A/N: Hello, diamondpost-draco here, this is the tenth chapter of my very first fanfiction! I'm into double figures:D:D:D Thank you so much to the reviews I got!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot of this story, the characters all belong to J.K. Rowling.

The Truth

Summary: "Mum, this may sound like a stupid question, but why are the Zabini's sat in our kitchen?" Hermione finds out she's the pureblooded twin sister of Blaise Zabini. She was put into adoption only weeks after she was born to protect her from the Dark Lord. Now she's 15 and it's time for the truth.

Set in the summer before 6th year, the events of DH took place in 5th year. Dumbledore's alive.

Rated: T

Last Chapter Ended with: "Blaise won't care will he?"

"Probably, but he's probably doing the dirty with Astoria tonight so he can't speak."

"Ewww, thats not an image I wanted to see."

Draco just laughed at her.

Chapter 10 –

Hermione awoke entwined in Draco's arms. Their bodies fitted together perfectly and Hermione was in heaven. He is perfection. Draco's platinum hair was free of gel and spray and it flopped carefully around his defined cheekbones. He had a gentle smile on his face not a smirk, a real smile. His arm was wrapped protectively around Hermione's slender figure. He wore no pyjama's, just jogging bottoms which allowed Hermione to glimpse his flawless abs that were etched in to his stomach perfectly. Suddenly his face screwed up into a pained expression, his eyebrows crinkled and his smile turned into a scowl. He moaned softly and flinched. "Mum, no." He moaned again. "I can help I promise, mum."

What's he going on about?

"ARH" He screamed.

"Draco wake up."



His eyes snapped open immediately. "It's all my fault..."

"What's all your fault Draco?" Hermione was getting anxious now. What was all his fault?

"They came for my parents, now they're going to come for me and you." He looked genuinely scared.

"Who did Draco?"

"They did."

"Who's 'they'?

"Dddolohov and Rrrrrudolphus..."

Dolohov, Rudolphus? As in the death eaters? Oh god.

"Draco, everything's going to be alright. No one is coming for you or me."

That seemed to snap him out of his frantic state. He cuddled into her, "I should tell Marco about them shouldn't I?"

"We'll tell him later, okay? Over dinner."

"Okay." He leaned his head down to her and kissed her cheek. "Is that a flying rat?" He said in surprise and pointed over the window in amusement. Hermione looked over to the window and let out a giggle. It was Pigwidgeon. Although, Pig does look like a flying rat, she thought. Attached to Pig's leg was a small letter, which looked like more of a note than a letter.

"No, that's Pigwidgeon... Ronald's owl."

"Should of known Weasley would have such a pathetic excuse for an owl." Hermione playfully hit him.

"Oi! Don't be mean!"

"He's not here is he? No, so I can be as mean as I like! I suppose you should let that 'thing' in."

Once the window was opened Pig zoomed in, as hyper as usual. He dropped the letter on top of Draco's head. "Ow. Stupid owl." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, grabbed the letter and unfolded it.

Dear Hermione,

Why didn't you reply to us? Meet us today in Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley 2 o'clock. Bring Zabini or whoever you want.

Love Ron and Harry

P.S Have you heard about Ferret's parents?

Urgh. How can they be so insensitive about Draco's parents? Oh wait... they still harbour grudges against Draco. I can sort this out! Draco can come today instead of Blaise! I'm sure he'll be allowed, we are getting married after all.

"Dracoooo." She purred at him.


"Will you come to Diagon Alley with me today?"

"Sure, why?"

"Well, Harry and Ron want to meet me."

"Why are you dragging me along then?"

"Just come please! We can get our outfits for the Ball whilst we are there?"

"Okay then."

"Thank you!" She smiled widely at him. He loved it when she smiled, her teeth were perfectly white and straight – it only made him fall in love with her more.