15 year-old Nico DiAngelo was peacefully sitting in a graveyard listening to Green Day on his iPod. That was before a girl, who looked about 13, walked into the graveyard, and promptly started yelling, loud enough to wake the dead, literally. Nico could hear them stirring, of course, she probably couldn't.

"You know what, I can't believe your nerve. How dare you even presume that you could kiss me." Nico normally would have ignored a ranting girl, except the fact that there was no one else in the graveyard and she was acting like someone would actually hear her. "Then, disappear. What type of person would do that. Especially when I was in danger of dying. That is just wrong. Even a god should know better. Even one of death."

Nico was really confused know, as far as he knew, his dad didn't go for blondes, not to mention he wasn't the god of death. He's the god of wealth and the dead, big difference. It didn't help his confusion any when a teenage guy that looked very much like him appear.

"I'm very sorry, Lady Kane," the guy said, trying to calm the girl. "And please, I can hear you quite well without your shouting, you are disturbing the dead."

"I can't believe you," the girl almost screamed, she had a slight British accent. "Here I am, I nearly died multiple times, and your worrying about people who are already dead."

"Lady Kane, I really have to be going now. Your father only let me out of my duties long enough to tell you to keep it down." And with that the guy disappeared, leaving the girl behind her mouth set in a hard angry line, and fury shooting out of her blue eyes. She kicked the tombstone, then apologized. "Jerk ," she muttered.

She turned around and saw Nico standing there, she looked him over, and then reached seemingly into thin air. Or at least, that was what Nico thought before he saw her hand disappear. When he saw her hand appear again, she was holding a boomerang. Now, even though it looked harmless enough, Nico had had enough experiences with seemingly harmless items, reached behind the tombstone he had been leaning against and grabbed his sword.

"Demon, show yourself," the girl hissed to Nico.

"I'm the demon. I'm not the one disturbing the poor people's sleep." Nico had gotten protective over the dead who couldn't defend themselves, since the Titan War. Not to mention, he only got small amounts of time to himself in the preparation for the Giant War and the search for Percy.

"Oh, great. Another one. Personally, I don't think that the dead should really learn to suck it up, after all they're already in the After Life. Do their graves need to be quiet too. But that's just me personally, apparently dad, Anubis, and now you think otherwise. So, if you're not a demon, you're not a magician, and you're not human what are you."

"What do you mean, not human." Nico didn't think that playing dumb would work, but he figured it was worth a try.

"You have an aura around you, but clearly, you don't need me to tell you that," the girl said, quite condescendingly in Nico's opinion. But hey, he was asking for it, playing dumb.

"Okay ," Nico wasn't sure if boomerang-girl had the ability to tell if he was lying. He decided that his best chance at survival at this point was to tell the truth. He had been trying to avoid using his powers so he was slightly rusty. "My name is Nico di Angelo, Prince of the Underworld. I am the only living son of the god of the dead."

"My dad is god of the dead," boomerang-girl said. "And Carter, my brother is the only son of my dad."

"I'm pretty sure he isn't" Nico shot back. "You don't look like a Hades kid."

"Who said anything about Hades. Everyone knows Osiris is the god of the dead."

"That is so not true. I've never even heard about Osiris. I'm pretty sure that I know what I'm talking about. Anyway, Hades kids actually use weapons not boomerangs." As soon as he said it, Nico knew he shouldn't have. The girl's face got all red. And she started yelling at him, Nico wasn't sure how the other teenager was able to deal with her, because all Nico wanted to do at that point was melt in the ground.

"Does this look like a boomerang too you. Ha-di." Nico looked in astonishment as the ground surrounding him, exploded. He charged at boomerang girl, muttering a couple of Greek curses, pretty sure that he was going to become a permanent resident of the Underworld. But, hey, he was going down fighting. The girl looked at him, pointed her boomerang, and muttered something Nico couldn't here. Then suddenly he was stuck in place.

"Hold on a second." She said, which seemed pretty pointless considering that Nico was frozen and suspended in mid-air. "Hades. Isn't he Greek."

"Of course," Nico said. "What else did you think he was. Well actually my dad can also appear as Pluto, that's Roman, but that's kind of confusing." The girl gave Nico a look, and he realized he was rambling.

"That could explain things. Pegasi are Greek. Where do you live." The girl looked at him.

"Um, well I live in the Underworld most of the time. But there is a camp in –"

"Manhattan," the girl said at the same time. Suddenly, Nico felt himself falling…