I know it's been almost a year since I last update. And for that I apologize. I have a lot happen in the past year. I moved twice. I was sick for a while and even spent a few days in the hospital. And I had a lot of other stuff going on. But nevertheless, here's the latest chapter! Enjoy!
Location: SVU Squad Room. Two Weeks Later.
His funeral was over a week ago, yet Elliot's desk remained in tact and untouched. As if he were still alive. As if he were to walk in that very moment and greet Olivia begin the work day as usual. But instead, it sat empty. A light layer of dust blanketed his desk, covering his family photos and pen/pencil box. Several case files were stacked neatly next to a note pad and stack of unused forms. The usual hum of his computer was replaced by a deafening silence that made Olivia's heart ache.
It was her first day back to work since Elliot's passing, and all Olivia wanted to do was go home where she could be alone to cry. But there were no more tears left for her to cry. She was tired of sitting home alone with her misery. She thought she could handle it, but she was wrong. She came back hoping that working a case might help ease some of the pain, maybe even help her forget. And it first, it seemed she was right. Until she sat down at her desk across from Elliot's empty desk.
The moment she saw Elliot's face smiling back at her from a photo on his desk of him holding Eli, his youngest son, Olivia felt the pain and agony flash over her like a wave of fire. Everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks flashed before her eyes as if it had just happened, reopening her emotional wounds.
Olivia remembered that fateful night. Elliot confessed his love for her while bleeding in her arms. She remembered sitting in the waiting room when the doctor came out and broke the awful news. She remembered Elliot's funeral. She would never forget the look in Kathy's eyes when the officers handed her the neatly folded American flag that had first been draped over Elliot's casket. His five children stood behind Kathy, all with tearstained faces. Even little Eli, who rested in Maureen's arms, wept for his daddy. Olivia wanted so badly to console them, but it was too painful, and she didn't know what to say. Let alone how to say it. How can she explain that night to his family when she could barely explain it to herself?
The more she stared at Elliot's empty desk, the more she felt herself falling apart. She suddenly felt herself become physically ill and raced to the bathroom. She ran into the first empty stall and began to vomit. When she emerged from the bathroom, she bumped into Detective Amanda Rollins, the newest member of the squad, who had been hired after Elliot's death.
"Oh! I'm sorry," Rollins apologized. "Are you okay?"
"It's okay," Olivia faked a smile. "I'm fine."
"You sure?" Rollins noticed Olivia's pallid face. "You look a little green around the gills."
"Yea, I'm sure," Olivia lied. "Just a little under the weather, I guess."
"Still?" asked Rollins. "You weren't feeling well yesterday either."
"Must've been something I ate," Olivia thought quickly. "Or maybe there's a bug going around."
Olivia excused herself and went back to her desk. She opened the bottom drawer and began rummaging till she was looking for. A small dark colored plastic bag concealing the object inside. She reached in and pulled it out just as Cragen walked by her desk carrying an empty box.
"What's that?" he asked, pointing to the bag.
"Medicine," Olivia lied, dropping the bag back into the drawer and shutting it. "I haven't been feeling well lately."
Well, that part was sort of the truth.
"Okay," Cragen said. "Take it. Then I need you to clean out Elliot's desk. We'll need it for when the new guy arrives."
Olivia became confused. "We're getting another newbie?"
"Is that a problem?" Cragen asked.
"Yea," Olivia answered. "It's tough enough training one newbie, but two? What are we, a daycare center now?"
Cragen handed her the box. "With our caseload, we need all the help we can get. So, I suggest you start cleaning."
With that he retreated to his office, leaving Olivia standing there with the empty box in hand. She dropped the box onto Elliot's desk, accidentally knocking over one of the photos. As she picked it up, she noticed a gray cloth sticking out of the bottom drawer of his desk. She Olivia opened it to find Elliot's gray hoodie. She put it on and zipped it up. It still smelled like his cologne and natural musk. It somehow made her feel closer to Elliot, therefore giving her a little comfort. Then once again, she went back to her desk and reached into the bottom drawer to grab the bag. As she pulled it out, her fingers brushed up against a manila envelope. As she picked up the envelope, she realized she'd never seen it before.
