Okay guys, first things first: I have risen from the dead!

If any of you started reading this story when I first posted it, let's face it, YEARS AGO, I'm so glad you're still there! And to those who are just joining in, I hope you'll enjoy this, the last chapter of this fic and of this trilogy.

Thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews so far and I hope to be able to finish all of my ongoing stories some day, even if it takes five more years… lets hope not… I make no promises...




Chapter 3: A Wedding for three

The door opened ever so slowly, showing the figure of Gisela behind it. Yuuri looked at her looking for signs of fatality, but instead the healer smiled as she carefully removed her gloves.

"Congratulations Yuuri Heika, it's a boy"

Yuuri felt as if the weight of the entire world was being lifted from his shoulders with the beautiful sound of those three words. It's a boy, a boy, alive, his flesh and blood, he was a father. Now for the second time, he was a father. To say he did not love his daughter with all his might would be a tremendous lie, but this was the first time he experienced this overwhelming feeling of joy, knowing his son would be waiting behind that door.

For some reason his feet didn't move as fast as he willed them to, maybe the sheer shock was what made him linger for a second or two, maybe it was the worry still lingering on the back of his mind, like nothing this good could actually happen without a shadow of tragedy swiftly following after, in his experience at least. A sudden image of Wolfram, torn apart inside the room, made his way into his mind and almost made him lose his balance.

He took a deep breath. he felt the reassuring hand of his friend on his right shoulder and headed for the door, as Gisela stepped aside.

"Yuuri…" Wolfram's sweet crying voice reached Yuuri's ears like the most beautiful sound in the world, as the blond looked up behind tears of sheer joy to see the love of his life, the father of his son, entering the room.

There he was, Wolfram in all his glory, glowing like the gorgeous creature he was, like the agonizing pain he had just gone through had never happened, leaving behind only sweat and disarranged hair as prove of its passing, and in his arms, a bundled up baby rested comfortably, also long forgotten about the loud cry with which he had entered this world.

"Wolfram…" Yuuri approached the two slowly, not wanting to break the magical spell he felt he was witnessing and completely unable to find any coherent words to say, he was so overwhelmed with emotion he didn't even notice that his own tears had started to fall, filled with so much happiness and relief it was almost surreal.

"Oh come on wimp, don't cry and come hold your son" Wolfram said smiling and offering the bundle to his soon to be husband, chuckling lightly when he realized Yuuri hadn't noticed his own tears until he brought them to his attention.

Yuuri stepped by the bed and placed his arm around Wolfram shoulders to place a soft kiss on his forehead. "I love you so much Wolf" he said and then picked up his son.

"I know" he answered smiling softly while letting go of the baby, somehow those words were even deeper than just saying I love you back. Probably for the first time, Wolfram knew Yuuri loved him, and that on itself, was heaven, mixing it with the indescribable amount of love he felt for his newborn son practically exuding out of him, Wolfram thought he was going to faint out of sheer bliss.

At some point during the endearing scene Murata had pulled a chair by the bed, right behind Yuuri, who smiled at him in a silent thank you and proceeded to sit down and take a proper look at the baby, while Murata voiced his congratulations to Wolfram and said a joke of some sort regarding the screams they had just heard, positioning another chair on the other side of the bed for himself.

Yuuri opened up a bit the towel expertly wrapped around the baby, to take a better look. Little blood left on his face aside, he was perfect in every sense of the word, although he recognized he might be bias. He placed a kiss on his son's forehead, which seemed to disturb his sleep, as he moved a bit, readjusting himself into comfort in his father's arms and slowly opening his eyes.

"I can tell you right now he's going to have your eyes" said Yuuri looking at Wolfram after noticing how lightly colored the baby's eyes were.

"And your hair" Wolfram retorted looking at the evidently black hair, although scarce, in his son head.

Murata thought to himself that babies tend to be born with light eyes and dark hair, and change into other colors later, but remained silent, what was the point on ruining such a scene with something so crude as logic.

"So, daddies, what is the little one's name?" he asked instead.

Green eyes met black ones in a moment of awkward silence. They had thought of many names, but they were never really in agreement, and that was a fact they had completely forgotten amidst the bliss.

"Names can wait a bit longer" Suddenly Gisela's voice came from the corner of the room, her presence not really noticeable until that point. "Now I need to take a better look at the baby, he is premature after all".

