Call me crazy but this story nudged and tickled me until I had to writ it down so that it would leave me alone!

I am very pleased with it and would like to say if you don't like it or think its too weird, say it in a nice way, please!

I don't own Inuyasha or its characters just my wild imagination!

Chapter 1- Happy Birthday

The sea was always a clear blue at this beach, the waves were often large and perfect for a lucky surfer, or they'd be calm and perfect for snorkelling. But these waters were also home to the mermaids.

Beautiful heavenly beings with the tail of a fish instead of legs and magical abilities that made them wanted targets for all greedy men.

And because of that they were shy and stayed away and out of sight from most humans or went to watch them in disguise. They were masters of healing, harnessing the oceans power to save a life and at jewellery making with the countless sea gems at the bottom of the sea.

They weren't often the scary creatures sailors spoke of yet they could also be a very formidable enemy if gotten on the wrong side of. Mermaids were shy and timid and mostly had no reasons or desire to go to the surface.

Well almost all of them…

"Kagome!" yelled a mermaid as her sister swam towards the surface at breakneck speed.

Kagome had green scales with little odd white ones dotting all over her tail and human torso making her look like she was sparkling. She had long black hair that flowed freely in the waves and brown eyes that sparkled like a mysterious gem, she had a bikini top on that was green with white stripes.

Mermaids had fish tails and slightly webbed fingers to help them swim and had fins from the forearms to elbow to help with swimming also, they were very enchanting creatures

"Kagome, don't do it!" her sister shouted again.

Kagome ignored her and put her arms in front of her as she broke the surface and flew through the air like a dolphin or a flying fish for a few seconds then came down in a graceful dive.

She laughed and looked up at the surface again.

Her sister grabbed her arms and forced her to look at her. "Kagome! Mother would be furious if she found out that you've been up to the surface again!"

Kagome rolled her eyes "I can't help it, the sun and the wind, it's all so magical!" she twirled in the water like she was dancing.

Kikyo folded her arms and glared at her younger sibling. Or half sibling really as they had different fathers. Kikyo had fiery red scales with black splashed in the tail and a few black scales that looked like tattoos on her arms and neck. She had a top made of shells that were red, she tied her black hair back with black seaweed and was a bit bossy as well as paranoid about being seen by humans.

"Kagome, listen. The rules are that you can only go to the surface when you turn sixteen that's not till tonight!" she put an arm around her sisters shoulder "Hang tight, tonight will come faster than you know it"

Kagome sighed, you couldn't really tell that they were sisters as they looked so different. Only their pale skin, black hair and brown eyes were similar. "You're so lucky Kikyo. You can go up there whenever you want"

Kikyo shook her head "Not really, the surface world is a cruel harsh, and full of humans that would just love you for dinner"

Kagome snorted. "Humans don't eat mermaids"

Kikyo raised an eyebrow "How do you know?"

Kagome shivered "Because mum met lots of humans and came back alright" she said defensively.

Kikyo pouted then smiled "Okay you win. Come on, let's find shells in the chasm"

Kagome groaned, Kikyo was in love with beautiful things and made a lot of them, earrings, necklaces, belts, tail rings, bracelets, you name it she made it. Kagome wasn't as talented as her older sister but Kikyo told it was only because she was fifty years older than her and that if she practiced she would get the hang of it. Mermaids didn't age when they got to a certain point so their mother looked twenty when she was alive even though she had a teenage daughter and a fully grown one.

Also a mermaid could live for hundreds of years and it was very rare that a mermaid died.

Kikyo was the stereotypical mermaid, beautiful, vain, passionate and liked to be the centre of attention and to always so things her way.

Kagome was a little odd-bod in her mermaid world. She was bold and loud with a good sense of humour and got bored of mermaid and girly things easily. She was a little gentle and shy but was also, beautiful, graceful, daring, inquisitive, intelligent and had a beautiful voice that could charm the waves themselves.

Kikyo saw her sisters face and smiled at her "Please! It's for your birthday present!"

Kagome's eyes lit up and she followed her sister as they swam down a cavern that was filled with jewels. Kikyo examined each one, trying some on her scales and hair as well, and only picked out the best.

Kagome wandered around the chasms then found a little hole in the rocks. She wriggled her head into the crack and saw a tunnel. She checked to see if Kikyo had noticed that she wasn't looking for jewels anymore then dived down the tunnel to see where the end was.

Because of her curios and daringly playful nature Kagome often got into trouble and this was no different behaviour than normal, she didn't even stop to think if the tunnel even had an end or if she would get stuck at the very end.

