Bligh came into Stumm's office, and did a quick scan out of habit. The Corporation was large and influential enough that most Law Enforcement or Intelligence Agencies would try to sneak in cameras and listening devices regularly. She was on top of it. She had to be, before she could risk talking about any of their 'extra-curricular' projects.
Stumm was at his desk, though his chair was turned to face out the window. The office was designed to intimidate visitors, and remind them just who was in charge of things. Stumm didn't have the same taste for blatant extravagance that many at his level would adopt; but the view was commanding, overlooking the whole city from at least a few stories up.
Bligh cat-walked to his desk. "You know your office plants are all dying."
"I know." Stumm slowly turned the chair to look at her. "I prefer them that way."
Bligh almost smirked, and put a folder on his desk. "My final report. Everything we gave the authorities, everything they didn't get."
Stumm nodded, unconcerned. "It hardly matters. Even if they found something, we'd never be charged."
"I know, but best to keep things neat." Bligh nodded.
"You run a tight ship, Bligh. I like that about you." Stumm nodded. "Now then, I have a new mission for you. It requires a very light touch. This isn't applying muscle, or buying someone off. You can't involve any of your people, or make any kind of record, digital or paper-trail. It'll take months before we're ready, so we start now. This is the most delicate mission I've ever given you."
Bligh nodded. "Give me an order, sir."
Stumm pulled a new file out of his desk drawer, and held it out to her. Inside, were photos. Photos of familiar faces.
And written on the front of the front of the folder was a single word:
Bligh looked at the photos, and shivered suddenly. From somewhere, she thought she had heard the sound of malevolent, angry laughter.
Coming Soon:
The End of the 'Heroes For Earth' Trilogy.
"The Power Is Yours!" by Stephensmat.
AN: That's right, Planet-Patrol, I'm back, and we're doing this. I'm sorry it took me this long to get back to this. There have been some other projects taking up my time IRL.
But that project is done, and I'm back to round out the Trilogy, so Stay Tuned! Another week, and I'll be posting the first chapter.