A/N: Results of my writer block. I am completely stumped on my Kuro fic," His Maid, The One and Only", If anyone would like to read it and maybe send me a review or a PM of a good idea to continue that would be very much appreciated and I would gladly credit you in the story. I'm also in need of a few OC's so I would appreciate some ideas for those as well. I'm only lost for the nest two chapters. I had the idea written out but then it didn't fit the way I wanted so I need a new direction.

Anyways enough about that, this little one shot was based off a dream I had. It's exactly the same but since my mom decided to wake me up during this wonderful dream, I had been forced to come up with an ending of my own. So here we go. This very fluffy! So you will be smothered in clouds of Fluff X3.

Enjoy, Review, and Sebastian will come to your house and serve you for the day ;D

Disclaimer : I don't own Kuroshitsuji.

*Note: Have any of you heard the rumor of Kuroshitsuji season 3 coming late 2012? 8D if you haven't then you live under a rock because it is everywhere. The news apparently came from a Black Butler Panel. *


Sebastian Michaelis was one hell of a butler.

He did everything without fail and carried out every order to his Young Masters liking. He cooked every meal with the finest ingredients. Every room was dusted, washed, and aired out. There was not a trace of dust, cobweb, or mold to be found. The fine china sparkled like the sun reflecting off a calm stream. Every day he would surprise his master with a new desert or treat. Above all he was always there to protect his Master and make sure he was in good health for the day when he would devour the fine soul he looked after.

But believe it or not, there were times when Sebastian became a bit weary.

Of course he would never let it affect his duties as a Phantomhive butler. But it wasn't very often the demon butler has a chance to enjoy some peace. His Young Master certainly didn't make it easier either.

Today was a particularly hectic one for Sebastian. More than once had Maylene dropped a set of tea cups and plates in the kitchen as well a vase in the upstairs hallway. Bard had burned the meat Sebastian was going to use for tonight's dinner so he had ended up making a pasta dish instead. Sebastian questioned himself as to why he made Finnian the gardener when he couldn't very well keep it alive and it was another reason why Sebastian himself took care of his Masters favorite white roses. To top it all off, the little boy had constantly called upon him today in the middle of his work to make him sweets, which he had to refuse. He didn't want the young Lord to ruin his appetite for the dinner he slaved over.

And at the end of the day all Sebastian wanted to do was sit down and have a few moments to himself. Even if it was just a short minute, as long as it was for him.

He hoped to have that soon. All that was left to do now was to give Ciel and bath, dress him, and put him to bed.

"You seem quite tired my Lord." The demon butler pointed out to the child he was currently washing.

"A little. There was a lot of paperwork today as well as invitations that needed sorting out." Ciel voice was lower than usual and full of fatigue but he looked relaxed as Sebastian gently washed his hair.

"Well then, the day is over and now it is time for you to rest." With that said, Sebastian poured warm water over Ciel's head once more and proceeded to drain the tub. As the water went down, Ciel stood up and Sebastian wrapped him in a warm white towel. Once Ciel was dried off, Sebastian picked him up and carried him to the bedroom and set him down on the bed.

"Arms out." Sebastian said and the boy complied but did something that Sebastian found rather adorable. Ciel stretched out his right arm but held the other to his sleepy face and rubbed his tired eye with the back of his hand in a childish manor.

Sebastian wanted to tease him but thought against it, not wanting to upset the for once calm and quiet child. Sebastian had to take the hand from his eye for a moment to slip it through the shirt. Blue eyes closed and a yawn escaped small pink lips. Sebastian turned down the bedding and picked up his young charge, placing him beneath the covers. Once Ciel was settled into a comfortable position, the butler pulled the comforter over the small body and up to his shoulders. He walked over to the large window and drew the curtains, walking back over to the bedside and blew out the candles on the nightstand.

"Goodnight Young Master." The demon butler bowed and walked out of the room closing the door gently.


Sebastian made his way down the dark hall and down a flight of stairs that lead directly into the servant's hall. Before going to his own room, he checked to make sure all was well with the other servants who were all fast asleep.

Walking into his own room, Sebastian, for the first time in a long while, hung his tailcoat upon the hook next to the door. He walked over to his wardrobe and carefully opened the top drawer, only to be greeted by the small, sleeping kitten curled up against the soft, fluffy towel Sebastian had placed inside. It was the only thing that fit in there. A rare small smile made its way upon the heartless demon's face and he closed the drawer but leaving it opened just a bit. Removing his vest and shirt, he folded them and placed them neatly on the chair near his bed. Removing belt and shoes which he hung on a hook and placed on the floor, he let his body relax against cool sheets and soft pillows.

The feeling of relaxation was wonderful and Sebastian was grateful for the human luxuries.

