
I fell with every thought about how I wished I could make as big a difference as my best friend had done. He was trying to save a world and here I was unable to see his dream fulfilled.

I would never know if Hydra was destroyed.

I would never know if my best friend was the greatest hero in the World for all time.

I would never know if he and Peggy would marry.

I would never get the chance to see their union as he saw mine.

I would never get to do a great many things ever again.

Agonizing pain spread throughout my body as I landed on Snow and rocks. If the pain and the shock didn't kill me, the freezing temperatures would.

I tried to move any muscle in my body. I willed myself to stand, so that he would see that I was okay. But that will was to no avail.

I clung to my will and my remaining life, but could feel myself slipping away. My mind slowly slipping into the darkness. My body going numb. Until nothing.

There was nothing.

No color.

No light or darkness.

No sense of time.

No feeling, but…voices?

Was there really voices?

But I'm dead, how could I hear voices?

Is it Hydra? The Allied countries army?

The voices I had been hearing suddenly silenced and startled me into full consciousness.

My eyes flickered open only to squeeze tightly shut against the bright light. I opened my eyes slowly allowing them to adjust before I could open them fully and see where I was. I looked to the side and found that I was in an infirmary of sorts, but there were strange machines. One of them was making a consistent beeping sound that started to speed up starting to freak me out.

I sat up and found my hands to be bound in place, but loose enough that I could move to a sitting position.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called to the slightly open door.

No answer came. I looked down at the restraints holding me. I tried to yank at it, but found it to be too strong to break. I also had an IV in my hand which prevented me from moving around too much since I didn't want to stab the inside of my hand anymore than it already was.

I studied my surroundings memorizing where everything was and any possible escape routes. Should the opportunity arise I would have a way out.

No one came for the next half hour that I waited. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake, my body protested and I lay back down in the position I had woken up in.

The next time I woke up I was still in the same room, but someone was in the room with me. A man stood next to me with a clipboard in hand. Next to him a more familiar face only proved to enrage me.

"RED SKULL! Captain America will kill you!"

Red Skull stared into my eyes with an amused smirk on his face.

"Captain America already tried to kill me and perished by freezing in a snowy wasteland 70 years ago," Red Skull revealed.

"70…years?...But how am I alive?"

"You are alive, James Barnes, for future purposes that you have no need to know at this moment."

The Red Skull left the room with the second man following close behind leaving me where I lay in shock and confusion.

"70 years. I'm alive after 70 years. Steve, what happened? How did he get away from you?"

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this. I'm uncertain of whether I will continue this one shot into a full story. Maybe if enough people request it I will, but that's only if receive the requests. So please review!