16/02/17: This entire story had been updated to correct a bunch of grammar and spelling errors, the plot remains the same.

Disclaimer: I do not, have never, and will never own KKM! or any of its characters for that matter.

Warnings: Yaoi, rated M, MPREG

Since I've gotten fond of trilogies and you guys wanted to see what happened next, here is the sequel to Trails of pleasure, that was a sequel to Compatibility?. I recommend you read them both before you read this one, 'cause it doesn't stand on its own.

I wanna thank all of you who reviewed the prequels and put them on your favs, Trails of pleasure really had a lot of readers and it made me very happy to know you liked my stories! :D

Special thanks to DeAunna, Elle von Werner and yue-chan! you were my muses for this story and this chapter is dedicated to the three of you!

This story has been Beta'ed by priscel and this chapter had been reposted.

Thanks so much for your awesome corrections!


Prologue: What happened after the "trails of pleasure" discovery

"You got our little brother pregnant?" Gwendal didn't scream, his tone of voice was quite solemn actually, but his face told otherwise. He was frowning beyond what Yuuri thought was humanly possible and his eye was twitching with some sort of nervous tic.

Yuuri saw his short life pass in front of his eyes, "I didn't... I just... I mean..." he blurted out, unable to finish a single sentence. He had no idea of what he was trying to say anyway.

"Yuuri, there are ways to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Why didn't you come to me for advice?" Corart said. He wasn't mad, in fact he was still smiling, but in his eyes was a glimpse of something, disappointment maybe? That made Yuuri feel horrible. They had been keeping secrets from the people he trusted and loved the most. It was Wolfram's family, and because of his insecurities and hesitation, Wolfram had been lying to his own family.

"But, I thought Wolfram was taking the precautions." Yuuri muttered. he wasn't trying to defend himself, actually he wasn't even trying to talk to anyone except himself, but Gisela, who was still standing behind him, heard.

"Well Heika, the herbs are only 99% effective."

Was she serious? Were they really the frigging one per cent? "Oh, come on! You sound like a box of condoms!" Yuuri said without thinking.

The green haired woman looked at the Maou in confusion. She didn't know if she had just been insulted, since she didn't even knew what this comd-whatever things were, "A box of what?" she said, causing the Sage to burst into laughter.

Murata rapidly got a hold on himself though, and putting on the most serious face he could, while still repressing his laughter he simply said "Now that you mention it, you could've just used condoms Shibuya".

Yuuri would have kicked his friend in the nuts if he hadn't had been mentally doing the same thing to himself for not thinking about that sooner. But how was he suppose to know that Wolfram could get pregnant in the first place?

Wolfram had been silent the entire time, moving his gaze from one person to the other when each one spoke. He had sat down when Gwendal first spoke, but at that moment he decided it was too much. He stood up and glared at everyone on the room with fire burning in his eyes.

Yuuri saw his fiancé glaring at his brothers and Murata and finally at him. If he was dead before, when Gwendal found out about the pregnancy, he was now officially double dead. They all braced themselves for possible second degree burns when the unexpected happened.

Wolfram fists were clenched tightly on his sides and his face was red from what they thought was anger, but suddenly the beautiful emerald eyes of the blond began tearing up as he choke a sob in his throat. "You... idiots!" he cried and let himself fall back on the bed. He began sobbing uncontrollably, mumbling things about raising a child alone, idiotic brothers and wimpy fiancés while his shoulders moved up and down and his whole body shivered.

Everyone was shocked, was Wolfram actually crying so desperatedly? Yuuri saw Wolfram and felt something hitting him, literally hitting him in the guts. Wasn't he happy just about a second ago? Gwendal was scary, definitely, but was he really frightening enough for him to forget that feeling from just now. He was going to be a father and he was happy about it. Sure, he didn't know anything about handling and caring for babies. He remembered some stuff he saw on TV, but he really didn't know what to expect. It would be a lie to say that he didn't felt like running away, but seeing Wolfram so helpless made him snap out of it. Well, maybe he was, indeed, a wimp, but not anymore. He would stop being a wimp for his child, and for Wolfram.

He sat next to Wolfram and held him in his arms, the blond let himself be embraced. He buried his tear stained face on Yuuri's chest, and slowly relaxed. Yuuri looked at the three men still standing near the door in shock. He gave them a look that said Look at what you did, before saying, "Wolfram and I are happy about this news regardless of what you think about it. Now if you'll excuse us, Wolfram needs to rest, we'll talk about this in the morning."

And with that said, he lifted himself and Wolfram off the bed and led his pregnant fiancé to the royal chamber, leaving the infirmary in stunned silence.

"Now that's the Shibuya I know." Murata muttered to himself and left to fetch the clothes he had hidden earlier that evening.

"Günter is going to faint." Gwendal said. Well, technically Günter had already fainted, Gwendal made a mental note to go see if he was still alive later.

"Mother too." Conrart replied. They both sighed and left Gisela alone in the room, still wondering what in Shinou's name was a con-comd-whatever!


There! What do you think so far? I know it's really short, but it's only the prologue.

Don't forget to leave a review :D