In only a few short minutes, Sebastian had let his mind wander and let himself fall into a restful sleep. Something he had not been able to do in a few good centuries.


Hours had passed into the night till it was the earliest hours of the morning where the sun hadn't even risen yet and wouldn't for another five or six hours.

The House of Phantomhive still laid a sleep. Nothing was heard but the light breathing of each resident of the house.

One individual however was about to disturb the dead but peaceful silence.

It was small however, starting off with the shifting of position under warm sheets but then that went from a simple movement to small whimpers which escalated into cries of panic and agony.

The sound of distress in particular was echoing around the room of the Young Phantomhive boy.

At first the sound couldn't even be heard past the bed room door, but within a few seconds, the cries coming from the small boy's mouth could be heard from the downstairs parlor.

Down in the servant's quarters, a pulsing glow came from a pale hand with a demon contract engraved upon the back.

Sebastian immediately awoke once he felt the pulse of the Faustian contract on him had. That was something special about the mark. If his Master was hurt or in danger, he could sense it through the contract.

Quickly, the butler emerged from his comfy bed and slipped on his shoes, grabbed his shirt, and quickly made his way out of the dark room all the while buttoning up the shirt but not caring about appearances at the moment. What had mattered the most was getting to Ciel.

Instead of going up the normal way, Sebastian took the servants passage that led to the upstairs hallway much faster. The sound of his Master's voice became louder and more panicked which caused him to take longer strides. Once coming to the dark blue door, Sebastian didn't bother knocking or pausing but instead opened the door and walked right in, letting the door close behind him.

However he did pause at the sight before him. His Young Mater was twisted in the bed sheets with his pillow on the floor and his little arm flailing about with his body twisting back and forth.

"Se-Seba-tian." Came a cry of desperation from small lips.

'Me? Why would he be calling out my name?' Sebastian thought.

This wasn't the first time he had come to his master aid during a nightmare. During the beginning of his servitude, Sebastian often had to come and pull his master from the dreams of his past imprisonment, so this wasn't anything new. However, this was the first time he had heard his name spoken that way.

Not wasting any more time, Sebastian made quick work on waking his master. Coming to sit on the edge of the bed, the butler took hold of the squirming boy's shoulders and gently tried to shake him, but that was far from working. Actually the boy had reacted worse when the hands were placed on him. He started to make attempts to fight back with his small fists and kicking his legs. Of course this didn't hurt one bit but it did worry the demon butler to see his Master this way. He was never this violent in his past dreams. The cries were starting to become close to sobs and tears but before Ciel could reach that point, Sebastian pulled the screaming child into his arms and got up off the bed. Sebastian held the boy tight and walked around a bit, hoping the swaying motion would help calm the boy's erratic behavior. He had once see a human father do this to his child to calm them and it seemed to work.

"There there Young Master, everything is alright your safe now. Come on open your eyes I'm right here." Sebastian spoke softly into the boy's ear and began rubbing his back in circles. The cries seemed to become quieter and not as hysterical.

Sebastian had continued his rubbing, comforting words, and swaying and soon the boy in his arms had calmed and was now awake but still shaken up. He knew full well who was holding him and where he was.

It was all just a bad dream.

"Are you alright now Young Master?" Sebastian stopped his movements and listened for a reply, which he didn't get. He didn't receive a verbal reply, however he got a physical one.

Ciel had clutched on tightly to Sebastian's shirt and buried his face against Sebastian's shoulder. The demon was surprised when he felt his shoulder become slightly wet and he felt Ciel's body continue to shake in what he assumed was fear. He could hear the stifled soft sobs that his master tried to hold back but failed too.

"It's alright. It was only a bad dream. You have nothing to fear. I am here to protect you like I promised I would." Sebastian carried the boy back to his bed but he said boy refused to let go of his butler and clung to him for dear life. So Sebastian ended up sitting on the bed with the frightened Master held tight in his arms. Resting his head on top of the younger ones, Sebastian began to rock gently back and forth.

"Sebast-tian." The small voice called out between sobs. Ciel turned his head slightly so one eye was showing, tears running down porcelain cheeks.

"What is it Young Mater?" Sebastian asked softly, still rocking. His Master was now reduced to sniffles and hiccups.

"You-you weren't –hic- t-there –hic-." Ciel made out as best as he could.

"Where Young Master?" Sebastian was trying to get the boy to tell him what scared him so bad.

"-hic- didn't c-come for m-me –hic-." Ciel put his face back against the demons shoulder and said no more. Sebastian didn't want to push it, but he wanted to know what made Ciel call out his name the way he did.

"It's alright now. No matter what happened it wasn't real. I'm here now and I will always be here to protect you until the very end. I promise." Sebastian spoke softly into soft, silk locks of his Masters hair.

Ciel seemed to calm down at this and sniffle now and again.

