Animeluver4evertimes2: Sorry for making this chapter insanely late! Had a tough battle with writer's block, but I think I've finally overcome it! So, here it is! The last chapter of Platyrella! Thank you to all of you out there who have read! It's appreciated! And, for my next fanfic, do you think I should do another one related to a fairytale? I would like to. Anyway, on with the chapter!

Chapter 11: Happy Ending After All

Perry had to admit it. He was really worried about Phineas. It was the third day that he continued to sleep, and still he hadn't received a single hint that he was getting better. The platypus took his temperature for fifteenth time that day. He brought the thermometer out of his mouth, and took a quick glance. He sighed at what he read. 102.54 degrees. Man, did he have a fever. The mammal was about to replace the towel on Phineas's head when his watched beeped, signaling him that he had a mission to accomplish. Man, did he have a fever. The mammal was about to replace the towel on Phineas's head when his watched beeped, signaling him that he had a mission to accomplish.

He truly didn't want to go this time. I mean, Perry DID want to see his secret lover, but right now, he wanted nothing more than to help his family in this tough time. But, duty called, and he couldn't leave the phone ringing. He had to pick up. Perry whipped out his fedora, and placed it on his head, then made his way over to the center of the rug. He tapped it four times, and a tube opened underneath him. Usually, he enjoyed the rush of the air passing by him, but not this time. Right now, he just wanted to get this over with.

He landed in his chair with a barely audible 'thump'. Perry fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him, his eyes lacking their usual shine. He grew impatient as he waited for the Major to appear on the screen. Why hadn't he shown up by now? The mammal counted to ten, trying to calm himself down. Just then, Major Monogram popped up on the screen, bearing a grave expression on his face.

"Good morning, Agent P. We've been informed that your master, Phineas Flynn, has grown terribly ill. There's nothing we can do about Doofenshmirtz, so you'll just have to bear with it. Godspeed, Agent P." Monogram explained, frowning at Perry's lackluster salute.

He leaped from his chair, took about four steps, and then reached into his fedora. The platypus pulled a chord hidden inside a flap in the hat, and a contraption slowly popped out of the top, along with a set of handles emerging from the sides. Perry decided that he would take his portable chopper today, which for some reason, he didn't use often. He pressed a small red button on one of the handles, and off Perry went, a frown etched onto his face.

The mammal soon arrived at the tall, purple building, yet, it felt like time was passing by so slowly. Perry just wanted to get this over with; even if it was precious time he could be spending with his lover. He entered through a window in the ceiling, but as soon as his feet hit the floor, Perry realized that he didn't NEED to sneak in anymore. The mammal sighed. Old habits die hard, didn't they?

Perry was shocked when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and automatically went into secret-agent mode. Of course, it was purely instinct that made him act like that, so when he accidentally flipped Doof, he truly didn't mean to. During his training, his was taught that if he was touched, and he didn't expect it, to flip said person. Though, Perry never meant to flip the doctor.

"Ow! What was THAT for, Perry the Platypus?" Dr. D sat up and rubbed his back, trying to make the pain go away. Perry gave him an apologetic smile, trying to communicate through his eyes the platypus's apology. Like he said before, habits die hard. Doofenshmirtz couldn't resist the face that his nemesis was giving him. It was just so cute! How could he stay made at the little semi-aquatic mammal? The answer? Nobody could.

The doctor picked up the secret agent, and squeezed him tight, showing that he forgave Perry for his action. Then, he gave him a quick peck on the lips, feeling that same spark like when they kissed the first time. He pulled away after about three seconds, and took notice to the light pink blush on the platypus's face. That made Doof smile, and a warmth settled in the pit of his stomach.

But, the smile on his vanished when he saw the platypus's expression on his face. That blush was now replaced with a look of worry and sadness. Doofenshmirtz didn't want to see the mammal like that! It hurt him when his lover was hurting! At least, that was what seemed to be the logic for all the romantic couples he had seen in Disney movies.

