Author's Note: Well, i was planning on making this a oneshot, but apparently a lot of you wanted me to continue so i decided i had some time to kill, why not make a second chapter, but this is it, i'm stopping at a twoshot. Also, i somewhat depict childbirth below but being a teenage boy i've never seen one first hand and have very little expirience with the matter beyond a few episodes of Scrubs and a very helpful wikipedia page, so enjoy.

Disclaimer: i own nothing.

Freddie's POV:

I wake up with a start and look around our bedroom. It looks similar to how it was before I left to help my mom with a few exceptions, we changed the curtains, I put a crib together for our soon to come baby, and last time I checked there wasn't a very worried and angry looking Sam standing over me.

"Get up!" she hisses at me while holding her very pregnant stomach.

"What happened?" I ask groggily.

"My water just broke." She yells and I nod uncomprehending then lie back down. I shoot up with eyes wide and jump out of bed. I pull on a shirt and get in my slippers, I pull on a robe that I got for Christmas last year and pull Sam out of the house and put her into the car. I start the car and pull out of the driveway. I drive to the nearest hospital and go up to the 'emergency's only' entrance and help her inside. Soon we are surrounded by nurses, one of whom manages to get a wheelchair over and Sam gladly accepts it. They wheel her into a room and help her onto the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her. "Are you feeling any pain?" she looks at me calmly.

"No, I was just a little worried back home, I actually feel fi-" she is cut off and grabs her stomach. "Dear god, what was that?" she asks when her pain subsides.

"That was a contraction." Says a nurse, who's still in the room. "Those will be getting much worse and much more frequent." Sam looks at the woman in shock, and then turns a death glare on me. The last time I saw that look was in high school and was followed by her attacking a senior who'd shoved Carly to the ground.

"What did you do to me?" she asks me with so much anger dripping from her voice I was scared she'd literally start breathing fire.

"I… uh, I…" I stutter unsure if what to say. She looks at me angrily then throws her head back as apparently another contraction takes hold of her. I grab her hand and she squeezes my hand so hard I swear I can hear my bones crack. She begins to breathe in the short puffs that she practiced. The contraction passes and she grabs my shirt and pulls me close.

"Get. Me. Drugs." She pants, I look at her bewildered.

"What?" I ask her.

"Drugs!" she yells, "Pain killers, morphine, an epidural, just something to stop the pain." She pants with her eyes shut tight. I turn to the nurse in the room for help, and she runs out to get something. I turn back to Sam and give her my hand again.

"It's gonna be okay, the nurse is getting you something for the pain." I tell her trying to be helpful. Soon a doctor comes in followed by a nurse.

"Hello there," he looks at the chart, "Sam, I'm doctor Stevens and I'll be helping you through this birth." He hunches down at the end of Sam's bed and looks under the skirt they placed over her. "Well, it seems you're five cm dilated, a bit farther along than we expected, you've still got a few hours to go but you're about half way through." He explains after coming out from under the skirt. "At this point we'll be giving you an epidural and if it's alright with you, removing your husband from the room." I'm about to protest when Sam beats me to it.

"Get him out of here." She says calmly. I nod in agreement, then her words sink in. I turn to look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"Out!" she says loudly and points at the door. A nurse rushes me out of the door and into the waiting room.

"But I'm the father." I protest.

"I'm sorry but it's the hospitals policy, unless your essential for the actual birth, you aren't in the room." The nurse explains.

"Who determines what's essential?" I ask her.

"The mother." She says and walks away. I walk over to a plastic chair and sit down. After a few minutes of sulking, I pull out my phone and start making some calls.

"Hello?" asks a groggy Carly.

"Hi Carly, Sam's in the delivery room." I say. I hear her gasp and can tell she's about to squeal so I hang up. Sorry Brad, I wouldn't want to be woken up by a Carly squeal. I go through my contacts thinking of people who might want to know. I call Spencer, Gibby; some close work friends, and then finally my mom.

"Hello?" she asks when she answers the phone.

"Hi mom." I say not at all excited.

"Oh hi honey, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine mom, I just called to say that Sam's in the delivery room." I tell her, the other end of the line is silent for a few minutes.

"How is she?" she asks after a few silent minutes.

"Fine… I don't know the nurses kicked me out of the delivery room." I say with a small chuckle.