Yuuri stood up and placed the baby into the healer's arms. Somehow that part of the equation had escaped his mind momentarily, but the boy seemed completely normal, like a full term newborn, if his experience watching newborns in TV shows counted for anything, he never really had contact with babies this young before, which was an alarming thought on its own.

He sat down next to his fiance and took his hand in his, immediately noticing how Wolfram's smile had disappeared. "It will be okay Wolf, don't worry", he said trying to sound calm enough to assure the both of them at once.

Murata made use of the moment of solemn silence to make a quick assessment of the situation in front of them It was hardly the moment to bring this to the couple's attention, but there was still the matter of the wedding just three short days away, the noblemen invited were surely entering Blood Pledge Castle in that very moment, wondering why they were not being greeted by neither the King, nor his future Consort. It was one thing to have a wedding with a pregnant Wolfram, and another one completely to have one with a baby, a newborn premature baby at that. This was, after all, the heir to the throne, and his health was more important than any event, including his parents wedding, odd enough as it sounded on his mind. However, the noble families may disagree on that last point, being that the creature had been born out of wedlock, strictly speaking, he was not the heir, not yet, at least. Oh the damned kid, why couldn't he have waited just a couple more days? He just had to inherit the stubbornness and hasty nature of both his parent right from the beginning of his life.

"Heika, Your Excellency" Gisela interrupted Murata's thoughts so abruptly he almost jumped on his seat, he was glad the other occupants of the room were so concentrated on their own problems, his little outburst of out of character surprise, had gone completely unnoticed.

The couple looked at the healer with a mixture of feelings in their eyes, Gisela's tone had not revealed anything, nor did her expression, and she was taken an awful long time gathering her thought before speaking.

"I'm not quite sure of how this happened, but it seems like your son is in perfectly good health, he shows no signs of premature growth in any internal or external way. Probably because of your time spent on Earth, he is almost at term conditions." She paused for a second with a rather puzzled look in her eyes, like trying to find a way to ease the obvious 'but' that was to follow this good news, or maybe just genuinely confused.

Wolfram was holding his breath, eager to yell something at Gisella to just say whatever it was and be over with it, but his impatience was overpowered by his fear, if there was something wrong, a part of him didn't want to know. He felt Yuuri's grasp on his hand tighten slightly, lovingly. He turned his gaze away from Gisella to see the determination on his lover's eyes, whatever it was, it was going to be just fine, that was the message they conveyed.

"However" the woman finally continued "I notice something rather… odd, while examining him" Murata's interest suddenly picked at the tone in which she had said those last words, maybe he already had an idea of what was going on.

"We can safely assume that your child will be an element wielder as he grows old, the strong symptoms lord Bielefeld experienced during the pregnancy already spoke of that, and it wouldn't be rare, judging by his parents" he looked at the couple, who then looked at each other, "but I have never, in all my years as a physician, heard of a child who was born already with the contract".

Yuuri though for a moment, as far as he knew, demons were either born element wielder or they weren't, so what Gisella had just said made no sense at all. He looked at Wolfram, who seemed to be in complete awe and did not even return his gaze, and then he turned to his friend, who was looking at the floor expressionless, although he could have sworn that when Murata looked up to meet his eyes, he saw a small smile creep up his lips.

"Shibuya, I guess you always thought magic users were just born that way, with the exception of yourself?" he asked, not really expecting an answer, Yuuri just nodded faintly. "Well, in a way, you're right. A child is either born to be an element wielder or he is not, it's not a skill you can acquire through any training, if you do not have it already" Okay, now he was just repeating the same thing, wasn't he? Where was the subtlety Yuuri was missing?

"But the contract is actually made later in life, you are born with the ability, or rather, the potential for it, but it is not until demon children become toddlers, that they instinctively make their contracts with the element that has chosen them, and begin, well, wrecking a little havoc, before they learn how to control it properly." Yuuri let the words sink in slowly and tried to figure out why it was such a bad thing for the baby to already have a contract with an element. The wheels of his brain slowly turning.

"I do feel obligated to remind you that demon children grow much slowly than human children" Murata added, without bothering to hide his grin anymore.

"Oh dear Shinou" Wolfram muttered under his breath like all the weight of parenthood had fallen upon him at once. He begun wondering which element would be the less destructive one, his former wish to have his son follow into his footsteps as a fire wielder, slowly disappearing while images of the nursery burning over and over again took its place.