He carried the secret agent over to his purple couch, and put him down, making sure not to disturb the mammal. The doctor sat down next to Perry, then sighed in resignation. He had to figure out what was wrong with Perry, or it was going to buzz within his skull all day!

"You know, Perry the Platypus… You can tell me anything, right? I mean, I've noticed that you seem a bit down, and I want to know what's wrong. Ya know? I mean…" Dr. D clutched the back in his head, embarrassed that he was just rambling on now. Which, of course, Perry found adorable. A smile flashed across his beak before it fell once more, and a sigh soon followed.

The semi-aquatic mammal wanted to tell Doofy everything about himself! The fact that he was living a double life, that he had a family, that his family was sick, and just everything! But, he couldn't. Because, well, first off all, he was a platypus. He couldn't talk, even if he wanted to. Second off, Perry couldn't tell the doctor about his life off of the clock. He would have to be relocated to ensure that Phineas would remain safe. And he knew that he didn't want that. So, he responded with his usual chatter.

Of course, Doof wouldn't take that for a reason. If he learned one thing from fighting Perry all of these years, then it was how to be stubborn. He leaped from his seat on the couch, and rushed to his closet, yelling a "I'll be right back!" The brunette rummaged in the closet; reaching for something he had built a few weeks ago. He had built it when his feelings for Perry had barely crossed the line of hate to love, and know, it would help him in the current situation. Shouting in glee when he found it, he rushed back to the couch, nearly skipping in excitement. Perry had a look of confusion as Doofenshmirtz bounced back onto the couch.

Okay, Perry was now beyond bemusement. What was the doctor so excited about? I mean, he usually packed all of his feelings into a song, or a book or something of the sort. What made that smile on his face appear, and why did he feel that, for once, that it was something that he should be excited about too?

Doof held out what had made him so ecstatic, and Perry wanted to do a face palm at that moment. It was a tiny black square, sleek and smooth to the touch. It had a button on the side of it, big enough to be seen, yet small enough so it wouldn't be easily noticed. It was almost like those little IPods that were no bigger than a baby's hand. It seemed delicate, but, why would Dr. D want to show him something like this?

"I bet you're wondering what this is! Well, it's um…" Doof trailed off and blushed, averting his eyes off of the mammal. "It's a, uhh, Platy-translatorinator. Let me explain. It analyzes your brain, heart, and soul and uses all three to find your inner voice and lets it come to fruition, but not in the way you think it would. No, it doesn't let you talk. Instead, it projects your thoughts as words, and allows you to communicate telepathically with anyone! Pretty neat, huh? I built it a couple of months back, when I first started to think of you as more than an enemy…. It took me about a month to figure out how to work out all of the kinks in my equations on how to make it work, then two weeks to actually construct it. I kept coming up with new ideas, and well…. I wanted to make it perfect, ya know?" he finished rambling, his face blushing a healthy tomato red.

Tears nearly came to Perry's eyes. I mean, the person in front of him had spent more than a month on a contraption that was made for him and ONLY him. That made Perry fill up with a happiness that only love could achieve. He took the device and studied it, finding nothing other than the actual device and the button which turned the contraption on. Perry attempted to put it on, but found that he had no idea how, sadly enough. He looked up at the doctor with a sheepish expression on, and held out the inator, asking him to put it on, similar to that of a girlfriend asking her boyfriend to put on a necklace.

Doofenshmirtz grinned in delight, and took the device from the little platypus. "It's supposed to be able to stick to any fabric, so that's why it took a while for me to find it. But, anyway, here…we…go! It's on! Do you like it?" the doctor beamed at Perry, waiting for his opinion.

Perry took off his fedora, and was surprised to find that the inator had blended into the black stripe on his fedora. It touched his heart that the scientist would take into account that he might have wanted to keep the device a secret, and he did. It was just for the two of them, a secret they would both carry to their graves. Though, how Doof had gotten the measures of the stripe, he would never know, nor did he want to know. All that mattered was that it was made with love, as cheesy as it sounded.