A long moment passed between both of them in the darkness of the room until Sebastian thought it was safe to put his master back on the bed. He put him against the pillows and made his way to the opposite side of the room where the fire place was. Leaning down, Sebastian placed two fire logs inside and with a flick of his wrist, a warm fire was lit.

From the bed, Ciel held a pillow close to himself as he watched his faithful butler light a fire and never taking his eyes off of him in case he might disappear if he looked away. He watched as the calm fire lit the in a calm glow and his butler return to his side.

"Do you need anything Master?" Sebastian asked while fixing the blankets around Ciel.

Ciel only shook his head.

"Alright then." Ciel noticed Sebastian make a small move to stand but made a quick grab for the white sleeve.

"Don't go. Stay here for now." Ciel's small voice just barely made it to Sebastian's ears but the demon heard him clearly. His Young charge was very shaken up to be acting this way.

"If that is what you wish." Sebastian stayed where he sat and watched as Ciel moved over a bit. It was enough room for Sebastian to sit there.

Ciel looked up expectantly at the demon.

"What is it my Lord?" Sebastian asked in confusion. Was he supposed to do something?

Ciel only looked to the place next to him and then back up at his butler, not saying a word. For a quick second, Sebastian had to think.

"Oh I see." Sebastian finally understood his Master's silent wish.

Removing his shoes, Sebastian slipped in and under the covers next to the child and made himself comfortable against the pillows.

"Is this alright Young Master?" He only got a nod in reply. What was with his Master and the silent replies?

For a moment no one moved. Until Ciel shifted over a bit to lean against Sebastian's side. Said man smiled down at the boy getting comfortable against him but decided to change the position. Sebastian suddenly pulled Ciel onto his lap, which surprised the boy, and let his small body lean back against his own with Ciel's small head resting on his shoulder.

"Sebastian what are you doing?" The voice sounded a little annoyed and the butler knew his Master was feeling a bit better.

"Why making you comfortable of course." Sebastian smirked at the face Ciel made and wrapped his arms around his little frame.

Suddenly everything became serious. No one said a thing, and both Master and Servant were comfortable where they were. Ciel didn't complain like he normally would simply because he was enjoying the comforting warmth that was radiating from behind him. Sebastian was content to hold his Master and do anything to make sure he was safe.

A long silence passed over them as they lay in the bed. The only sound being the light crackling from the fire place. It maybe had been an hour before anything happened and it was still dark outside.

"Why are you so warm?" The sudden question broke Sebastian out of his deep thoughts and he averted his gaze from the fire place and looked down upon his relaxed master.

"Why?" Sebastian asked back.

"Yes." Ciel kept his stare at the fire.

"Because I am one hell of a butler of course." Sebastian joked and you could hear a smile playing at his words.

Ciel couldn't help but smile ever so slightly at the comment.

"But you are a demon. Demons shouldn't be warm should they?" Ciel was asking with so much curiosity and Sebastian was a bit taken back at his Masters sudden interest in demons.

"Not many demons feel's warmth or cold. The most heartless and cruel one defiantly wouldn't. But for a demon like me, someone who has been around humans for so long, the feeling of warmth or cold is very natural." Sebastian explained placing a pale hand upon the boys head and resting his chin a little on his hand.

"I see. Sebastian? You would never lie to me correct?" Blue eyes closed.

"Of course not Young Master. I am true to my words always. I don't lie and I never will. Not to you my Lord." Sebastian then listened to his Masters soft breaths. "Why the sudden interest?" He asked.

"I was afraid. You….you weren't there to save me, in my dream. You didn't come to protect me like you promised you would." Small, pale hands searched to find the larger ones of his butler and took hold of them tightly.

The butler moved both of their hands to rest upon Ciel's small stomach with Ciel's hands on top of his. Ciel became more content as he felt the warmth from the demons hand radiate through his stomach and through his body.

"What happened?" Sebastian tried coaxing the boy to tell him of his dream. There was a moment's pause before the boy spoke.

"They came back. The ones who had taken my life. The ones who took my family, my childhood, my happiness…..everything. They came back to get me. They burned the mansion down again and took me back that awful place. That prison. I tried calling out to you. But you didn't come to save me. They told me you didn't care for me anymore and that I was nothing. Just useless trash who nobody loved. It frightened me very much. It was so real. The pain, the loneliness, the feeling of being abandoned. I didn't like it. That's why I asked if you would ever lie to me. Would you lie about protecting me? I was more than happy to be awoken back to reality. I've never felt pain like that in so long. I hope to never feel that again." Sebastian just laid there and quietly listened the boy in his lap pouring out his mind to him.

'So that's it, he was afraid I wouldn't save him.' Sebastian thought about this for a while.