"So you're telling me that my son, who is now no more than half an hour old, can already set me on fire?" Yuuri asked in half mocking tone, expecting for someone to tell him it was a joke.

"Well… maybe, if his element is fire, maybe not, it would be hard to tell, since this has never happened before" Gisella said, trying to sound professional, although the Sage's sutil laugh was getting to her. Let's face it, an infant's magic was never strong enough to cause any real harm until they reached puberty, so this was going to be a real inconvenience, but it wasn't life threatening or anything of the sort, which made the whole thing, well, kinda funny.

Wolfram thought this was the kind of karmic retribution mothers talk about, and he had been a rather unruly brat for quite a while. He sighed heavily wondering if Yuuri had been a more obedient son, hoping that would even things out a bit, karmicly speaking.

"Well, we'll manage I guess, we can always bring some flame retardant stuff from Earth" Yuuri said smiling and looking at his son, who was now being handed to him by Gisella. "He's perfect just like this" he smiled and looked at Wolfram who let himself be taken by the comedy of the situation and chuckled, offering his index finger for the infant, who held on to it with all his might as he yawned, or so it seemed to Yuuri.

"You two always have to do things in a brand new and weird way, uh?" Murata said as they all finally laughed wholeheartedly, imagining the castle being burnt, flooded, shuck or blown away by such a little thing.

Just getting inside the Castle without causing a scene was going to prove almost impossible. After a few hours they had all realized they had to get back, Wolfram wasn't exactly up for a hurried ride to the castle, they had to be careful, his body was still exhausted and weak, but they couldn't stay there either, wedding schedule aside, they didn't even had anything to properly dress the baby.

They would have to use the carriage Wolfram had arrived in, and beg no one would see them, or worse, coincide with the arrival of some noble family member or any other guest. Being that it wasn't one of the castle's carriages, they had a better chance of going unnoticed, at least until they were safely inside the walls.

Their appearance was quite eye catching though, in the sense that they looked a complete mess. Wolfram's clothes were tore open and blood stained, and so were Gisella's sleeves, almost near her elbows. Meanwhile, the King was at utter disarray, his clothes wrinkled and dirty and his gaze completely lost in goofy happiness. Not to mention they were carrying a baby wrapped up in towels. They definitely did not look like the Royal family, not even a middle class family.

Murata, on the other hand, had as always, managed to maintain the aura of wisdom and respect, that made him just so annoying sometimes. In any case, that was the reason Murata was the one to actually peep outside through the carriage's window, once the were about to enter the castle.

As if it was a miracle, the entrance was actually empty! Only the guards stood at the entrance, recognizing the driver and carriage as the one of the princess' intended, and letting it pass without a fuzz. Wolfram made a mental note to scold them later, just because the driver looks familiar they would let a carriage enter Blood Pledge Castle, without even making sure of its occupants? That could wait though, and right now it was actually for the better.

Gisella and Murata were instructed to find Yuuri's retainers and tell them to join them in the royal chamber, and calmly exited the vehicle. The royal couple had a more daunting task at hand, actually making it to the royal chambers without being seen. For a brief moment that brought back a memory of not so long ago, running only in small towels through the halls, still clumsily trying to hide the advance in their relationship. It seemed almost unfair and plain incoherent that their private life always was, in fact, so painfully public.

Thankfully it was already late in the evening and around time for dinner, so most of the guests were being served their meals in their respective rooms, which actually allowed Wolfram, Yuuri and their son to reach their bedroom unseen, in an almost choreographed impossible mission. Or so they thought at least.

The grand ballroom of Blood Pledge Castle had been made into a fairy tale wedding location, with over four hundred seats already occupied with family and almost every friend and ally of the kingdom, waiting for the couple to finally enter the room. Yuuri had insisted, against every tradition, that every servant of the castle was also to be seated for the ceremony, although agreed they would have to be at the furthest rows, which didn't seemed really fair to him, since they were much more close to them than many of the guests, but with the years he had learned that there is a way to politics and decorum, that cannot be so easily overlooked.

They had initially wanted to perform the wedding at Shinou's Temple, given their strong connection to the Original King, but it proved way to small for such a large amount of people once Gwendal and Günter were finished with the list of invitations, sent months ago to every corner of the land, and it was obvious since the beginning, not a soul was going to miss this event and rsvp no.