How did it get in her drawer? Maybe she left it open and it fell in by mistake when someone walked by? Either way she decided to send it where it had to go. Olivia flipped it over looking for a name and was surprised to find "Liv" written on it in Elliot's handwriting. Liv. How she longed to hear his voice call her by that name. Even though, all her coworkers by that name, it was Elliot's voice she loved most when he said it. And now she would never hear it again.
Could this really be from him? If it was Elliot, how and when did he put it there? Olivia looked around the squad room, half hoping Elliot would walk in, scoop her up in his arms, and tell her everything would be alright. But instead, she was greeted by emptiness and silence. She quickly shoved the envelope into the plastic bag and quietly slipped away to the bathroom again.
Once she made sure she was alone and would be undisturbed, Olivia found and an empty stall and locked the door. She opened upthe plastic bag and pulled out the manila envelope and a home pregnancy test, the item she kept hidden from Cragen. After reading the instructions carefully, she completed the pregnancy test. Then she examined the manila envelope. She was about to open it when she heard the ladies room door followed by footsteps. Through the cracks of the stall, she watched two women as they entered stalls. Olivia decided she needed more privacy, so she cleaned up her mess and stuffed the completed pregnancy test and manila envelope into the bag. She then washed her hands and exited the ladies room.
Where could she go to be alone? Olivia wandered down the hall, checking every room until she finally found an empty interrogation room. She went inside and quickly locked the door. She sat down at the table and emptied her bag. The pregnancy test was still hadn't shown any results in the results window. So she picked up the manila envelope and carefully opened it. Inside was a letter and a small deep blue box. A deep blue that reminded Olivia of Elliot's eyes. How she missed gazing into those beautiful, soulful eyes. She opened the box to a round gold medallion on a gold chain inside.
It was beautiful, embossed with the Earth in front of an anchor and an eagle with its wings spread above the Earth. Surrounding the Earth, anchor, and eagle was an outer circle engraved with the words UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS SEMPER FIDELIS. She softly brushed her fingertips across the medallion's surface, feeling even closer to Elliot than she had in the last couple of weeks. It looked just like Elliot's Marine tattoo. It really was from him! Olivia gently removed the medallion from the box and placed it around her neck. It rested on her chest just over her heart. It was perfect. She then unfolded the letter and with trembling hands, she read:
I don't have much time, but if you're reading this, it means I'm already meeting with Wilkerson. I had no other choice. I can't let him keep hurting us. Please don't be angry with me. I'm so sorry. Not just for this, but for other things. I should've talked to you after the shooting incident in the squad room. It was just so hard and there was so much going through my mind. I took a life. A child's life. I couldn't face anyone yet, especially you. You mean more to me than anything in this world. I couldn't bare it if anything happened to you. We've been partners for twelve years. We've seen each other through thick and thin. We understand each other in ways no one else can. That's why I gave Kathy the divorce she's wanted for so long. I've fallen in love with you. I want nothing more than to make you happy, and for you to never be lonely again. So I'm giving you my Semper Fidelis medallion I earned in the Marines. It means "always faithful." And to you, Liv, I will always be faithful. And no matter what happens tonight, I will come back to you.
Semper Fi,
Olivia thought she had could no longer cry, but she was in tears before she reached the last line. She realized Elliot had written this the night he died. She guessed he stuck it in her drawer when he intentionally tripped and slipped the SOS note in her papers. She wished more than anything that she had a time machine so she could back to that night and stop Elliot from leaving the precinct. Maybe then he'd still be alive. It was at that moment Olivia realized she was in the same interrogation room where they had shared their last kiss.
She was still crying as she let the letter fell from her hands and onto the table. Without realizing it, her elbow accidentally knocked over the pregnancy test while trying to wipe away the tears that continued to fall. It landed face down under the table. Olivia had been so caught up with the letter she almost forgot about the pregnancy test. Still sobbing, she picked it up and flipped it over to see the results. There in the result window was a blue plus sign. A soft gasp escaped her mouth as she gently touched her belly. In a way, Elliot had kept his promise. A part of him was coming back to her.
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio. Keller Residence.
Everything about his surroundings was strange and uncomfortable. And not just because it was new and unfamiliar. But because it didn't feel like it belonged to him. In fact, nothing did anymore. Not the couch he was sitting on in the living room of the two bedroom house he now resided in. Not the gray 2010 Toyota Tundra parked in the driveway. Not even his identity belonged to him anymore.
