Chapter 21

It was a bright sunny Saturday morning as Carly slowly came down the steps with a small smile on her face. She was wearing her favorite pajamas of purple pajama pants and oversize T-Shirt after taking a morning shower as indicted by her still somewhat damp hair. She approached the kitchen counter then stopped on the living room side. Carly smiled at the raven haired woman on the other side getting herself a cup of coffee then took a seat by the living room computer. The brunette watched the older woman as if it was natural for her to be in the kitchen in a fitted dull yellow pajama top, stripped pajama pants and her hair bunched up and tied behind her head to keep her locks out of her face.

Ruby finally noticed the newlywed sitting on the living room side of the counter as she took a sip of her coffee. She softly laughed, "Good morning, Mrs. Shay-Benson."

"Morning," Carly replied with a smile on her lips that just grew.

The raven haired beauty approached the other side of the counter and sat her coffee down. Ruby raised an eyebrow and asked, "Interesting experience last night?"

Carly blinked at the question then looked down at the counter a little embarrassed with a slight flush to her cheeks.

Ruby looked down as well, feeling the momentary guilt of embarrassing her goddaughter. She whispered, "Carly?"

She lifted her eyes slightly to meet the crisp blue eyes. "Yes?"

Ruby let out a soft breath as she answered, "I wish that Taylor was here because it's her place, but… if you have any questions… the ones that would be uncomfortable to ask your father or brother, you can always ask me. You don't have to be embarrassed or feel ashamed about anything we talk about and I'll never repeat what we say to your father. I'm just a phone call away."

She nodded her head and bashfully smiled as she replied, "Thank you."

The older lady returned the smile. "It's never a problem, cupcake."

"Aunt Ruby… I… it was… we were both a little scared at first and it… hurt a little bit, but I felt it turned out wonderful… several times… before and during. It kind of scared me during those times, because I never felt anything like that before. I don't… I don't know how else to describe it. Is that how it's supposed to be?"

"Yes it is Carly," Ruby nodded with an understanding smile.

Carly smiled and relaxed at the raven haired woman's warm and comforting smile. "I think Freddie felt the same way… I hope he did."

"You'll just have to ask him. You two will figure out what is best for each other… practice makes perfect," she replied then softly laughed.

Carly blinked then joined in the soothing laughter. After the laughter calmed down, Carly looked around. "So, where is everyone?"

"Spencer is taking Melanie to the airport. She needed to get back to her school as I understand it. Your father is out getting us some breakfast and Samantha is still sleeping. She apparently stayed up too long watching something with Spencer. Something called 'Girly Cow'?" she asked with a questioning look.

Carly nodded her head. "Figures."

Ruby smirked as she asked, "So where's Freddie?"

Carly nodded her head up the stairs. "Oh, it's his turn with the shower. He should be out in a few minutes."

Ruby laughed and shook her head.


Ruby leaned forwards and whispered in a conspiratorial manner, "You could have shared."

Carly pursed her lips like a fish and went paler almost in an instance.

Ruby laughed at the young woman's expression, "Just as bashful as your mother… well in the beginning."

Carly cleared her throat and replied slowly, "I'll have to suggest that next time to him. The last time I was in his shower, it wasn't good."

"What?" she blinked in surprise. "You've been in his shower before?"

"He fell in the shower after the Taco Truck accident and I had to help him out. That was scary and wet and I had to use his socks to cover my eyes."

Ruby laughed louder and covered her stomach with a hand. She shook her head then turned around and headed for the coffee maker near the sink. "Would you like some coffee?"

Carly let out a breath and replied, "Yes, please."

As she pulled a mug from the cabinet and poured the coffee, she called out, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't deal with that decaf stuff Spencer has, so this is the real stuff."

"Wait? He's been giving me decaf?"

Ruby blinked and tried to speak for a moment. "I'm not getting into that; you two deal with it later. Watched the one time your mother and uncle disagreed on something. It wasn't pretty, but that is a story for another time."

"Okay, I'll deal with Spencer later," she laughed.

The darker haired woman handed Carly the mug. Carly took a sip and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the taste. She opened her eyes to see the smiling face of the other woman. She wasn't sure why she really wanted to know, but she asked, "Did you spend the night?"

She smiled a half smile and shrugged a shoulder as she replied, "Never made it across the street back to my hotel room." She pointed past Carly and continued, "That couch is surprisingly comfortable and Steven was kind enough to walk over and get a suitcase for me." She snorted out a laugh, "He's been looking out for me since we were kids."

"Freddie's been doing that for me and it took me a long time I realize that I wouldn't want anyone else. I finally have my someone special." She saw Ruby's smile falter for a moment. "I'm sorry."