Murata looked at the room, from his position next to the Maou's throne, and the slightly smaller one now to its right. The Great Sage of Shin Makoku was, of course, going to officiate the ceremony that would both bound his friends in matrimony and crown Bielefeld as Prince Consort of the kingdom. The sweet smell of Cheri's flowers, freshly picked that morning filled the air, creating a beautiful atmosphere when combined with the fine ivory and cream drapery dressing the walls, contrasted with several bow and other small details in black, the Maou's color, which somehow managed not to look somber, but actually cheerful, Shibuya had protested energetically to this color palette for the decoration, feeling it would look like a funeral, but the royal advisor had reminded him, at length, of the beauty of such a color for being associated to his Majesty. Speak of the devil, with a quick glance Murata saw Günter was already starting to tear up, on his front row seat next to Gwendal, who he could swore actually looked… happy? It was hard to tell. Conrart did look happy though, his trademark calm smile lighting up his face.,

He gave a childish grin to Miko-san, who was also seated in front row with her husband and son, they had been fetched just in the nick of time by Yuuri the day before and had almost no time to make adjustments to their attires, but had managed to look regal nonetheless. This was actually the first time the King's family was introduced to Shin Makoku's nobility and their scrutinizing eyes were all over them when they took their seats. The origins of the 27th Maou were a secret of sorts for most of the kingdom, they knew he was a half breed, which had been a hard pill to swallow at first, but the details about his birth had remained only as rumours over the years, many great stories had been told and reached the young Sage's ears, but none just quite as fantastic as the real one.

Shouri and Shouma were wearing almost all black formal military style attire with the King's crest embroidered on their chests, and Miko was set up with a lilac chiffon dress, with a black sash below the bust, similar to the one Greta was wearing, but in a more mature cut. There had been a conversation about dressing her all in black, but the pink loving woman would probably felt awful wearing it, much more to her son's wedding. The cultural significance of colors was a very interesting thing, Murata thought, and hoped no imbecile nobleman attributed the lack of all black attire on the woman to her condition as a human, since the prince's mother and former Maou was, as always, wearing a black, low cut, skin tight dress.

However, there was something bigger to occupy the mind of the guests at the moment, even bigger than meeting the Maou's family for the first time, the rumor.

Most of the guests hadn't even seen the royal couple since they arrived to the Castle, be it that day or three days ago, they had stayed completely out of sight and had only spoken through the Maou's retainers. However, there was a rumor circling around that someone had seen Wolfram on wednesday with a small baby on his arms on the second floor right wing of the castle. Other claimed they had actually heard a baby crying near the Maou's quarters.

What was the meaning of this? Had the royal couple adopted another child before getting married? Or was it maybe…? It couldn't be could it? Waltorana von Bielefeld sat next to his sister in law trying to convince himself such a rumor could not be true, but looking at the flamboyant and free spirited nature of the woman he wondered if maybe his nephew had actually inherited his mother sense of urgency for love.

The sudden sound of violins took the different conversations to a halt, as the big double doors of the hall opened slowly, revealing Yuuri Shibuya, 27th Maou of Shin Makoku and Wolfram von Bielefeld, prince on his own right and future head of the Bielefeld clan, hand in hand.

All of the guests gasped at the beautiful sight, let's face it, most of them had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like an eternity, suffering with Wolfram for what looked like unrequited love for so long, not that the blond enjoyed the pity though.

The Maou was, of course, wearing all black with the exception of the heavy looking red cape with a white finish, crown in head, something actually very unusual for the young king, and a golden military sash. Overall the attire looked extremely heavy and extremely regal, probably the most regal the kingdom had seen its king since his own crowning, his confident stride showing how much he had really grown in strength and poise since that day almost six years ago.

Wolfram was wearing a long white military tunic with embroidered gold that hang a little bit loosely on his body, not showing his usual slenderness, and a black military sash showing a respectable number of medals. Luckily the royal tailor had been able to make the necessary adjustments to his wedding attire, being that his body was now much smaller than a few days ago, but still hadn't regained his former shape, which did not go unnoticed by the guests. His face, however, showed a more mature and regal beauty than ever before, that would distract the eye immediately.

They slowly made their way to the throne, where Murata was waiting with a wide smile, an honest and calm smile, that Yuuri had never seen before on his friend, Murata was truly happy for them, he was way too reserved to actually show it, but he had been one of the number one fangirl-like followers of their relationship from day one, along with Miko-san, that was a secret between the two of them only. They faced the crowd, still holding hands and bathed in the palpable love of their people.

