Oh, thank you for clicking on this(: This is the re-written 'We Just Keep Moving On' and I'm much happier with the stories plotline now. You may recognize Allison 'Aly' Oliver from Just Go With It, which is a story that my lovely friend 'KelsIsVictorious' and I co-write together. You should go check it out. On to the story!

"I don't think I can do this," I sighed, awkwardly adjusting the strap of my purse. It was like I hadn't been to Hollywood Arts in years, even though it had only been two months.

Beck sympatheticly patted my back and smiled, "Hey, it'll be fine. Jade, Cat, Andre and I will be here with you. If you feel like today is too much, then just come find one of us."

His mouth said 'fine' but his eyes said differently.

He's questioning if I'm strong enough, right at this moment, inside his head. Hell, I don't even know if I'm strong enough.

Which is sad, mostly because dancers are supposed to be strong, and I'm an exceptional dancer. So I have no choice. I must be strong.

Too bad I'm not much of an actress. It would be easier to pretend.

Two voice coming towards me in the hallway made me smile. Cat and Jade. Jade and Cat. Otherwise known as my two best friends.

"Aly!" Cat swung her arms around me and tightened her grip. "I'm so glad you're back!"

"So am I." I smiled through the tons of red velvet dyed hair that was engulfing my face. I leaned back out of the hug and Jade gave an eye rolled smile.

The greeting was different for Cat than it was for Jade. Jade comes to our house almost every day to escape her family and be with her boyfriend, my brother.

Cat and I have barely seen each other for the time I wasn't at school, and I did truley miss her.

Despite her being an airhead sometimes (read: most of the time), we got along right as rain. She's a great listener when I need her to be, and I listen to all her rambles and dysfunctional family issues when she blurts them out.

It's an odd friendship, but a friendship none the less.

I assume it's the same way with her and Jade. Because you know, Jade's not the nicest person on the face of the Earth, and Cat's basically one of the nicest people ever.

Things have a funny way of working themselves out, though.

"Did those nuts in the front office let you keep your schedule?" Jade asked, cleaning under her nails with a pair of scissors. Oh yeah, 'cause that's not dangerous.

I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her, "Mostly. Except they replaced gym with Study Hall."

Jade read over the lists and nodded a few times, "They changed your locker?"

I moaned. "Yeah, closer to Beck's."

Beck smiled and ruffled my hair a bit, making me twitch. Jade handed Cat my schedule and intertwined fingers with Beck. "Class is gonna start soon, do you want someone to walk with you?"

Oh, Jade. As protective of me as you are of my brother. "No it's-"

"I'll walk with you!" Cat linked her arm on mine, my schedule still in her hands. "We have first period in the same hall, remember?"

How could I forget? "Cool, now when people are looking at me like I'm crazy, I can pretend they're looking at you."

Beck and Jade laughed a little and Cat let out her usual, "What's that supposed to mean?" The same way she had always said it since I met her.

I shook my head and told her to forget about it.

"Hey, guys, have you seen Andre? I have his notes and I wanted to- Oh, who's this?" A brunnette girl, looking to be most likely Latina was now standing in between Beck and Cat looking at me with a giant smile on her face.

Who in the world is this? Her smile is making her cheekbones pop out even more nicely than they were before she was smiling. It's creepy.

And it's making me think of bones, which I'm supposed to be keeping my mind off of because I'm strong.

"This is my sister, Allison." Beck started the introduction by placing a hand on my shoulder and emphasizing the word 'sister'.

I noted the way Jade's body language and expression changed as this girl moved closer to Beck and I, sticking her hand out to greet me.

She looked thrilled to be meeting a new person. "I didn't know you had a sister, Beck." She paused shaking my hand and glanced up at him. Jade inched closer and closer. "Are you new?"

"Are you new?" I snapped suddenly. That came out wrong and rude, but I don't care. This chick is annoying on so many levels and we've only known each other for a few moments.

Wait a minute. An annoying Latina that makes Jade move closer to my brother with every word? This has to be-

"Well, sort of. My name's Tori."


So this was the Tori that Jade had been telling me about just after I left school. The one who kissed Beck during Improv, fully aware that he had a girlfriend. Then at the Kickback, she kissed Cat's boyfriend. Tsk tsk.

Tori Vega is what we like to call a 'slam pig.'

After I realized I had been staring at her in a rather 'mentally judging you' sort of way, I felt Beck nudge my back a little. Oh shit, time to come back to reality, Aly. "Right. As Beck said, I'm Allison. You can call me Aly, though." I didn't smile. The corners of my mouth didn't turn up to something even resembling a smile. I just stood there, poker face.

But Tori smiled, oh did she smile. So brightly, that I though her teeth might fall out.

Man, has she got more problems than I do. And I've got a lot of problems, considering I was in-

The soothing, or not so, rhythmic sound of the school's bell interrupted my thought about Glitter Gal standing in front of me, watching my every expression, smiling.

Cat linked her arm forcefully onto mine and gave everyone a bright smile, "See you guys at lunch!"

Beck gave me an encouraging nod, and I smiled genuinley at him.

After that awkward sort of meet and greet, Cat walked me to my first period class. "Introductions are only awkward as you make them out to be," She said, twirling a piece of red hair around her finger.