"I will be there for you always." Sebastian did something that surprised himself. It was a bit of a risk, but Sebastian leaned down a little and kissed the top of his Ciel's head. He waited for his Master to snap at him for it or strike him, but neither happened. Instead the boy just laid there, fully awake, but said nothing but put his full weight against Sebastian. "It's near the break of dawn Young Master." But once again he received no reply. He merely thought the boy was in deep thought.

The embers of the once bright fire were slowly fading and morning was soon to come.

"You don't get much rest do you Sebastian?" Sebastian was a bit startled because it was so quiet and the sudden sound of Ciel's voice caught him off guard.

"I don't necessarily require rest Young Master. It's only a luxury we demons are fortunate to have." Sebastian explained.

"I noticed how irritated you had become yesterday. I thought you would have taken the time during the night to rest up yourself."

"In all truth I was taking the time to relax before coming to your aid."

"I'm sorry. I know you work very hard and I never seen you once rest in all the time you've been here." Sebastian wasn't ever expecting this. His Master actually showing sympathy for him?

"No need to worry about me Master, but I do have a lot to worry about when it comes to you." Sebastian said teasing and carrying a small smile upon his face.

"You do deserve some rest now and again." Ciel turned his head up to look at his butler. The smile was contagious because it made its way upon the child's face as well.

Ciel reached for Sebastian's other hand and began to play with the long fingers, running his fingers over them and tracing the contract mark with is small fingers. Sebastian watched Ciel's actions carefully.

"I'm very glad the Young Master would be so kind as to care for my own well being."

"I just don't want you to become lazy in your work. I won't be responsible for you becoming another incompetent servant." The boy quickly came up with an excuse to mask his true feelings.

"I promise that won't be happening anytime soon."

The moon had long since gone down and the fire in the corner was at its last sparks. Through the closed curtains was the smallest of light beginning to creep its way into the room. With a sudden burst of energy, Ciel sat up in Sebastian's lap and turned his upper half to face him. Without saying a word, Ciel rested his head against the left side of Sebastian's chest and laid there for a moment. Sebastian of course had no idea what was going on but said nothing. Just observed. Ciel then lifted his head and looked confused as he stared at the spot where he had just put his head.

"Is there something wrong Master?" Sebastian asked very curious about his Masters actions.

"Your heart, its beating. Why?"


"Do demons even have hearts?" Ciel asked quite confused.

"Not all demons. But remember, I am one hell of a butler. If my Master wishes me to have a heart, then I will, only for him." Sebastian said in a soft tone.

Ciel stared as Sebastian chest once more before laying back down against the strong warm chest. Another hour had past, and Ciel wasn't tired at all. In that moment where he was, he felt at peace. The small bits of sunlight were breaking though the dark curtains and the warmth Ciel was getting from his butlers body was nothing but relaxing for his small, overworked being.

"Sebastian I don't feel very tired anymore. I don't feel like staying in bed any longer." But the boy made no move to get up.

"Well then Young Master, are you hungry?" Sebastian knew it was at least another three hours before the boy would have been woken up and served breakfast, but what fun was it sitting in bed? Sebastian was willing to play along with his Young Masters ideas and games simply to see him happy.

"I am a bit hungry. I want something warm Ciel made his request.

"Well then, I will get to it right away." Sebastian made a move to get out of the bed and slipped on his shoes but then as he was going to walk to the door, something pulled on his shirt.

Sebastian looked back to see Ciel sitting up with arms stretched out and an expectant look in is mismatched eyes.

"Would you like to accompany me Master?" Sebastian smiled and he already knew the answer.

"I want to see you cook something." Ciel simply replied. Sebastian, feeling playful at the moment, turned and sat down on the bed with his back faced to Ciel.

Sebastian pulled Ciel's hands over his shoulders and Ciel caught on quick. The boy pulled himself onto Sebastian back and when Sebastian stood up, he placed both hand under small, pale legs and proceeded to carry his Master out of the room on his back. Sebastian had a slight bounce in his step and Ciel could feel it.

And as they made their way down the still dark, but almost lit hallway, for the first time in years, the halls of the Phantomhive mansion were filled with light laughter and smiles that would only be known between Servant and Master.


Review, don't Review, I don't really care.

I just felt the need to write this out only because it came from a dream I had. The dream was like the story with Ciel and Sebastian but because dreams can sometimes be choppy and blurry sometimes, I had to add and change some things just so it would make sense for the story.

This can be taken however you want. I just see it as FLUFFFFFF (XD love fluff) but if you guys want to see it as SebbyxCiel love or just comfort from adult to child, whatever floats your boat. :D

It would be nice to drop me a review. I haven't been getting any lately and it's put me in a kinda down mood. D: But oh well. School starts in another day so I won't be on here as often as before. It my junior year and I'm dedicating myself COMPLETLEY to my studies.
