"You sure about leaving Sesshomaru?" Sango asked concerned. She turned to look at me with a concerned face as she parked the car at her apartment. I look at her with water brimming in my eyes.
"Sango… I just don't know right now… I'm confused…" I said. I opened the car door and ran out.
"Wait! Rin where are you going? Come back and talk to me!" Sango cried out.
I ran into the street and kept running through the rain, not sure where I was going.
Is it really Sesshomaru who is to blame for all of this… All he did was try and protect me…I still love him… If I leave him I will have no one. Everyone I used to love has been taken away from me!
"Ring!" my phone cries out interrupting my thoughts. I pick it expecting Sango. Instead an angry voice cries out. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
I back the phone away from my ear filled with shock and surprise before I return the phone to my ear. "Umm who is this?" I asked perplexed.
"It's me Kagura!" She answered harshly. "Why are you calling me?" I asked rudely.
"You left Sesshomaru! How could you do that?!" She yelled. "He's hurt me too much, Kagura." I explained calmly.
"He has hurt you?! Do you even know how Sesshomaru feels? Do you know how Sesshomaru got his memory back? He had to relive everything again! The pain he felt… It was more than he should have. When he saved you from your dad he immediately passed out, but got up sooner than he should because he needed to protect you!"
I sat in silence trying to contemplate what Kagura had just said. I stood up and ended the call.
Rin you are weak. You are so weak. Can you not survive without him? Why do you keep on depending on him? Why can't you do anything yourself?
"I am weak." I said out loud in realization. "Then I guess that means I'll protect you even more." A voice behind me said.
I turned around and blushed as I saw Sesshomaru drenched in rain even though he had an umbrella by his side. "Rin… I found you… I missed you…" I still stood there silent not really know what to say.
"Rin…" he said as he took a few steps closer. "I'm sorry…" he cried out. I stared at him with shocked eye. I was ready to apologize, but he already had.
"Rin, I'm really sorry I hurt you. I didn't even consider how you felt. I just assumed everything was ok. I thought we could just go back to the way things were before the trip. Rin… I understand if you don't love me anymore, but Rin I will always love you."
As we were soon standing face to face he gently embrace me whispering in a chant "I'm sorry." I opened my mouth to say something, but froze when I felt warm tear flowing down my shoulder to my arm to my hand. I held up my hand to see tears. I though the rain would wash them away as I held my hand up, but the tears glistened brightly, so I didn't lose sight of them.
As I put my hand back down by my side I croaked out "Love… sorry…" The sentence I was trying to say didn't exactly come out they way I wanted.
Sesshomaru pulled away and said "Goodbye Rin." He looked me in the eyes smiled slightly and walked away. I stood frozen to the ground.
What are you doing Rin? If he leaves you will never see him again! He is the only one you loved and you're just going to let him leave! Rin! Hurry and say something he is almost out of sight!
I inched forward a few steps, but my voice was still not traceable. "Love… sorry…" I croaked again. Sesshomaru split stop, but continued to go.
No wait… Sesshomaru don't leave me… I want to say no, I want to say stay, I want to say something, but nothing will come out right! Come on and speak! Move body! Do something! Please!
"Please!" I screamed out just as Sesshomaru was turning the corner to leave. He turned and looked back. "Iloveyou." I cried out in a blur. Sesshomaru walked over to me.
"Rin, is there something you wish to say?" he said smiling. "IloveyouandI'malsosorry!" I yelled out and started to cry. Sesshomaru chuckled. "I love you too Rin. Forever and Ever."
So I guess that's how it went. It's been three years now since we have been dating. It's been I pretty peaceful life compared to back then. Though he put my through self defense class just in case. I really love him. He really loves me too. I have to engagement ring to prove it. So yea we are getting married in a few months or so. We are keeping our guest list small. I mean who knows what weirdos we might encounter.
After we get married, Sesshomaru said that we would go around the world to explore and learn new things. I wanted to write a book about our adventures and such. I really love him and nothing we ever keep up apart.
I don't know who going to read this since i like didnt update in like months...years... who knows, but it's here. Enjoy this. Im planning to finish stories, but during the summer because i have a lot of studying and stuff to do.
After all I am planning on going into medical school and stuff got to keep those grades up.
-SCrush :p