A/N: Yay for long letters, lol. I haven't had writers block once! That makes me unbelievably happy. :D

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia, but I DO have a page on Hetalia Wiki, so, y'know...


I know we haven't spoken for a while, so I'm glad to hear you still remember me...

Eheh... Italy says "hello" as well. The god-forsaken cast of Jersey Shore has gotten him all riled up and now he keeps getting in trouble. While yeah, I can usually be patient with him, he's getting hard to protect and keep calm. *sigh* Yes, there were days where all I needed was a bowl of pasta to do the trick. But now I wish death upon the cast of Jersey Shore for making him so rambunctious. Anyways, the economy has been a blessing over here. Not too many problems, but don't get me wrong, there's been a few. On the bright side, I haven't broken down with a cold once and I've been able to take care of big brother when he gets sick. So that's good.

-From, Atlantis

ご挨拶, Atlantis,

Jersey shore, you say? My, that is quite unfortunate. They do tend to get quite...rambunctious, as you stated above.

N-not that I have ever seen this "Jersey Shore" you speak of...

Perhaps you should call Germany-san. He tends to know what to do in situations like these.

I am glad to hear your economy is doing better than most. It can be quite difficult to thrive when dealing with money issues and such.

I wish both you and your brother well,

日本 Japan

I quite like these letters... :3