P&B: I'm baaaaack! Did anyone miss me? *Silence* Oh stop it! You're making me blush! Anyways, while I was away, I came up with a great story that's supposed to be located somewhere during the medival times or something like that. I'm not really accustomed to going medival so if there are any bad spelling mistakes or if I'm out of character please let me know so that I can change it. Remember, I don't own anything! Throughout this story, I have no connection with the original story and anything I decide to mention! Thx, on with the story!

Rain: Hey, I wanted to talk!

Edit: I tweaked it a lot. And I changed things around a bit. Tried to make Natsume not as OOC. : P

.:.:Chapter 1: Memories:.:.

"Natsume, I can't…."

"No Mikan, please don't let go of me, don't let go!"

"I'm sorry."


"Mikan." The boy whispered and sighed as he was fixing the covers of his small bed. It was itchy and scratchy as usual, but it was all he had, and he couldn't complain. After all, the royal family had given him a place to stay, and for that he was eternally grateful.

He had the dream again, the dream of her. It had chilled him to the bone like it always had, the way it was all so vivid, as if it had happened only yesterday instead of years ago. There was never something more horrifying to wake up to than the death of your best friend, or anyone at that matter.

His bedroom was very small, with a tiny bed and and even smaller dresser housing his few pairs of clothes. Although his room was small, it was located high within the castle, giving him the satisfaction of having such a magnificent view, including the Sakura tree they loved so dearly. When she was still with them, she would adore looking at all the people outside and take so much amusement out of the littlest things. The floors were stone and always cold to the touch, which was always something that she would love during summer, lying down on the cool floors in the hot weather. The wall was very cracked and she would trace the small defects in them as if they were paths leading to a special place. Natsume could barely look around the room without his eye catching something that reminded him of her.

He knew the chief would come when the sun has reached its peak; he had a bit of time to spare. He took out his sketchbook hidden between the moth-eaten mattress and the bed frame and opened it up to his favorite drawing. It was very worn and torn and practically falling apart in his hands. Has it been six years, or seven, that he's had this book yet it's already in bad condition? His crimson eyes immediately filled with sadness as he saw the drawing.

It was of a girl in a pretty dress, about ten years old. Hair tied up into pigtails near underneath their Sakura tree. She was gently clutching a flower close to her chest, eyes glazed as they looked into the distance. Natsume swore he could hear screams and laughter, childhood friends playing around, or just relaxing. He smiled a little at the thought.

"Natsu-Kun, why do you like to draw?"

"Well, Polkadots, drawing is a way to express yourself, like singing or playing an instrument. If a singer were sad then she would sing a sad melody, if she were happy, she would sing a happy melody."

"Natsu-Kun, I wanna see your drawings!"

"Not today, but when the time comes, you will see them, Polka."

"Stop calling me Polka!"

A creak was heard with his cat-like ears and his head snapped towards the person who was barging through his train of thought. He was a blond haired teen with clear blue eyes standing at the doorway, leaning against the frame. In his hand was a beautifully crafted rabbit mask.

"Still thinking of her, are we?"


He walked slowly towards him, standing at his side with a calm and gentle expression on his face. He took a glance at the drawing and sighed. "I know you miss her most out of all of us but don't blame yourself. Nobody could have prevented it, and you know that."

"It's not just her I miss, it's everything, the joy, the memories, when we were kids, everything. You know, sometimes I just wish I could forget it all, pretend as if it never existed." He clenched the book tightly with frustration.

"But the moments that we still treasure… would you be able to give those up as well as everything else?" Ruka looked worriedly at his best friend.

Natsume opened his mouth but shut it as quickly, words dying on his tongue.

Ruka put his hand on Natsume's shoulder. "It's the princess's birthday today."

Natsume put the book down onto the bed. "I know."

"I know how much she means to you, how much she means to all of us, but-"

"It's fine, just stop." He shook Ruka's hand off his shoulder and took his tie, tying it around his neck as if tying a noose.

Ruka shook his head stalking over to the door, looking back at him one last time. "You know, don't give up to prophecy and rules. Only you can change your own fate, and the fate of others."

"Ruka, when have you become the 'O wisdom full and elderly one'?" He glared at him, still fixing his bowtie.

Ruka laughed and Natsume cracked a small, sad smile. Ruka reached for the doorknob but just before he could grasp it, someone slammed open the door.

"It is I, the almighty and powerful Kokoro the great!" The teen with his spiky, blond hair and dark brown eyes made his grand entrance, hands up in the air as if expecting some sort of applause to befall him.

"Koko-I mean Kokoro-Sama, why are you even here?"

"I just wanted to check up on my favorite servant, what's so wrong about that? I mean, since it is the princess's sixteenth birthday."

"Wait, where is Ruka?" Natsume asked quizzically.

Koko slowly closed the door and there stood Ruka, pressed to the wall, blood coming out of his nose. He completely crumbled down to the floor, unconscious. His bunny mask was, unbelievably unscathed.

Natsume walked over to Ruka with a tired expression.

"Ruka…. Oh man… sorry, buddy…." Kokoro's hand flew to his forehead.

Natsume grunted and groaned, lifting Ruka up and dropping him onto his bed without grace.

"Sorry Natsume, I can't… I'm royal-"

"I know, Kokoro-Sama. You may leave me to tend to Ruka." Natsume said in an almost robotic tone, never taking one glance toward Koko.

Koko sighed, his arrogant attitude disappearing in a flash, his signature grin faltering slightly. He stubbornly stood in place.

"Do you love her?"

The question that came out of the mind reader's mouth caught him off guard. He stood there frozen to his spot.

"Not anymore, she's not the same." He continued to dab a wet cloth at Ruka's nose, cleaning off the blood.

"You're lying, I can see it in your mind. You love her, more than life itself." He used his Alice.

Natsume turned to face Koko.

No matter how much he ignored it, no matter how much he hid or lied endlessly, he could never escape the truth. He was a servant, she was royalty, she had an Alice and he didn't. They could never be together. It was impossible; she was getting betrothed that day as well! No matter how many times he looked at it, it was never going to change.

"-tsume, Natsume!"

"What is it, Kokoro-Sama?" He asked, still acting polite.

"Your chief called, he told the staff to come to the ballroom immediately! Hurry up or you guys will be late! And wake up sleeping beauty over here as well!" Koko flashed him his signature grin, dashing out of the room and slamming the door shut, waking Ruka up.

"Wha-what just happened…? Why was I unconscious? And why is there blood on my shirt?" He shot up as straight as a stick and stared at his bloodied dress shirt.

He searched through his dresser, finding a spare white dress shirt and tossing it over to Ruka who caught it and responded with a brief thanks, changing quickly. "I'll explain later. We've got a party to get over with."

He dug his hand back into his mattress, putting back his old sketchbook and searching for another item he couldn't leave without.

"Found it."

It was a cat mask, black, very mysterious, beautifully crafted and a disguise to hide his face from reality. It was an ever present reminder that he could never reach her. He held back rare tears as he tied it on his face, hiding it from everyone.

"It's showtime."

P&B: So, have I grown? I think this is pretty good from all the other stuff I've written… Hey, can anyone take a guess to what happened to Mikan? Or who she is?

Rain: I know! She- *muffled*

P&B: Don't tell them! It's for them to find out! Anyways, please read and review! That would help me a lot!

Rain: Well folks, *pant* we hope*pant* you enjoyed the *pant* comeback *pant* of Pockybear, till next time *pant*!