He placed it back onto his head, and pressed the button to turn the contraption on. It made a little beeping noise before turning silent once more, and Perry thought of what to say. Or rather think, but, let's not get complicated right now. His eyes widened, and he smiled as his thoughts were processed and sent to Doof. What he received made a light blush sneak onto his face.

I love it, but not as much as you.

Perry smiled at the doctor's embarrassment, but knew that sooner or later he would want the reason behind the mammal's sour mood. So, he started from the beginning, hoping that Dr. D wouldn't be angry at him for keeping this secret for so long.

Listen, don't get mad, okay? I've been keeping a big secret from you, and I'm sorry, but it was necessary. You see, I'm actually a pet. I have a family, and his name is Phineas. I think you would like him. He's a lot like you; creative, bright, and has quite an imagination."

Perry's voice sounded like that of those anime males that made fan girls scream when they heard the voice of. It was dark, soft, smooth, and a smidge of mysteriousness to it. It made Doof go weak at the knees, but that didn't stop him from hearing the words that were coming into his head. Perry had a family? Why couldn't he know this? It hurt him a bit that the platypus would keep something like this a secret, but if it was Perry, then he had a good reason. The scientist kept listening, waiting for the right moment to give the other some comfort.

And now, I'm really worried about him. He's been out for about third days, and has shown no definite sign that he's going to wake up. He's got a fever of about 103 degrees, and it just hurts me deeply that my family is that sick, and I can't do anything to help him. I feel so vulnerable, and it's a weird feeling. So, I'm sorry to think this, but I would rather be by his side than be here with you right now.

It did hurt the doctor's heart a little that Perry would rather be with Phineas than him, but he understood. If Vanessa was sick, then he surely would wanna be by her side and heal her back to health. So, it was okay. And, you know what they say; if you love something, let it be free.

"I understand, Perry. And, I think you should go and be with your kid. It's better that way. Besides, I know you would do the same for me if you were in my position." Doof gave the platypus a little smile, and shoved him off of the couch. "Come on! Get a move on!" he teased the little mammal as Perry recovered from his face's meeting with the floor. Perry smiled at the doctor, and gave him a peck on the cheek as a sign of gratitude.

Thank you so much for understanding. But, really, I just wanna go check on him real quick! I'll be right back.

And with that thought, Perry rushed towards the end of the balcony and jumped off, making sure to activate his hang glider as he descended towards the ground. He was happy, no, ecstatic, that Doofenshmirtz had let him go to see his master. It meant the world to him, and Perry wasn't going to forget it anytime soon.

The doctor stood on the edge of his balcony, watching his little nemesis take off with that hang glider off his. That seemed to be his favorite mode of transportation, aside from his hover car. He smiled at this thought as the semi-aquatic mammal flew into the distance. Man, was he going soft. And as he observed his surroundings, it was like one of those romantic movies where the hero went to go save someone after saving his true love. Oh boy, it reminded him of Twilight. He shivered at the idea, but shrugged it off. He quietly counted the minutes until his lover came back.

Perry landed on his little webbed feet with the grace of a dancer, but he wouldn't admit to it. Instead, he stood up and walked slowly towards the side of his house, being careful so nobody would see him. However, he jumped a bit when the front door to his home slammed open to reveal a blushing Phineas and another ten with jade green hair. The platypus didn't trust the teen, but his thoughts changed as he saw Phin lock lips with the other, slowly making their way to a very passionate kiss. He blushed, and looked away, trying to ignore the duo. Finding he couldn't, he quickly gave them a thumbs up, accepting their relationship. He then ran off to leave the others to their…. hobbies, and fly his way to his own hobbies.

After activating his jet pack, he gained altitude and started back on the trail to Dr. D's apartment in the sky. A smile made its way onto his beak. As cheesy as it sounded, it was a happy ending for both him and Phineas.

And after a little while, he was met with a long, passionate kiss, following a "What took you so long?" afterwards. Yep, he was at peace right then and there.

Animeluver4evertimes2: That about wraps it up folks! Thanks for reading and sticking with me for the whole trip! Hope you all enjoyed, and have a good night!