"Dear guests, family, friends and allies. I stand before you today, and it brings me great joy, as the Great Sage of our beloved kingdom of Shin Makoku, to officiate in this historic occasion, the marriage of our king, Yuuri Shibuya, 27th Maou of Shin Makoku, and Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld" Murata said, making sure his voice was solemn and happy, but loud enough to carry throughout the large ballroom. You could actually hear the people smiling in reaction to those words, between a few muffled sobs of joy.

"It is not every day, in our world often ruled by the service to our beloved land, that we get to witness such a marvelous union, which does not only fills us with pride, but also shows us the beauty and power of true love" he added. Many heads nodded, familiar with the customs of arranged marriage for political or economical reasons, this weighed specially heavy for Lady Cheri, who shed a few tears of happiness, knowing her son was getting married with his true love. She had fought so hard over the years to prevent her brother in law from using her precious baby as a political tool because of his beauty, as she had been once.

Murata turned to his friend and after placing a hand on his shoulder for a brief breach of protocol and sign of affection, he continued. "Yuuri Heika, do you state on this day, on your own accord, the wish to wed Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld?"

"I do" Yuuri answered without a second for thought and without breaking eye contact with his beloved, who was fighting the urge to burst into tears.

"Do you promise to care for him, honor him and share all that is you with him, until the day death may part you?" Murata was seriously making a great effort to remain so solemn in this situation, everyone was on the edge of their seats, half expecting the king to run off at any moment, not completely aware of the current state of the royal couple's relationship.

"I promise" he said a bit more softly, feeling a small knot forming in his throat, this was actually happening. For so long Yuuri had dreaded this day, unable to accept the nature of his growing feelings for the man who, now in front of him, meant the world to him. He had been so stubborn and so blind to Wolfram's suffering for years. He knew he had much to make up for

Murata turned to Wolfram and made a small pause before continuing.

"Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld, do you state on this day, on your own accord, the wish the wed his Highness, Yuuri Heika?" All the formal adressing gave a weird sense of reality to the situation that Wolfram was still reluctant to completely believe. He was so happy, he really wanted to cry, although he remained calm and tried to blame it on still being hormonal or something.

"I do" he answered as his breath became a bit faster.

"Do you promise to care for him, honor him and share all that is you with him, until the day death may part you?" Murata repeated the question just a bit faster than last time.

"I promise" Wolfram said and squeezed Yuuri's had a bit tighter, almost not able to keep holding back the tears. He really didn't want to cry in front of all this people, this moment was sacred and it was theirs, but it was also, as they had come to accept, a very public affair, and his pride was just that big.

Murata then signaled Yuuri to go take his seat at the throne while Wolfram kneeled, holding his right fist to his heart.

"Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld, do you swear, by the grace of the Original King, to serve this country and make its people and their well being your utmost priority, to devote your life alongside the Maou, as our Royal Prince Consort of the great kingdom of Shin Makoku, from this moment on, until either death or divine designation separates you from this duty?" Murata asked while taking the relatively smaller crown, compared to Yuuri's, that had been resting on a small golden pillow, in a tray held by a shrine maiden that had just a second ago made her entrance.

"I accept this task with great joy and honor, by the grace of our Original King, I swear" Wolfram said with renewed confidence. He wasn't just marrying Yuuri, he was marrying the kingdom, his devoted loyalty to his king even greater than ever before.

Murata then ceremoniously placed the crown on the new Prince Consort's head, who stood up and sat next to his husband and taking his hand, receiving a loud applause from the crowd, unable to keep calm a second longer.

Then something unexpected happened.

From wherever hidden entrance the first shrine maiden had managed to come in unnoticed with the crown, now another appeared, holding a sleeping baby, so small it had to be just a few days old, dressed in a beautiful white gown, and placed the baby on Wolfram's arms, as he leaned in to kiss his husband.

Whispers started to circle the room, the rumors were actually true, so that was the reason behind the blond losing his famous slender figure. Unable to find a coherent reaction, most of the guest just stared in awe.

Those closest to the couple just looked at the endearing scene of this precious family and their happiness, including the king's retainers and family, who, well aware of the existence of this child, were trying to enjoy the moment of bliss a bit longer before having to deal with the council of nobles, they would probably have something to say about this later, but now was now, and now was beautiful.

Yuuri suddenly stood up and called Greta to join them and taking her by the hand with a smile and a wink. Obliged by tradition and frankly just sheer force of habit, everyone went silent when they saw the Maou stand up.