Ruby reached over and patted the teenager's hand. "It's okay Carly. Roy and I had our time and I got my daughter out of the deal. It was always his lost for walking away. I never know. Someone could walk right in to my life."

The next moment the apartment door opened and Shay shouted carrying two large plastic bags, "I have breakfast!"

About fifteen minutes later, Spencer returned and Sam had waked up enough to start eating breakfast at the kitchen counter. Ruby and Shay ate at the kitchen table sharing a laugh or two about something no one else caught. Freddie had come down a few minutes later and he and Carly were snuggled together on the couch eating their breakfast.

Freddie whispered into Carly's ear, "How's my wife doing this morning?"

She grinned and whispered back, "I'm doing great."

"I'm glad to hear… I was just afraid—"

She gave him a quick peck on the lips to silence him then tenderly looked him in the eyes to whisper, "I'm okay. I can always go back to the doctor's to make sure."

He kissed her temple and said, "I'm glad to hear." The couple then returned to eating the rest of their breakfast.

Spencer was one of the first to finish his breakfast and went to get the wedding gift left by Uncle Barry. He too was quite curious to see what it was and he immediately started pestering Carly to open it.

"Fine," she sighed as she rolled her eyes. Carly sat up straighter on the couch and opened the top of the canister and gently pulled out the rolled canvas. She unrolled it and gasped in shock at the painting: it was a portrait of her and Freddie side by side. Her husband was just in shock as he looked at the portrait of the pair. She looked down at the date and signature: Taylor Faye Dorfman, 1980.

"Oh my God," Spencer whispered when he saw the portrait.

Shay got up from the table with a concern look on his face. Ruby was not far behind. He asked as he approached the group, "What is it?"

Carly tried to speak for a moment or two, but Spencer finished for her, "It's a picture of Carly and Freddie. It's signed by mom."

"What?" the General whispered in disbelief.

Carly turned to the painting to show her father and looked in complete shock when he saw the signature as well.

He took a step back slowly as if he was terrified at what he saw in front of him. "That's not possible."

Freddie looked into the cylinder and spoke, "There's a letter in here." He reached in and pulled out a thick envelope out. He read the print written across the front: To my Carlotta on her wedding day. He handed it to Carly.

Carly flipped to the back of it. Over the sealed flap, a large cursive signature: Taylor Faye Shay. She gently opened the envelope taking her time not to tear it too much. There were several folded papers inside of it. She opened and began reading the hand written letter.

Mrs. Taylor Faye Shay

Thursday, November 12, 1981

To my Carlotta,

If you are reading this, then you have gotten married, but I am not there to share that joy with you and my little brother Barry has kept this letter and your present for safe keeping. For not being with you, I am truly sorry, but please know that I love you and your brother Spencer with all my heart. He is a wonderful surprise.

I hope you and Freddie like the painting I left you. I assumed he was the one you were going to marry. I hope my leap of faith was rewarded. Tell your daddy that this was the painting I would never show him and I hope he understands now and forgives me for keeping this secret.

I wish I could be there for you. It breaks my heart that I may not be there for you, but know that your daddy loves you and would do anything for you. He's a very good man Carlotta; you just have to remind him of that sometimes. It's that Shay stubbornness.

I wish I could be there to share with you all the wisdom I've gained to the moment I would be there with you, but right now I'm an eighteen year old with a day old child and I don't know how I and your daddy are going to make it, but I know somehow we're gonna get there and it will feel so wonderful. So let me share with you the wisdom I've learned from life and from what I've learned with being with your father at this moment:

Some of the most powerful words you can say to someone are 'I love you' and 'I forgive you'.

Every person is unique beyond first glance, so don't judge them so, even if they are 'odd' or not 'normal', I know that I am odd and abnormal to the rest of the world, but your daddy said I was extraordinarily unique. Remind someone of that one day when they need it.

Live life and breathe air, because you don't know how long you have in this world.

There is no chance unless you take one.

Try to see the brighter side of every situation, even in your darkest hour.

Some things are meant to be, but give it your best and if I was there, I'd tell you to leave the rest to me, but leave it to your father and the ones you trust the most.

Sometimes you have to raise a hand that draws the line, because sometimes there are mean people (I don't understand how people are mean, Steven and Ruby do and they look out for me).

I know that there are a thousand more things to say, but I don't know them, please forgive me.

The last three letters enclosed are to your brother Spencer, Steven and Ruby. Please make sure they get them.

I will see you again one day, you promised me that and Shays keep their word.

With all my love little one,

Taylor Faye Shay

Carly was in tears as she finished reading the letter. Freddie had wrapped his arms around her halfway through reading it. Sam had taken a seat on the other side and hugged her.