He was no longer Elliot Stabler. His new name was Jack. Jack Keller. That's the name Agent Hammond had given him, complete with a birth certificate, a social security number, and a background story.
Jack Keller was born in Portland, Oregon and was the only child of Aaron and Grace Keller. When he was four, Jack's parents were killed in a car crash. His paternal uncle, Charlie Keller, assumed custody of him. He decided Jack needed a change and moved to Seattle, Washington, where he raised and nurtured Jack into adulthood. After graduating from Washington State University with a degree in education, and a teaching certificate, Jack went on to teach history at his old high school in Seattle. He taught there for twenty-two years until Uncle Charlie passed away and left everything to Jack, including his old home in Portland. Jack retired from teaching and moved to Portland. But decided it was too painful to live where his family lived and died. So he renovated the old house, sold it, took his inheritance and moved to Cincinatti, Ohio.
It was plausible and easy enough for Elliot to go along with. History was always his best subject in high school. He could pull off being a retired history teacher. And he could pull off losing his family. Entering witness protection cost him his family and Olivia. But in the end, they were alive and safe. If that's what it took to keep them out of harm's way, then Elliot was willing to make that sacrifice.
But then again, he missed them all so much it made his heart ache. He looked at his watch. It read 3:14 PM. Dickie and Elizabeth would be getting home from school. Kathleen would be on her way to her last class. And Maureen would be helping Kathy with Eli.
Most of all Elliot missed Olivia. The last few weeks had been unbearable without her. First, not being able to say goodbye and let her know he was okay was terrible enough. But then they airlifted him to a hospital, where he stayed under a new alias till his release. Then he was moved to a safe house until they could move him to his new identity and new life in Cincinatti. He didnt sleep much those days. And it had nothing to do with his constant FBI guard. It felt too strange without Olivia beside him. He'd lay awake late at night staring at the empty side of the bed and wonder if Olivia was awake and thinking of him too.
Elliot longed to have his best friend by his side. He could talk to Olivia about anything, which is what he needed now. He had so much he wanted to talk to her about. At times he would pick up the phone to dial her number, but then he'd put it back down, remembering he was now in witness protection.
He finally couldn't take it anymore. He was going stir crazy. He had to get out of the house. Even for just a little while. He couldn't think straight. So he threw on his jacket and went out for a walk. Maybe, hopefully, the fresh air would do him some good.
It was only a few blocks to the bike path along the Ohio River. But Elliot took his time walking. He had only made it to the end of his front yard when he was approached by a redheaded woman in a hunter green jogging suit jogging in his direction. She stopped when she reached him.
"Hi!" she greeted him with a flashy, yet seductive grin. "So you're the new neighbor! I was wondering when you'd come out of hiding! Welcome to our little piece of heaven!"
She held out her hand, which Elliot shook. He forced a friendly smile.
"I'm Jack," he introduced himself. "Jack Keller."
"Such a pleasure to meet you, Jack," she said, eying him like a hungry wolf. "I'm Janet. Janet O'Malley. My husband, Bob, and I live just across the street and two houses to the right."
"I'll keep that in mind," Elliot said politely. "Thanks."
Even though it seemed to make Janet blush and grin wider, his last comment was more of a mental note to himself rather than a compliment. Maybe it was just a first impression, but Elliot was bit creeped out by Janet.
"So where did you move here from?" she asked, flipping her auburn curls.
"Portland," he told her. "Well, Seattle originally."
"Wow!" she remarked, with false interest. "That's a quite a big move! What made you decide to come all the way over here?"
Elliot explained how his parents died when he was young and how his uncle had raised him. He was surprised to find it was so easy to go along with his background story. It was almost like being undercover. Except this cover could last him years, possibly the rest of his life. The thought of spending a lifetime away from Olivia and his family made his heart ache even more. But he pushed back the pain and maintained his cover.
"When Uncle Charlie died," Elliot continued. "He left me the family house in Portland in his will. So I retired from teaching and moved back to Portland. But in the end, it became to painful to be there. So I fixed it up, sold it and moved out here."
"You poor thing," Janet gently stroked his arm. "I'm terribly sorry about your uncle and your parents. Let me know if there's anything I can do to ease your pain. Anything at all. Bob works so many hours at the ad agency. He's almost never home. So feel free to stop by anytime. We can keep each other company if you like."
