What do you think – like it, hate it? Anyway I'm not J.K Rowling so please R&R

To daddy,

My teacher told me that I had to write a letter to a person who was far away and I chose you because you're very far away even if Uncle Harry says that 'the ones who love us never really leave us'. I don't really know what he meant by that – I think that he must have had a wrackspurt in his head. Luna told me all about wrackspurts at the last D.A reunion, though I wasn't really listening 'cause Neville told me that she's a bit different (and that's adult speak for very, very weird). Aunty Ginny told me off for it later though, she said that ignoring people is really rude, but Gran told me that you ignored Mummy for ages and ages and ages – was that rude? I asked Ron but he just looked blank and walked off, probably to snog Hermione – they're getting married. I get to be pageboy, Uncle Harry's best man, Vic (she's my best friend even if she's a girl) is going to be a flower girl and Aunty Ginny, Fleur (Vic's mum), Angelina and Audrey are bridesmaids.

Aunty Ginny was a bridesmaid at your wedding too and she told me that you wanted Uncle Harry as your best man but he couldn't 'cause of the bad man trying to kill him. Gran told me that a bad man killed you too and that a bad woman killed Mummy. Bill told me it was Gran and great-aunty Narcissa's sister. Uncle Draco told me that she was mad 'cause she was in prison for a long, long time, but Uncle harry said she was always mean – She tortured Neville's parents and killed Sirius. Sirius was Uncle Harry's godfather just like Uncle Harry's mine.

Molly says that she thinks you're up in the sky , she told me that your with Mummy, Sirius, Harry's Mummy and Daddy, Grandpa Ted and Fred. Everybody says that Fred was just as funny as George is– which is very funny and Gran misses Grandpa a lot, she doesn't talk about him much but when she does it makes her cry and Great-Aunty Narcissa talks to her and Uncle Harry comes and takes me out for ice-cream and the sometimes I get to stay over with him and Aunty Ginny, but I can't stay over as often now 'cause of James. James is my sort-of brother and he looks a bit funny and smells and screams a lot. But I like him a bit and Aunty Ginny says that when he's older I can play dragons with him. Me and Vic play dragons a lot, it's our favourite game (Charlie taught us last time he came to visit) and we try and capture the golden egg or else we play that we're the marauders and I'm Moony 'cause that's who you were and Vic's Padfoot (just like Sirius) and Uncle harry -if he plays- is Prongs cause that's who his Dad was.

Uncle harry says that our dad's and Sirius were best friends and that's why he's my godfather, I'm happy he is and I love him a lot, but I wish you were here 'cause I don't know who do give my father's day card to, 'cause we made them in art. I'm going to the Graveyard on Sunday, With Gran and Uncle harry and Aunty Ginny and James so I guess I'll put it on your grave then… I hope you find it.

Lots of love,

Teddy Remus Lupin aged six and a half