"I know, but...she kissed Beck. It's weird." I shrugged, hesitating before my class room door.

Cat gave me a weak smile and laid her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about Tori, I can guarantee that she's not gonna go after Beck. Just worry about yourself today, mk?"

Ugh, Cat, when did you get so smart?

I gave her my best smile and nodded my head. "You're right. Meet me after class?"

"Kay kay!"

With that, Cat skipped off to her classroom that was just three doors down.

I, however, was still hestitant about opening the door to my classroom after three months. They're all gonna stare and whisper. I just know it.


That went better than expected and I'm feeling a lot better about this whole day.

I didn't really talk much, I just sat there and copied down notes like a normal student.

That continued on to the next class, but of course I talked to Cat while we walked down the hall together talking about everything under the florecent lighting of the hallways.

I'm thankful that Beck had brought me my homework and textbooks so I didn't fall behind in all my classes while I was in-

"Ready for lunch?" I thought Beck would be waiting for me by my locker. But instead I found Andre waiting there like a dolt.

I raised my eyebrow, "Yeah, 'Dre. Where's Beck?"

Ugh, I feel as though I'm becoming to clingy to my brother today. I don't want to turn in to Jade. Not saying she's a clingy person but, okay, well, she sort of is. But she has a right to be, I mean what with boyfriend stealers like Tori stalking around the school.

Boyfriend stealers? Aly, that's so juvenile.

Let me rephrase that sentence. I mean, what with girls with a serious case of skank face like Tori stalking around the school like a hormonal werewolf looking for a new person to bite. By bite I of course mean hook up with.

A hand waved in front of my face. Right. Andre. "What'd you say? I was thinking about last period." I lied smoothly.

He grinned, "Only half a day back and you're already focusing on the chiz they talk about in class. Like I was sayin', Beck stayed after to talk to Sikowitz about some one act play, so he wanted me to make sure you got to lunch alright." Andre explained, starting to lead me in to the direction of the eating area.




Five letters, together meaning a period of the day where a mass of students get together in the Asphalt Cafe to indulge in their six hundred to eight hundred calorie lunches.

But I'm not supposed to think about that, because I'm better now and better people don't think about eight hundred calorie sub sandwhiches.

I should think about dance right after lunch. Only I don't have dance right after lunch anymore. I have it third period instead of sixth, because they changed it. So many things changed.

I didn't even get to have dance today. I got to take a test that I had missed my class taking last week. It was retarted and made me miss my favorite subject.

One of the only reasons I got better and came back here. School is such bullshit, the only thing that matters to me is dancing.

Andre and I reached the Cafe and I scanned the area for the table I used to sit at with Robbie, Rex (does he count?) Cat, Beck, Jade and Andre.

Only those five people plus a puppet.

When I found the table, however, there was six people and a puppet.

I rolled my eyes. Of course Tori sits with them. 'Cause there best friends now aren't they all?

My eyes left that table and I soon found myself staring at the Grub Truck, so I halted, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Beck and Jade and Cat staring at me.

Good. I want them all watching. "I'll be right there, I just wanna grab a salad and a water."

He nodded and continued off to the usual table I had mentioned numerous times in the last paragraph.

As the line died down a little and I was so close to the front, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Smiling, I turned around, only to have the facial expression falter at the sight of Tori Vega.

"Hey, Aly." There was that shining smile again. Disturbing.

"Hi," I replied. It was just enough to acknowledge the fact that I knew she was there. Maybe she would just not talk anymore.

To my distaste, though, she did. "Can I ask you a question?"

I sighed. Sure, I wanted to say, as long as it's not about where I've been for the last two months she's been here. I'm sure as hell not telling her I've been in- "What's on your mind?" I finally asked, before she thought I was some deranged person who spaces out constantly.

Even though I am.

"Did I do something this morning? It just sort of felt like...I don't know, like you didn't like me or something?" She twiddled her fingers through her long locks of brunette hair.

I stole a look at the Grub Truck order window just in time for Festus to nod at me, motioning that it was my turn to order. "I'll have a plain salad, no dressing, and a vitamin water," I handed him my ten dollar bill and he dissappeared in to his massive truck of grub. "-look, Tori, I just don't like letting people into my life when I first meet them."

That got my point across, I think?

Her beam of toothy-ness abruptly turned in to a frown. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know."

No. You didn't. You'll never know because I won't ever let you know.

Festus returned to the window and handed me a container with leafy greens, cherry tomatoes and croutons.

This is going to be hard. But, I've been doing well for practically three months almost.

I can do this.

"Well, well, well, look who it is, ya'll." Robbie's puppet, Rex, piped up as I sat down at the table.

Ignore him. "Still playing with your dolls, Rob?" I playfully shot at him. He sheepishly looked down at his pizza, "Glad to see your back, Als." He muttered, but Rex wasn't finished. "I ain't no doll, hun. Still dividing your food into eighths? Or have you finally gotten up to twelfths?"

My eyes widened and I stared down at my plastic container that was opened, I had subconciously began dividing my food up, just as Rex had said.

I quickly scrambled it all up and began hesitantly lifting a forkful of lettuce and cucumbers in to my mouth.

It was really awkward having almost a whole group of people staring at you while you ate.

But...that means they care, right?