I mean is that... I want to..." Vegeta smirked. He knows what she is trying to say.

"Thank you," he said. He didn't know what was happening, but he felt like himself and at the same time someone else. Bulma was changing him and it was scary. Not that he would ever admit it. He pulled her close and gave her a soft kiss. Bulma clung to him long after the kiss had ended. As they sat there, for who knows how long, they thought. Both were unsure as to what the years would bring, but they knew that they would always love each other.

Several Years Later...

Bulma smiled down at her son who was now six with his long lavender locks. His face was a little bruised, but he was happy and so was she. They had begun to train now, the children and her. She never quite got to train as much as them because of her pregnancies, but that never got her down because she knew that she never needed to fight as her husband would always protect her. Just then Trunks turned as his father appeared with a very worn out little girl. Her blue eyes looked up at her mother's own and smiled.

"Trunks, Bra, how would you like some lunch?" The twins nodded. Bulma turned to Vegeta. "Hon, where are Vegeta Jr. and Bloomer?" Her husband indicated to the area behind the GR.

"They are playing over there." Just as he said that a pair of dark headed kids appeared. They were also twins like Trunks and Bra, but they were dark haired like their father with blue eyes like their mother which made Vegeta chuckle. Duplicates in every way to the first pair of twins with their dark hair. Vegeta Jr. looked like his father with the same widows peak, but Bloomer had long wavy hair like her mother, sister, and brother.

"You wanted us?" the pair inquired in unison. Their mother nodded as she stroked her belly where another baby was to be born. She was now seven months along. They were only expecting one this time, but it did not dim their pleasure one bit.

"Time to eat, my brats," she said as she turned to head back into the kitchen. Goku and his growing herd were expected in just a minute or two. Chi-Chi had called and told them that they were on their way so Bulma had made several more portions. Just then Chi-Chi, Goku and their group arrived thanks to Goku's instant transmission. Later this week they would be traveling to Vegeta-sei to see their home planet. All their parents would be going too, but they would be arriving a later that week when it was time to go. "Hello," Bulma said as she embraced the other woman and then her brother. Chi-Chi and Goku stepped back as their kids came up to give their aunt love. First it was Gohan, he looked like Radditz (who was in another universe) then it was Goten, Chiox, who took after her mother in temperament, but her father in looks, and finally there was Shichi who took after her mother in looks, but her father's kind spirit. They all headed in as the skies began to darken.

The End.