Yuuri cleared his throat and briefly locked eyes with those closest to him.

"Friends, I would very much like to introduce my family to you once more in this occasion, one that I can assure will remain one of the happiest days of my life until my final breath" he said, using all his might to sound as formal as possible, but convey his happiness nonetheless.

"My beloved husband and your Prince, Wolfram von Bielefeld" he looked at his husband with pride in his eyes, reassuring him once more that they had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

"Our beautiful daughter, Princess Greta, heir to the throne of Zorashia" the not-so-little-any-more princess bowed politely to the assistants. "And lastly I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, our son Aldrik Shibuya von Bielefeld, Prince and heir to the throne of Shin Makoku" Yuuri said, taking his son from his husband's arms as he stood next to him and their daughter.

Jaws dropped, gasps were heard, silence filled the room for seconds that felt like an eternity.

In that moment, while hanging by a thread, waiting for the acceptance of this blatant breaking of tradition, Yuuri's known ability to make friends, real and loyal friends, through his entire reign came to his aid. A few veins were about to pop in the foreheads of some noblemen, who view this marriage as a sham, they had hidden the bastard child until there was nothing to be done about it, they were already married in the eyes of all that was sacred and Yuuri was the Maou, his word was law, but still, not even consulting this situation with the council? It was a severe offence to protocol.

When the air was starting to feel tense, a loud applause came from somewhere in the middle of the room, Yuuri's eyes rapidly located the sound coming from King Antoine who was standing up, and was quickly joined by his wife Lyla, who, at quick glance, seemed to be pregnant herself. As fast as the smile formed in Yuuri´s lips, feeling the love and support this dear friend he had seen marry too, in a time that felt now so far away, the entire room started to join in this applause, even bigger than the one before. Even Waltorana stood up and applauded his nephew, what difference did it make now anyway? They wanted an heir to the throne, and here was one; not that he wasn't to give up the right to make a small scene later for not being told of this news sooner, protocol aside, he had practically raised the boy in the absence of his good for nothing brother.

Yuuri leaned in and joined his forehead with Wolfram's while taking one of his hands. "I told you it would be alright" he said confidently.

"I can assure you, we won't hear the end of this for a while though, I can see Stoffel's twitching eye from here" Wolfram answered in a mocking tone, he was so happy he really didn't want to think seriously about political repercussions just yet.

"Wolf, look at them" Yuuri said and looked at the crowd himself with actual pride. "As long as we give the best of ourselves to others, and trust there is good in everyone, however hidden it may be, there will always be a way for things to work out" he said, not realizing just how much those words had impacted his new husband.

Yuuri looked at the people in front of him and saw so many friends, everyone told him he was too naive and a bit dense, upon arriving at this new world and becoming king out of the blue, and maybe it was true. But the way he saw life now remained pretty much the same. It wasn't just a kid's eyed perspective of the world, it was a truth he held dear to his heart, and that was what made this day possible, the simple fact that all races were there, in peace, together clapping for his wedding and family, was proof of what he had accomplished in only half a decade. He was just so proud that this amazing group of people, he had come to meet at such extraordinary circumstances, had allowed him to put even a grain of sand to help on the making of this happiness.

Wolfram, for the first time, was able to really comprehend, or rather put into words, Yuuri's view of the world. It was not just naivety, as he first thought, or just a really big heart, as he thought later, upon knowing him better. It was an actual determination for making the world a better place every single day, in every way possible, if only just by making a new friend and creating a single moment of happiness.

"I love you wimp" he said softly, not really meaning for him to hear, while looking at the crowd, who were slowly calming down and starting to head for the door, towards the adjacent room, where the reception would take place, while their close family approached them slowly, hugs at the ready.

"I know"





The End.

I found myself remembering this fandom with melancholy and decided to revisit it, and reading some marvelous fics by other authors I was suddenly overwhelmed with the memory of how much I dearly love this characters, and the fact that I neglected them for so long gave me the determination to pick up the laptop once again and give it a try.

So much time has gone by so fast, reading this story again now it feels like someone else wrote it, picking it back up just got harder and harder with time, but I always really wanted to do it.

I hope you liked it and that it wasn't a big difference from the style I had been writing this story at the beginning.

It took me five years to complete this story, even I don't believe it.

Anyway, please leave a comment! Specially if you started reading this when I first posted it, I would love to know if you're still there hehe.