Shay took a seat in the black chair by the door. "How did she know?" Shay whispered in disbelief.

Carly had wiped a few tears away and was about to try to from words when Ruby spoke up, "She had a dream of Carly about a week after she met you."

"You knew?" he asked in a strange sense of innocence.

She shrugged her shoulder. "She begged me not to tell you after finding the painting by accident. She had only gotten Carly partially done at the time."

He looked to his daughter who had calmed down and gave him a slight smile. Carly spoke in a soft voice, "I got to speak to her in September in a dream. She was just as wonderful as I could remember."

He smiled warmly back and looked to her and Spencer. "Now I know why she wanted it to be perfect."

It was Sunday afternoon as the Ruby and Shay waited for their flights back to L.A. and D.C., respectfully. They were looking out the large windows to the planes on the tarmac as Carly, Freddie, Spencer and Sam were sitting in some chairs feet away to give the two some privacy.

Ruby took a deep breath and whispered, "I heard what you said to your father—"

Without batting an eye, Shay replied, "I meant it; I would have washed my hands of that man completely if he would have objected."

"I know, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about; it's the other thing."

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What other thing?"

In a solemn whisper, she replied, "I won't let you die alone."


"You told him you were going to die alone. I'm not letting that happen even if I have to chase you in a wheel chair swinging a cane to knock sense into you when you need it while holding my fake teeth."

Shay snorted out a laugh and shook his head. "Careful what you promise me, I'll hold you to it."

She ribbed him with her elbow in a playful gesture then rested her head on his shoulder.


Shay/Benson/Shay-Benson Apartment

Friday, March 2, 2012

The iCarly episode for the night just finished, but they were still broadcasting for Carly to speak to the audience. "We know there have been reports of me and Freddie getting married last Friday and we want to address them," Carly began in a serious tone. She took a quick glance to Freddie behind the camera and he smiled at her. She looked back to the camera and continued, "They are true." She held up her left hand to show her gold wedding band. "I'm Mrs. Carly Shay-Benson."

Sam held up her remote with a big grin and announced, "That deserves one of these." She pressed the button to cause cheers to echo through the room.

Carly continued, "We'll be posting wedding photos during the weekend. Thank you all for your support of us. We can't tell you how much it means to us. Miss Cosgrove, I'm sorry I accidentally started that rumor you were getting married." She then gave a sad look to the camera, "I hope you can forgive me."

Then she and Sam started waving and shouting bye as Freddie turned off the camera.

End Credits

Colonel William Dorfman was sitting on the Shay couch with a tall unknown gentleman with dark hair was sitting beside him. The end credits began to roll to their left.

Special Guest Appearance by Joe Flanigan as Brigadier General Steven Shay

Dorfman grinned at you the audience.

Special Guest Star Ariana Grande as Taylor Faye Dorfman

The unknown man looked all around the strange apartment then spoke up: "Why am I here? How did I get here? I was in L.A."

Dorfman shook his head. "You're here as a preview for the next episode. You know the one where they go to L.A., meet up with some other teenagers and you surprise Freddie since he's never met you."

Guest Starring Robbie Amell as Seventeen/Eighteen year old Steven Shay

He looked back at the viewers. "If you liked what you read, there are also Snapplelinz's fine stories on . So go check them out."

Special Guest Appearance by Jennifer Connelly as Ruby Lyn West

The dark haired man rolled his eyes. "Fine, so what do I do now?"

Special Guest Star Ashley Argota as Kathy

"Sit there for a few more seconds as the credits roll by."

Special Guest Appearance by David Boreanaz as Unknown Gentleman

"Okay, fine. Are we done now?"

Special Guest Appearance by Mark Harmon as Colonel (Ret.) William "Dorf" Dorfman, USAF

Dorfman grinned and chuckled, "We are now." He then slapped the back of the guy's head.

He grabbed the back of his head then shouted, "Hey! What was that for?"

Dorfman smirked as he replied, "You'll find out in the next story."

Author's note: Well, it's done. The long journey of Creddie is done for this trilogy, but as Colonel Dorfman said, there is another story. It's the continuing adventures of our intrepid iCarlys, but in good old Los Angeles in 'iAlready Have a Family'. Go check it out in the iCarly/Victorious section and let everyone know that enjoys both shows and don't be shy with the reviews. I enjoy hearing from you as any other author.

I'd like to thank all of my readers and my reviewers for sticking with me through these three stories. I hope you have enjoyed them: billiegrace, Boris Yeltsin, BushwellFanNYC, Project NICK, DraconicWrath, DufFan and Annilein.

Of course, special thanks to my dear friend Snapplelinz for all of her help.