Here is the last chapter of this volume

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Unwanted Surprises

"What did GERHIN want?"

That's the first thing Lilly told Rei when she arrived at her apartment. It was already dark and the wind was blowing slightly, whispering through the leaves of trees, shaking the branches.

"Gendo was getting curious," Rei said, "I only told him what he needs to know."

"Do he now?" Lilly grinned.

"Yeah," Rei said, taking a seat upon the sofa beside Lilly.

"More importantly Rei, there is something that's bothering me," Lilly said, "You are still never going to tell Asuka about the mate thing."

"I don't want to turn her Lilly," Rei answered.

"Turn her?" Lilly repeated, "No, you just tell her…no need to think that far ahead."

"That's the only way we could spend eternity together," Rei whispered, which is why no Mortal should ever be with an immortal such as us. Part of me will always thirst for her blood…I don't want her to become one of us."

Lilly frowned a little.

"Is that how it was for me Rei?" she asked.

Rei turned her red eyes toward Lilly.

"That was different Lilly…you know that."

The blonde had a faint smile on her lips.

"I know…I was a slave, while you were the irresistible, Dark Angel of the night," she said.

Rei leaned toward the blonde, caressing her pale cheeks with her fingers.

"You were never a slave Lilly," she whispered, "Never to me."

Her lips brushed the blonde's in a soft caress, making the latter purr.

"You still are," she breathed in Lilly's ear.

"I know" Lilly responded, "You still haven't lost your touch Rei."

"At what?"

"Seduction," Lilly told her.

Rei let out a devilish grin, pushing the blonde to fall down on the couch.

"Maybe I didn't."

She captured Lilly's lips with her owns.

The next Day

Asuka walked out of her room, dressed in her school uniform so that she can head off to school today. It felt odd, having to wear it again, after a three months. She thought back at the three Stooges again. At least, she'll be around her friends again. She then walked toward the kitchen to make toast as Misato appeared only wearing a shirt and small pants.

"Morning," she said.

"Hey Misato,"

"You're already off?" Misato asked, getting a beer out of the fridge.

"Yeah," Asuka answered, "You've got work yet?"

"I might go back to the police station, so that they can hire me again," Misato told her.

"They'll have to rehire you," Asuka told her, "You are the best cop this city ever had."

Misato grinned, "Been a Hunter had it's perks, thought I don't use those skills that much."

"I know Misato," Asuka told her, "Well, I best be off, later."

"Okay…and Asuka?"

The redhead looked back at her.

"Be careful okay,"

Asuka nodded, "I know…thanks."

She left the house and walked to school. It was as she had done all the time in the past. She walk to the school thought she was usually with Shinji sine he usually come by to pick her up in the mornings.

I never realized that I'll miss the baka this much, she thought.

The old school building came into view as she stood looking up at it for a few seconds.

NERV high school.

Here we go, she thought.

Asuka walked into the schoolyard glancing around, looking for a familiar face and saw two familiar forms seating on a corner, both of them in very deep conversation, focused on the contents that where in front of them.

Those perverts, she thought, a twitch in her eyebrow, they just don't learn.

She made her way toward them, catching part of their conversation.

"…they won't sell, it's a piece of crap."

"No it's not," the one with the glasses answered, "She's hot and those pictures will sell."

Yep, Asuka thought, they won't change one bit.

She came to stop behind them and said.

"Well, you two are just the worst."

"Mind your own business…," Toji started before trailing off, noticing whom he was talking to, "No WAY."

"She-Devil?" Kensuke blurted out.

Asuka slammed punch on his head, "Don't call me that. I haven't seen you for three months and that's how you greet me?"

"Ouch," Kensuke said, massing the spot, "Nice to see you too…but seriously, Did you have to hit me so hard?"

"Well someone got to stop you guys in doing something perverted," Asuka growled.

"Nice to see you too Asuka," Toji grinned.

"Say…where is the last Stooge?" Asuka asked.

"Shin-man isn't here right now," Kensuke answered.

"Oh," Asuka said.

At that moment a blue Porshe entered the school parking into one of the slots. A blue haired girl stepped out looking beautiful and Asuka smiled a little, recognizing Rei.

"Such a babe," Toji sighed.

"Out of your league," Asuka grinned.

Rei glanced at her direction and raised a hand in greetings, one Asuka returned.

"You know her?" Kensuke asked.

"Introduce us," Toji begged.

"No way," Asuka said, feeling anger, "you guys will ruins her reputation."

"You're not fair," Toji said, shaking his head.

"Ah…Hey Shinji?" Kensuke yelled at someone in the distance.

Asuka turned toward it too. There sure enough was Shinji Ikari, her best friend, looking the same as Asuka had last seen him. Shinji had a look of pure shock on his face, seeing her there, and Asuka smiled and waved at him.


A dark haired girl had came running into his arms, and to Asuka's shock, the girl kissed him on the lips. She watched them, feeling as if someone had just squeezed her heart into an iron grip.

"Oh…," Kensuke said, noticing that, "I forgot to mention that Shinji had a girlfriend now, didn't I?"

Shinji had a girlfriend? How? When? Why? Too many question and confused feelings were running through Asuka. It was like a punch in the guts, finding out like that…

"Oh," was all she could get out.

"Yeah," Toji confirmed, "He is now a man. Couldn't be prouder."

"I'll bet," Asuka spat, bitterly.

Shinji and his girlfriend had now arrived in front of her, and Asuka recognized her. Miyuki had been the girl that had been attacked months previously thought Asuka never figured out what it was.

"Asuka, when did you get back?"

"Yesterday," Asuka told him, sneering, "Seems things have changed quite a lot for three months don't you think Shinji?"

"But, you simply disappeared…do you have any idea how…"

"No I don't," Asuka snapped at him, "I really don't…"

Shinji frowned a little, and Miyuki narrowed her eyes.

"Asuka what…"

"See you in class," she said.

With that she left them, as Toji and Kensuke exchanged looks.

Somewhere in Tokyo-3

"So this is Tokyo-3?" a man said, "Not much than I expected. To think Rei Ayanami of all people is hiding here."

He glanced toward his companion, a young girl around Rei's age physically, her blooded eyes showing no emotion within them.

"The doll, Rei Ayanami," she said, "It would have been too long…I can hardly wait for this new one."

The man rolled his eyes.

Vampires, he'll never be able to understand them.

"She yield the Black Blade," he said, "You must use caution if you're going to confront her…the rumors that she had mastered Judgment of Darkness is not something to overlook."

"Her powers…worth nothing against mine," The girl growled showing her fangs.

To be continued in Volume 8

Author's Note: And that's the end of this Volume, and i'll be putting it on break for now. i'm going to have to work on the next Volumes in my notebook before i update them here. It won't be long before i update again fateful readers so you wouldn't have to worry. But in the meantime, check out my other AU Evangelion fic, EVANGELION FIGHTER,

See you all on Volume 8.

Jacques0 out.