Kagome wriggled and squirmed then fell into an open space. She stared around her in wonder. The cave she had found was filled with jewels like the one above but these were more perfect and beautiful than those other ones in the higher caves. She opened a small bag that Kikyo had given to her and began collecting the pretty gems.

When she wandered far enough from the cave exit she found something funny, she found a tiara made of pure diamonds and silver. Kagome put it on her head and then picked up a jewelled mirror that was next to it. She admired her reflection for a second then put both things in her bag.

She dug a little more then shrieked when she found the human skeleton that the stuff must have belonged to.

Kagome put the items back whispering words of sorry to it before leaving, all mermaids hated grave robbing from sunken ruins so tried their very best to not take things that belonged to people who had drowned in the sea.

Kagome finally wriggled out of the hole and saw Kikyo still admiring herself in the mirror she always brought with her.

She sighed at last "Done Kagome? Wow, what a full bag. Good job. Let's go" she turned and swam way with Kagome catching her up a second later.

Kagome lounged on her bed that was a giant clam shell filled with seaweed and other soft things like sea sponges. Kikyo was banging with her hammers and using underwater volcanoes to heat up metals and jewels to make something.

Kagome watched at first with interest but then got bored and lay on her back and dozed for a while listening to the oceans song. Wales sang in the distance and dolphins played while clownfish laughed and seahorses neighed.

Kagome was secretly very nervous about her birthday party tonight, the great gods and goddess of the sea would give her the powers of the sea but only if she was deemed worthy, not to mention the mermaid queen would be there! Kagome felt iced over than slowly thawed out when she remembered how scared she had been for her friends when they had their powers awakened.

Kagome sat up and pulled a brush through her hair then went to pick out something to wear for her birthday. "Kikyo? What should I wear tonight?" she asked opening her trunk of clothes.

Kikyo put her work down and swam over using her hands only. "Try this" she pulled out a gold and silver dress that was a lot like a humans but was shorter so her swimming couldn't be interrupted and had sleeves that went over her shoulders but no further. There was a gold necklace to go with it and a few gold tail rings and a belt.

Kagome tried it on and the Kikyo bullied her into letting her give the birthday girl a makeover. Kagome didn't really care much for makeup or any other beauty enhancing objects, but she did have a small collection for special occasions.

Kikyo had to use some of her own beauty products because Kagome had so little for herself. "Look at you, sixteen in four hours, oh where has my baby sister gone?" Kikyo fretted while she re brushed Kagome's silky hair.

Kagome smiled up at her "I'll still be your little sister" she said quietly while Kikyo threaded pearls into her hair.

Kikyo smiled as well and hugged her, Kagome hugged her as well then Kikyo sniffed and wiped her eyes before putting a little lipstick on her sisters lips. Kagome had only seen her sister cry twice before. Once when a sailor she fancied died and when their mother left them to go exploring then never returned…

Kagome knew that this time she was happy because as soon as the tears left her cheeks they fell to the ocean floor as pearls that went straight into Kagome's hair

"I know" she said at last then cleared her throat and said "Yeah, you're done" she turned the chair around and Kagome gasped when she saw her reflection. She had pretty pink lips and silver eye shadow to match her scales and dress. Her green scales had been polished and her hair was filled with beautiful pearls.

"Oh Kikyo, I'm almost beautiful" she felt like crying tears of joy but mermaids didn't cry very often.

Kikyo smiled down at her little sister and put a hand on her shoulder and said "Mother would be so proud" Kagome squeezed her sisters shoulder and her eyes stung, her mother had been hauled up in a fisherman's net when Kagome was little and she could only just remember her mothers face.

Kikyo left to get into her dress, it was a little slutty to be honest, it wasn't very modest and was see through red on all but the bra area. She had golden hoops in her ears and hair with golden belt and a harp made of gold as well.

"Happy birthday" she said to Kagome giving her a lyre that was silver with jewels embedded in the patterns of swimming fish and flying birds and moons with stars as well as the ocean beneath the lyre like it was on the planet.

Kagome held her gift in her hands staring as if it was the most amazing thing in the world. "Kikyo…"she couldn't speak as she was so overwhelmed she hugged her sister tightly "Thank you so much, it's beautiful!"

Kikyo smiled "Wait till you play it, let's go" she grabbed her sisters hand and pulled her out the cave entrance and up towards the moon. They were headed to a secret cove that had lots of good sitting rocks so the mermaids could watch the moon and stars without worrying about humans.

Kagome surfaced and laughed, the stars were shining brightly and the moon was full. She swam swiftly but gracefully to the cove and was greeted by all her mer-friends. Ayami, Kanna, Kaede and lots of others.

She was hugged kissed and ducked under the water in playful affections as all mermaids were close even if they were strangers they'd have a similar bond.

