A/N: This is the first HP fanfiction that I've posted. Some people mentioned who you don't recognize will feature in the Al/Rose/Scorpius series that I'm currently writing. (Shameless plugging, sorry guys). Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and I'd appreciate it if you could press that little button at the bottom to review. No favouriting without reviewing, please!

Teddy Remus Lupin

1. He was always a Gryffindor.

2. His animagus is a wolf, but his patronus is a ferret.

3. His personality is almost inherently his father's, except his clumsiness, and when he loses his temper. (If he ever does, whoever's in the vicinity might want to run to the next big city).

4. Despite said clumsiness, Teddy made the Gryffindor team as a Chaser in his second year.

5. He never once had a girlfriend at Hogwarts (and it wasn't for the girls' lack of trying).

6. It was only the day before she left for Hogwarts for the last time that Teddy realized he loved Victoire.

7. He has a chocolate addiction. And when Harry told him that his father was the same, he loved chocolate all the more.

8. He has always been proud to be a metamorphmagus. No matter how many people laugh at him, or scorn. No matter how many people try to use him. He's proud, because it makes him more like his mother.

9. Of everyone, Teddy is closest to Harry, who often tells him stories that Remus and Sirius told him of their days at Hogwarts, and Uncle Charlie, who was his mother's best friend.

10. Every year, on the second of May, when the whole of the Wizarding World holds an official celebration of the Second Wizarding War's end, there is a party.
Teddy hasn't been to the party since he was three, when he wandered outside and got lost. He found his parents' graves (he only knew this because Harry told him so when he found him).
And every year, he goes back to their graves, and talks with them instead.

11. Though his hair is always turquoise, his eyes are always brown, flecked with amber. He never morphs his eyes, even if people ask him to.

12. Teddy and Victoire named their children Remus Harry and Charlotte Nymphadora. (He couldn't bring himself to burden his name with a first name like Nymphadora).

13. Teddy's favourite Weasley (apart from Victoire) is Molly. She is different; quieter and less included, so he always makes the extra effort.

14. Teddy's best friends were never in his year. Ly'anthro and Ushas were in the year above, Dacian, Victoire and the twins were two years below, and Alex and Nick were the year below them.
He wouldn't change them for the world.

15. Teddy very nearly didn't become an Auror. Minister Shacklebolt, or Uncle King to him, once revealed to him that he'd made the same mistakes as his mother had.
Teddy has never been prouder of a mistake.

16. Teddy had always wanted a family. When he married Victoire, he thought he'd finally feel like he had one. It was only when the feeling didn't come that he realized he'd had a family all along.