AN 3December2011 new version; betaied
Summary: Harry loses his memory. What will happen? Will Voldemort use this to his favor? Will the light bring Harry's memory back? Why did he lose his memory? What's wrong with his body?
Spoilers: If you don't know the books from HP, go read them! And read at least until the 4th book: HP and the Goblet of Fire
Disclaimer: I have no right to any character, they belong to JK Rowling. The only thing that is mine is the mistakes
Beta: Lawliet Veneziano
Pairing/s in this chapter: no one for now, but when it appears I immediately will post it
Warnings in this chapter: minor character death
Nr words in this chapter: 820
Letter / Journal
-Life as a Journal-
4 July 1995
Today I awoke on a bed that I don't know of. I looked around. It was a bedroom with a lot of broken toys and a lot of books.
There is a trunk on the corner of the bedroom. It was full of books of magic and hand-me-down clothes. There was also a stick and a photo album. Photos from adults that I don't know, me and a few students my age that I don't remember.
A woman opened a few (a lot) locks on my door and sent me to cook. Who is she?
Wow, I can cook.
Ok… they made me cook for them, but hey… I can cook!
The woman was thin but her husband and son look like whales, really!
My name must be Freak and I have an owl with the name pigeon. At least that's what the man (whale), with blond hair and a bushy mustache, called me and my owl.
Should I tell them that I don't remember anything? Maybe not.
I think Pigeon wants to leave her cage, but she's locked in. Just like me.
We must be really troublesome to be locked up in a bedroom and in a cage.
Someone just knocked on the door. Oh well I'm the Freak, I'm sure it isn't for me.
How I was wrong. I heard the woman scream and then the man-whale (the teen-whale had left). Someone climbed the stairs and then I heard a male voice saying something like "Alhomora" and all the locks opened. A man with a snake face entered the bedroom, followed by a few people with black robes and masks on their faces to hide them.
When he entered he pointed a stick at me, like the one in my trunk. I asked who he was and presented myself. I said something like this "Hi. My name is Freak and this is Pigeon. Who are you?"
At first Man-Snake thought that I was joking. When he finally understood that I wasn't joking, he offered me his hand and said on a strange language –My name is Lord Voldemort, a few days ago you'd been kidnapped by Albus Dumbledore and brought here to this hell. Looks like they also erased you're memories. Our memories, my child.–
Maybe I shouldn't have accepted the hand, but hey… what's the worst that could happen? And he's so nice… (Ok, he's ugly but hey nothing a few plastic surgeries can't help) (point to self: never let Voldemort read this diary)
And also I feel like I already know him somehow.
I accepted the hand and he took me outside. The woman and the man-whale lay on the floor sleeping. The others ones took my trunk (that's how I know that it is mine).
Voldemort took me to his house, something about side-apparition, it hurt like hell. He took me to my quarters. It had a common room, a bathroom, a bedroom, a closet room and a private library (that is huge).
The common room had a table, a few chairs, a lot of puffs, sofas and one fireplace. It was all green and silver but I really didn't mind.
The bathroom was all gold and silver. The bath had a lot of taps and was pool size (you could enter and swim and drown (not that I intend to do the last one but just in case I try to kill myself, that is a great way to do it)).
The closet room was a room with 4 corridors side by side, and each one had a lot of clothes, each corridor characteristic to each time I'd need it. The parties' one is the one on the left with clothes and shoes. The day-by-day' one was side by side with the parties' one and on the end of the corridor had the pajamas. The muggles' one is the next one (muggle is no-magic-people, Voldemort say that I love this kind of clothes). And finally the winter and summer' ones was on the right, warm clothes on one side and fresh clothes on the other.
The bedroom was about the same size as the closet room (the only doors led to the bedroom and the bathroom). It had a king size bed, a red blanket and six pillows with gold pillowcases.
The library was a maze of corridors with books on each side. (Voldemort had to get me out of the maze because I lost myself three times in a row).
We spent all the day together and he's very nice to me, but had little patience. I'm right now on my bed writing in my diary. Voldemort said that tomorrow I would restart my school work; he wants me to know how to use my magic and my wand (the stick). He said that I would do great, after all we shouldn't expect less from Voldemort's only son.
So… what do you think? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Please I beg you to tell me!