"Well…" she says and trails off, "Tell me how it goes." She says and hangs up. I didn't expect any more from her, she wasn't all that thrilled that Sam and I were dating, even less so when we got married. You can imagine how unhappy she was when she heard Sam was pregnant. I look at my watch and it listlessly blinks 4:30 am in response. I'm about to nod off when my phone buzzes. I grab it and the caller ID tells me Carly is calling. I accept the call and bring the phone to my ear.

"Yes?" I ask.

"What hospital are you in?" she asks.

"Uh, St. John's I think." I respond.

"You think?" she asks incredulously.

"Jesus Christ Carly, it's 4:30 in the morning, I'm a little sleepy and I don't know off the top of my head." I snap at her.

"Fine, jeez, by the way you do not hang up on me, I hang up on-" I end the call and turn my phone off. I lay my head back and drift off to sleep.

Dr. Steven's POV:

"Oh that's not good." I mutter.

"What is it?" asks the nurse next to me.

"There seems to be a problem." I tell her.

"Well, what's the problem?" asks the nurse.

"The baby is coming out faster than she's ready for, it could cause some tissue damage." I explain.

"What should we do?" asks the nurse. I think the options over in my head. We could let this progress but at only 7 cm of dilation it could seriously damage her cervix. However, a C-section could be very risky as well. I look up and see Sam Benson's face she's being strong, but I can see the worry in her eyes. At this rate the child could hurt itself, so I think I know what we've got to do.

"Go get the O.R. prepped, we're bringing her in for a C-Section." I tell the nurse. She nods and hurries out of the room. "Mrs. Benson?" I ask getting her attention. She looks up at me.

"What?" she asks worried seeing my expression even under my mask she must be able to tell something's wrong.

"We're going to have to give you a C-Section, otherwise there could be… complications." I tell her. Her eyes look confused, but she nods in understanding, I love it when patients trust me, it makes everything so much easier.

Freddie's POV:

I'm awoken by a shove to my shoulder. I sit up and see a not all too happy Carly, and a rather sleepy Brad. I glance at my watch and see that it is 6:09 am.

"It took you an hour and a half to get to this hospital?" I ask.

"Yeah, cause there's three St. John's hospitals in this city."

"Still though, an hour and a half?" I ask again disbelieving.

"Yeah, because this isn't St John's it's St. Mary's you jerk." She says and slaps me on the shoulder. I was about to respond when Dr. Stevens walks in.

"Mr. Benson, may I speak with you?" I stand and walk over to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, "Did something happen to Sam?"

"There is a… complication in the birth, now it's not too bad, but we had to give her a C-Section so that we could get the baby out safely, it's going to be about forty more minutes before the procedure is finished, but I have faith in our surgical team and you should as well." He says and walks off before I can ask him more questions. I walk back to Carly and Brad and repeat what the Doctor told me. We sit down and wait. In one way the forty minutes feels like an eternity, but also as if it flies by. Soon a nurse comes in and tells me that I can see our baby. As I move toward the room Sam is in, I can't help but wonder what gender it is, Sam and I decided to wait to find out the Baby's gender and I'm filled with curiosity as I enter her room. I walk in to find Sam, reclined in a bed holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. I move to stand next to her and she looks up at me with a smile on her face.

"What gender?" I ask and she smiles knowingly.

"It's a boy, a beautiful baby boy." She says and tickles his cheek with her finger. "And your gonna be a big man when you grow up, aren't you?" she says in a baby voice, "Much more of a man than your daddy." She says with a smile, unable to resist taking a shot at me.

"Funny, but what are we going to name him?" I ask her. She looks at him pondering, and then I see an idea form on her face.

"How about we name him after your dad?" she asks and looks up at me.

"Luke? You want to name him Luke Benson?" I ask a little shocked.

"Why not?" she asks defensively, "It suits him." I look down at our little boy and he looks up at me with very wide eyes and smiles.

"Luke?" I test it on him and he coos at the name. "Your right it does fit him." I tell her and rub my hand on her back. "Well Luke," I say addressing our son. "Welcome to the world."

Again, i didn't really read it over so i apologize for any grammar mistakes i hope you liked it and will review, also if you read The Ultimate power, i only need 9 more reviews so... yeah whatever.