Then a hush settled across the cove and all the mermaids swam quickly to find a seat. Kagome swam on her own up to their leader, the mother of all mermaids.

Their leader was called Midoriko she was sitting waiting for her on a rock in the centre of the cove watching her with a proud smile. She had a star on her forehead red robes and was powerful beyond her years, she was the oldest mermaid in the world. She had long black hair that was darker than night and brown eyes deeper than the ocean her skin was originally pale but her years under the sun had made her tan. Her tail was black with every colour of the rainbow shimmering in it when it wasn't directly looked at.

Kagome felt very nervous, she had only met their leader once before when she was a baby and couldn't remember her very well. She looked at Kikyo showing her fear. Kikyo smiled encouragingly and gestured her onwards.

Kagome took a deep breath and pulled herself up onto the rock just in front of Midoriko, folding her tail under her like a human kneeling in prayer. She put her hands together as if she was praying and bowed her head slightly.

Other mermaids gasped at how beautiful Kagome looked under the full moon, her dress hugged her shape and her long hair shimmered with thousands of pearls and her angelic face made every mermaid envy her.

Midoriko raised her hands for silence. Everyone shut up and watched intently.

Midoriko rested her hands on Kagome's head, Kagome felt the gentle touch and her nervousness fell away "Kagome Higaraish, the last pureblood mermaid of the star blessed sea, will you remain with the sea to become one with its magic's this night?"

Kagome answered "Yes, I will"

"Do you promise to respect all sea life and the lives of those lost at the waves?"

"I do"

"Can you swear to do only good and justice with the powers bestowed on you this night, lest you fall victim to the sirens curse that was once our bloody past?"

"I swear to obey the laws of the waves, to both respect and show compassion to life in and out of your seas, to only use my powers for good and serve justice to my kind and kin"

Midoriko looked satisfied with her answer that had come out of her heart and not out of her head. Midoriko placed her hands on either side of Kagome's head and whispered "Well answered, daughter" Midoriko called all mermaids her daughters as she was known as the mother of all mermaids.

"Great Poseidon, Neptune and the mighty moon herself, grant this daughter of your sea her powers as you see fit"

The water around Kagome began to glow and wrapped itself around her kneeling form infusing her with the powers of the ocean. Kagome felt as if she was gaining the strength of the tides in that one second.

More water spilled into the air and rained down on her gently splashing her with little pricks of cold, she felt her powers waken inside her like blooming flowers that could be used for good or evil.

Finally every mermaid looked at the sky and waited for the shooting stars. They were the most important part, the more stars shot out of the sky for you the more powerful your powers would be. At first it looked like no stars would move but then one shot across the sky like a meteor followed by another then another! Soon twos and threes and larger groups were flashing across the sky.

Kagome counted forty stars before she lost count completely. Other mermaids gasped in amazement, they had never seen so many stars shot for one mermaid before! It was unheard of.

Kagome looked at Midoriko who was watching the stars with interest. How many were there for me? Kagome wondered holding her hands close to her heart in wonder.

With one final surge the stars stopped falling and one person shouted "Two hundred and twenty four!"

There was a shout from across the pool "No it was two hundred and twenty nine!"

There was a quick argument before Midoriko raised a hand for everyone's attention. "The exact number was two hundred and thirty two, that is two more than mine"

There was a gasp and a lot of murmuring from the watchers. Kagome glanced nervously around the cove, Midoriko put a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "You are clearly destined for great things, but for now we will leave the future for another day. We have a birthday to celebrate"

"Here, here" someone shouted joyfully followed by a chorus of laughs.

Kagome sighed in relief and bowed again to Midoriko before slipping into the water. Kagome was in shock; two hundred and thirty two stars? Am I really that powerful? She looked at her hands and then was pulled up by her sister.

"Oi, get over here" she scolded lightly "The parties this side of the surface"

Instruments and food was brought out and games such as volley ball that they copied off the humans, with a few differences like the ball could go wherever it wanted as long as it didn't touch the water.

Kagome ate with her friends and really enjoyed herself she got a few gifts but mostly she just got lots of food and invites to dance and play. Kagome forgot about her powers and what it meant to be the most powerful mermaid in the world at the moment and became another sea girl, mucking about and getting into trouble.

"Sing Kagome!" Kanna shouted from her perch on the cliff.

"Yes sing for us!" another shouted.

Soon a chant had started up requesting her to sing, as everyone knew that she was the best singer this end of the ocean.

She eventually gave in and swam to the rock at the centre and pulled herself up onto the seat like area and took a deep breath before she started to sing.

What do you think R&R and be prepared for the rest of this weird story! :)