"Thanks. I appreciate the gesture," Elliot said politely. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really must be going. It was nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Janet batted her eyelashes. "I hope to see you around, Jack."
With that, Elliot continued walking to the river, putting some distance between himself and Janet. Meanwhile, Janet watched Elliot until he disappeared around the block.
What an incredible ass! Janet thought to herself as she licked her lips. And those eyes! He's so much hotter than the working stiffs around here!
Once Elliot was around the block and away from Janet's prying eyes, he slowed his pace to a leisure stroll and walked the few blocks to the river. It was easy to find the bike path once he reached the river's edge. Parallel to the path was a pedestrian sidewalk, but Elliot decided not walk it. There were too many people. He wanted to find some place quiet. Some place where he could be alone with his thoughts.
Instead, Elliot kept walking until he reached a nearby bridge. By then, it had started to rain, but he didn't let that deter him. He noticed there was another path that sloped downward under the bridge and down to a ramp on the riverbank. It was used to load boats and such into the water. But it was raining now, and people were beginning to clear out.
Elliot waited until they were all gone before he proceeded down the path and stopped just before the ramp. He leaned against one of the beams from the bridge that jutted from the ground and stared at the fast moving river. His thoughts flowed through his mind like current of the Ohio River next to him. He let the heartache he felt earlier grow inside him. He had been so busy getting prepped for his new identity, he never had a chance to mourn for his family and for Olivia. It's true, they were alive and safe, but he felt as if they died because he would probably never see them again.
All he wanted right now was to release the agony that had been building up inside him. Consumed with so much emotion, Elliot turned around and slammed his fists repeatedly into the metal beam. He continued until all the rage and emotion had left his body and he felt numb inside. His knuckles were bruised and bloody. The area of the beam where he had punched was covered in blood. As the rain poured over him, washing the blood from his knuckles, he remembered the letter he wrote to Olivia, enclosed with his Semper Fi medallion. He made a promise to her that night. A promise he intended on keeping. He swore right then and there that he would not spend the rest of his life in witness protection.
I will come back to you, Liv, Elliot silently vowed. I'll find a way.
Location: Greyhound Bus Terminal. Philadelphia, PA.
"Here's your ticket, Mr. Langley," said the woman at the ticket window with false cheeriness. "Have a wonderful trip and thank you for choosing Greyhound."
"Thank you," Randall Wilkerson smiled as he accepted the ticket, then went to board his bus.
He took a seat towards the back where he would be unnoticed. Soon the bus was filled and it began moving toward its destinations. Wilkerson surveyed his surroundings to find nothing out of the ordinary. Passengers were getting settled in for the long ride. Some of them had tablets and smartphones where they were either listening to music, playing games, or reading an ebook. Satisfied, he sat back in his seat and gazed out the window, watching the scenery change. Within moments, he had fallen asleep soundly.
Jefferson Langley was Wilkerson's most recent alias. He'd been using a different one every time he traveled. Ever since that night. He easily evaded authorities by slipping into the darkness and shadows. But while they were searching the city and state borders for him, Wilkerson remained in the city hiding in the shadows.
Once he saw his mission had not only been completed, but was also successful in eliminating Elliot Stabler, his one weakness who challenged his invincibility, he took flight and left for greener pastures. By this time, NYPD had called off the manhunt, but he was still wanted by the FBI. So Wilkerson had to move quickly and quietly.
He assumed an alias, altered his appearance, and took a cab to Jersey City, NJ the night after Elliot's funeral. He couldn't risk being recognized at Penn or Grand Central stations or the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Or any airport for that matter. Plus, no one was looking for him in Jersey. Afterwards, he took the PATH train to Newark, then another train to Trenton, and one more to his hometown, Philadelphia. He stayed the night there to regroup and decide what to do with his new found freedom.
Once he made a plan, he assumed another identity, altered his appearance again, and boarded a bus heading westward, which was where he was now. So after two layovers, followed by two stops, then a transfer, he had only one stop left on his trip westward. He would stop there for the night, then continue his journey. He grew tired of east coast. He couldn't wait to see what "fun" things the west coast might have in store. He breathed a sigh of relief when the driver announced that they had reached their destination at last.
"We're now arriving in Cincinnati," announced the driver. "Thank you for choosing Greyhound. We hope you ride with us again in the future. Have a wonderful day."
Stay tuned! More exciting chapters to come! Please feel free to read and review!